Part 54: What are you laughing at now?

Evonne, how could you? She mentally slapped herself for feeling this way towards this Lothario. "Are you going this way for your walk?" Evonne asked in her serious tone, pointing to the right. "Mmmm." Logan nodded.

"Good. Then I'm going that way," Evonne thumbed to her left. "Away from you. Good-bye, Logan. I hope I never see you again," Evonne said, summoning all of her energy for her to power-walk retreat, no looking back.

Then she glanced at her watch and cringed. Yikes, only half an hour to go before she had to meet up with the representative at the Bloembergen Hotel. Evonne hastened her pace, but once again she felt his presence next to her.

Why was her body so in tune with him? She didn't even need to see him at all. Her body could just tell her he was near. It was like he released some kind of pheromone that only her body responded to.

"What are you doing now? Going back to your car?" Evonne asked as Logan followed her yet again. "Yep. I've had enough walking," Logan said, stalking after her. "Good.

I'll make way for you." Evonne paused and stepped to the edge of the footpath so Logan could bypass her, but instead, he just stood next to her. "Mmm, the view looks nice from here," Logan said, pretending to look around again.

"Logan, are you trying to annoy me here?" she asked. "Am I annoying you? I'm just enjoying the view by standing here." He turned to see some bushes that needed cutting.

It was very unappealing, and some of the branches even snaked out onto the footpath. "You are wedged to me like we're sardines in a can," Evonne said when Logan drew himself closer to her, almost imprisoning her with his body.

"Am I? I didn't know." He feigned ignorance. "All right, enough of this." Evonne's temper shot through the roof. "You go back to your car and I'm going back to mine. End of story." "Ha-ha-ha-ha.

" "What are you laughing at now?" "I was just betting with myself how long before I could make you lose your temper." "And?" "And it didn't even last five minutes."

"That's because you rile me up, on purpose." Logan turned serious all of a sudden, making her heart thump unevenly again.

He leaned closer, making sure she couldn't escape, and whispered, "You know, my tastes don't usually extend to older women, but for you, Madam Apple, I'll make an exception." Then he smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Get off me."

Evonne pushed at Logan's chest, but he wouldn't even budge, keeping her wedged between him and the bushes. "I said get away from me." She shoved him again, and this time he moved back easily.

Composing herself now so her breath would behave, she said, "I don't need you to make an exception for me. I'm not interested."

"Oh, what kind of men are you interested in, then?" "None of your concern." She turned away her face in annoyance. "Fine. Just curious, because a girl in her thirties cannot always be selective. You know the saying: beggars can't be choosers. For now, Apple, you're a beggar." "How?"

"You're thirty." "And would you be so kind as to elaborate?" "You know how it goes. Women in their thirties are old, while we men in our thirties, we've just reached our prime." "And the point of this whole conversation is…?"