Part 46: It’s that serious?

Get real. This girl, she would be good for you." "Why does it have to be her?" Logan asked. Surely his dad could pick up someone better than the jukebox, aka Sophia.

Sophia was more of his cousin's type. Quiet, mature, tall, skinny. Yep, it was everything Ulysses would desire in a woman. "Because she likes you." His father gasped.

"But she doesn't even know anything about me. And for the record, I don't like her," he declared. "What don't you like about her?" Liam asked. He couldn't understand why a girl as beautiful as Sophia would not catch his son's eyes.

She was the epitome of beauty, the perfect wife for his wayward child. "Because she's too quiet. Too boring. She doesn't hold my interest. She's not my type. And the list goes on. You get the gist, Dad."

He listed his dislikes of Sophia to his father. "You have a type?" Liam asked, astonished that kids these days had types they went for. "I do, Dad," he said to his father, whose cheeks were puffed up like a helium balloon. "

Look, stop. You might have an aneurysm, and then what's Bibi going to do?" "The question is what are you going to do if that happens?" Liam asked.

He wasn't sure if he could rest in peace if his only son continued to behave like this, like a boat without a sail, floating on the sea, being carried by the wind in any direction it blew.

Liam didn't like the thought of his son having no prospects ahead of him. But looking at the past twenty-three years, his son hadn't improved at all; in fact, his behavior was getting worse.

All-day, his son played around, having no responsibility, only increasing his horrible attitude. He was sure Sophia would be his savior. He got so mad when Ulysses informed him of the outcome, that his son had just left the table without so much as a proper explanation.

How could he make his son be a gentleman? What could he do to make him learn? His son needed to take responsibility. "I'll become the heir of the company, of course," Logan stated simply. He should have said Ulysses would be the heir, but he just wanted to piss off his father, since his ear was still throbbing.

"Logan, you're going to make me die early here." Liam smacked his palm against his forehead in frustration. "Oh, Dad, calm down. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just up and leave her like that. I did tell her I had some business to attend to."

"That's the same thing as ditching the girl." "I said I'm sorry," Logan whined like a little kid. "Yes, you should be," Liam said. "I had to ring Sophia's father and apologize on your behalf. Do you know it could cause a strain between our companies?" "It's that serious?" Logan asked.

"Damn right, it's serious, Logan." "Sorry, you had to apologize on my behalf. I hope I didn't cause a rift between you two."

Saying sorry doesn't pay for what's already been done, Liam thought. His son would still be a playboy, ditched on the side of the road, where no one in high society would acknowledge him.