Part 78: How should she react?

She remembered her heart beating a thousand beats per minute when he kissed and hugged her. It felt so wonderful and so beautiful that she was lost in an endless world of pleasure and magic, and when she woke again,

the next thing she knew, she had already walked out of the hotel and was now wandering around the streets aimlessly like she'd lost her mind.

Why did she behave like this? Why didn't she wait until morning to confront him about what they'd done? She could discuss it, explain to him her problem. Then maybe they could form a real relationship. But she knew she couldn't.

The truth was she was afraid when morning came, all the magic would disappear and the spell would be broken. She didn't want that.

She wanted to cherish that memory forever. And as a bonus, she also had Ulysses's sperm, even though it would seem she had stolen it. Then again, he had stolen her innocence, so that made them even.

So here she was, still in her reverie, wandering around Central Queenstown with many tourists milling around her, going in and out of the many cafes and breakfast bars at the early hour of seven a.m.

The sun was starting to crawl slowly from behind the majestic mountains in the east, sparkling mountain peaks like white crystals. She checked her phone. She'd been walking for two hours now.

Spying a park bench, she decided to rest for a bit. Her gaze turned toward the direction of the Bloembergen Hotel. She didn't want to go to her suite yet. She didn't want to see James yet. She could deal with him later.

For now, she just wanted to relish in those memories a little longer, because she knew if she returned to the hotel, reality would hit when she saw the real Ulysses, all somber.

How would he react when he saw her next? Would he remember last night? Did he text her only because he wanted to sleep with her? So many questions, not enough answers.

What should she do if she saw him again? How should she react? But to tell the truth, she felt a bit in love with the Ulysses of last night, more than the daytime Ulysses.

He felt so very different, so close and so intimate, unlike the cool and collected man who only meant business.

Well, there was nothing to do now anyway. Best just let nature take its course. Not long to go now before she fell pregnant… she hoped.

The smell of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee filled the air, reaching her olfactory senses and sending a signal to her stomach, which gave out an embarrassing growl just to let her know it was past time to break her fast.

Having nothing else to do, she stepped into one of the cafés and ordered her breakfast. Nothing like pancakes and a fresh pot of aromatic green tea to start the day and face reality.

When the food arrived, her mouth salivated on its own accord. She took a bite of the yummy-looking pancake dripping with strawberries and honey, topped with banana on the side. It was amazingly delicious.

The honey on her tongue was so sweet it reminded her of the kiss last night before Ulysses… before Ulysses… Evonne couldn't finish her thought as her cheeks grew hot, blooming red as the strawberry on her plate. She guessed the feeling of them being together would be forever ingrained in her mind.

Evonne stored this thought at the back of her mind, and she promised she would revisit it and tell her baby that she or he was a product of their love, even if Ulysses was under the influence of alcohol.

Yes, she would do that she thought as she continued to chew her breakfast slowly, when a sight not three tables away almost caused her to choke on her meal, breaking into her thoughts. Evonne blinked and then she blinked again.