DCII. The Legendary Spear

However, at that moment, no one was looking at him, but everyone's gaze, even Freydis's was pointed at the Xis.

The Frostsinner was stationary in the same position and in his hand he was still forcefully clutching the Shieldmaiden's weapon, with which she had tried to hit him moments before the explosion.

But despite that incredible enemy being able to predict any move or event that was about to happen thanks to his super-developed senses, something was impaling his body, blocking its movements.

A huge spear, more than 4 meters long, had stuck in his shoulder and crossed his body, passing through his chest and coming out of one of his hips, piercing his ribs and sticking itself to the ground with its giant tip.

The moonlight reflected on the surface of that magnificent giant weapon made entirely of gold and adorned with precious stones both at the end of the handle and near the tip, consisting of multiple blades that intersected sinuously on themselves.