DCXXXVI. He's Not Here

Those words generated a sudden silence, and all the warriors walking down that street, seeing Bloodfang's men ready to attack, stopped to watch, trying to figure out how an enemy had managed to enter the city, overcoming the guard's surveillance.

"Tell me... where is the human you call Dag?" the Xis asked suddenly, taking a step toward them and clarifying his request, specifying the reason that had pushed him within the walls of Klorr.

A wave of sudden anger permeated the body of Freydis, who, after hearing that phrase, thought back to the last time she saw her man while risking his life against one of the Xis who was probably under the command of that long, black-haired monster.

Reidar and Kranus stood still and watched as the cold emanating from the alien began to graze their skin, entering the flesh into the bones.