DCXXX. You're Too Weak!

Dag's blonde hair slowly fell down, attracted by the force of gravity, and two small black horns popped up on his forehead, as during his last transformation on Skjold.

"What the hell is he doing? Maybe that's what worried the Alfather! That dark power is getting out of his control!" Freyr yelled, who began to feel the same fear like everyone else, not knowing how to counter that demon.

"Fight, boy... don't give up... prove me wrong! Don't let the darkness control you, Dag! You have to control the darkness!" Freya shouted aloud, taking a step toward her interlocutor and making sure he could hear her voice, knowing that at that moment, two contrasting forces were fighting inside his body.

"Uaaagh! Aaarrgh!" 

Demonic screams rumbled in the arena, and Dag's dark aura greatly increased its intensity.

His eyes, one purple, and one red were immediately pointed at Freya, who stood still in her position.