DCXIII. The Inspirer

The bearded man stood up, resting one of his feet on the wooden block under the harp and holding it with one hand to make an elegant bow and thank his listeners.

"Wow... he was very good... that harp sounds beautiful! I've never heard anything like that, who is that man?" Dag asked, who despite studying the inhabitants of Asgard for a long time, did not know them all and did not remember the names of some of them.

Before Fulla could answer, the bard, who had his ear trained to distinguish sounds in the crowd, identified an unknown voice among the buzz of the people and stretched his eyes, sharpening his sight.

He looked at Dag immediately and without saying a word, the bearded man walked towards him.

Dag, looking at Fulla's face, realized that he had caught someone else's attention and when he turned around, he noticed that the musician had now arrived in front of him and was staring closely at him with his piercing light brown eyes, almost orange.