
The fingers of that enormous hand, about two meters wide, anchored to the ground and pulled outwards the rest of the body connected to the arm.

From the ground's breach came a second arm, then a small head devoid of eyes and mouth and finally a robust and colossal body, entirely made of ice.

Under the incredulous gaze of Reidar and Freydis, who could only remain silent to admire the power of that spell, Kranus summoned his greatest Ice Golem, ready to fight the enemy to the point of exhausting strength.

Soon after the golem's last foot touched the ground, weighing it down with its colossal bulk, Bloodfang also prepared for the attack, spreading his arms and opening his hands, letting the true power of the Packmaster flow into his veins.

Small fiery skis began to swirl around his claws and forearms until both of Thyrius' arms were covered in flames.