Part 42: What changed?

Evonne almost choked on her rice rolls. How could Lia think he was her boyfriend? She would rather have all her teeth extracted without anesthetic than be called that Lothario's girlfriend.

Yes, she did admit he had attracted her in the beginning with the whole towel thing, but when she heard the first word that came out of his mouth, she had sworn him off.

She and Logan did not belong in the same sentence. "He must have seen us enjoying ourselves, whereas his date didn't go so well," she stated firmly. "I guess so," Lia said, then went back to his meal.

Thank the Lord, because, after this event, everything went back to normal again. Lia questioned her about her occupation. She told him she was a periodontist. Lia didn't know what kind of profession that was, so she had to explain to him.

Then he said he hadn't had a professional cleaning since he arrived here in Auckland. They even had a bit of a laugh about flossing and interdental cleaning. Everything was great, Evonne thought as she dug into her char noodles, savoring the flavor as she bit into them.

Lia was nice; the restaurant was nice; everything was nice. She couldn't ask for a more perfect date. Just then, her phone rang. Must be James trying to keep a tab on me. Evonne dug into her bag, trying to retrieve her phone hidden among the other junk.

Her hand landed on her driver's license. Meaning to put it in her wallet again, she placed it out on the table and continued to search through her bag, when an outcry from her date startled her, making her head jerked up to look at him.

Lia jerked up off his chair like a fire had been lit up his butt. He started pulling on his jacket, then slammed a $50 dollar note on the table

. "Do you need to be somewhere else? You look like you're in a hurry," Evonne asked, quite concerned when Lia started acting so strange. It didn't make sense. They got along just fine a few minutes ago.

What changed? "Sorry, I have this rule. I don't date any woman older than me." Lia said while placing his wallet back in his pocket. "What?" Evonne burst out, jumping from her chair, shocked that he would say something like that.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this. I should have ticked the age range group in the survey. I wasn't aware the system would pair me up with you. Look, I'm sorry. But I can't date you. I have to go now," Lia said, and then he left, just like that.

One minute he was here and the next we're gone. Poor Evonne sat back down in the chair while everyone eyed her. And here she had felt sorry for that girl that Lothario had left behind not half an hour ago when she was now in the same boat.

Ah right, all men are the same. Evonne wanted to scream. First that Logan guy and now Lia. Jerks and Lotharios. I wish I would never see them again.

And then she saw her driver's license. So that was the cause of all the commotion. Her driver's license again.

Oh, how pathetic can life get? Evonne finished her meal, gloomily staring at her ID. Thirty, still single, and she'd just gotten ditched on her first date.