DCVIII. The Culprit

"You and the old wizard are not my disciples, nor those of my son or other Aesir of Asgard, this is evident" Odin interrupted, bringing back the silence.

"However, the magician is striving to help me, telling me the truth about the ancient manuscript that speaks of the most important of prophecies, while you... you can't mask your true nature, can't you, Fenrir's disciple?" Odin continued, while his rabid blue eye stopped at Thyrius, whose legs and arms began to tremble compulsively. 

"No, no, my lord! I humbly apologize, I didn't want to be insolent! Mine was a simple question, I didn't want to take anyone's place! Just... why to believe the words of this old wizard? They could be mere lies!" Bloodfang replied, who tirelessly was again trying to deceive the Alfather.