DCXX. The Exiled Guardian

Fulla blushed further, lowering her gaze and continuing to walk, embarrassed.

"Uhm... I don't know, I should ask my Queen and..." 

"Come on, just a little walk! I promise it'll take a short time! You will explain to me what are the most important monuments and where the Gods that we humans worship live! Talk to Frigg, I'm sure she'll understand..." Dag continued, smiling.

"All right, I promise I'll talk to her! Now hurry up, Freyr and Freya are waiting for you!" Fulla replied aloud, stopping and greeting Dag with her hand, making him realize that she did not have permission to get so far away from her queen, that in a few seconds would leave the throne room, demanding her presence.

Dag reciprocated the greeting and accelerated the pace to reach his mentors, who had silently witnessed the whole conversation.

"You shouldn't spend your time with a slave, she's just a distraction" Freyr said, expressing his opinion.