Part 40: Oh, it’s all right


Evonne was still fuming and a little rattled when she approached the man holding the pink rose. As if sensing she was approaching, he stood and tugged his shirtsleeves into place, then glanced at her and smiled.

It looked like she wasn't the only one who was nervous after all. "Evonne?" he asked, unsure whether she was the same as his match on the dating site.

"Yes." She tried mustering up a smile, but her emotions were still boiling from her encounter with that Lothario near the restroom, and all she could achieve was a slight slant of her lips.

And speaking of Lothario, she spotted him right near their table, his eyes following her closely. Blast! She should've known he would be dining here too.

Feeling his eyes boring straight at her, she reverted hers to the man sitting in front of her. But how did he get to his seat so quickly? Evonne's thoughts drifted back to Logan again.

Evonne, shut up and look at the man in front of you now! Logan, on the other hand, couldn't believe the woman he named Apple was the young man's date. This wasn't good at all. Somehow he felt a little irritated.

Evonne was busy eyeing the young man in front of her, still holding the pink rose, unsure of what to do. Up close, the man was pleasantly hot, but nothing that made her heart jump like that Lothario over there. Stop it, Evonne. Stop thinking like this at once.

You are here to see this nice man. Talk to him. Now! "Sorry for the wait. I got waylaid coming here," she said, hoping her heart would calm down a bit. "Oh, it's all right. I was just enjoying the view outside." He smiled at her. "Oh, here, your rose," the man said, handing the bloom to her. "Thank you." She smiled. He seemed nice.

"Here, have a seat." The man moved to her side and pulled out a chair for her. Oh, how sweet, she thought. Such a gentleman. One brownie point for my date. "The view is very beautiful at this time of the evening, don't you think?" he asked, flashing his pearly white teeth at her.

She mentally increased his score. A man that showed emotion deserved another point. Plus, those clean white teeth warranted extra credit. She couldn't imagine dating a man with bad oral hygiene, let alone asking for his sperm.

She was quite pleased with the turn of events. The man was almost halfway there already. Just three more points to go to fit her criteria, and then she'd ask him for his sperm. Just perfect. "Hello. Welcome. Have you decided on what you would like to order yet?"

Evonne looked up to see the waitress holding a pad of paper and pen in her hand. She smiled at her, then turned to look at the young man— Chocolate chippy, she forgot his name. It was in the profile on her laptop. Why couldn't she remember? What was it? Logan, was it Logan? Wait, that was that Lothario's name.

Why did she remember Logan's name and not this hot man's? Useless, Evonne, useless. How are you going to find the perfect genes for your baby if you can't even remember the guy's name?

And here you have the gift of memory, recalling all your patients' names even when they've told you only once. How disgraceful, she yelled at herself. Oh, just shut up. She told herself off.

You're driving me crazy. "It's Lia," the man said when he saw her expression that translated to, What was your name again? Because I forgot it already, even when I had just read your profile last night. "My name is Lia ." Oh, how polite. How adorable. Four points now.