DCX. My Name Is Frigg

"Very well. Fulla, Hlin, and Gnà, my three handmaidens, couldn't wait to meet you" she continued, pointing to the three girls resting on the wall, who immediately after those words, blushed and timidly looked away from him, feeling a strong embarrassment, shared by Dag, who still could not understand what was happening.

"Eh... where... where am I? How long did I sleep?" Dag asked, trying to get back on the ground and not be distracted from all the beauty concentrated in the room, thinking of Freydis and all his other companions.

"You slept for three days, but fear not. You can stay and sleep a little longer if you want" she smiled, acting with him as if she was an apprehensive mom.

"Three days? How is that possible? Where are all my comrades? Where did you take me?" Dag continued, who immediately warned that the people who had healed his wounds and washed his clothes were not hostile, but still wanted concrete answers.