Part 82: Oh, thank heavens

He mentally cursed himself, then gently placed her down on the floor. He needed space. He needed to get away from her. This lady was playing with his mind. Logan let her go when she found her footing and immediately escaped to the panel of buttons so he could somehow control his urges.

Trying to distract his mind from thinking about his mysterious Lorddess, the Apple, and this lady with an infected virus, he decides to fix the problem at hand. Logan pushed the activation button, but that didn't seem to awaken the elevator.

He rang for an emergency, but no one picked up. Logan muttered something along the lines of, "I'll fire all of them when I get out," then turned to look at the lady again. With her huge black shades on, he couldn't tell whether she was afraid or not, but looking at her posture, her fingers twisting together, he could see she was nervous.

"It's all right, ma'am. The elevator will run again soon," he said to reassure her. All she did was nod her head, then turn to look at the rose painting on the wall. Shaking his head at the peculiar lady, he called Ulysses, who should be in his office working by now.

"Lord Damn it. Pick up the phone, you old lout," he shouted when voicemail picked up. Then the elevator gave another shake, and before he knew it, the lady was in his arms once more, gripping his neck like he was her lifeline. Lord, he couldn't shake the feeling that overcame him as his nose inhaled her scent once again.

But his mysterious Lorddess was a… Dammit, he hadn't a clue, but his Goddess was most definitely not some black-haired loony woman who wears a mask and sunglasses just because she has a cold.

Somehow at that precise moment, they locked eyes again, and just when Logan was about to tear the glasses off her face to satisfy his curiosity, to see whether she was, in fact, the Apple or his mysterious lady who had dyed her hair black or just some lady who was infected with a cold, the elevator door dinged opened.

"Oh, thank heavens," Evonne shouted, using her natural voice, so happy to be out of this tight confinement that she forgot to feign her old lady's voice. She dashed the door to her room, which was on the other side of the hotel, as fast as her little legs could take her before Logan could even blink an eye.

But Logan's reaction was fast and his feet were faster. This was no sick old lady. Who was she and why was she hiding behind that mask and sunglasses?

Evonne, realizing now that she was being pursued, ran as fast as her legs could take her, passing her room and turning into the exit door, taking the stairs back down. But Logan being Logan, having won the university short-distance race, was able to catch up to her in no time at all.

And when he did catch her, he pinned her to the wall and tore off her mask and glasses. "I knew it. Apple? What are you doing here? Stalking me?" "What?" Evonne almost burst out laughing.

"I don't have any stalking genes in me, thank you very much," she said. "Now, would you please back off a bit? You're squeezing me into the wall here." "Ahhh, I'm so happy, Apple. Must be my lucky day to see you out here," Logan said teasingly, his mood lightened up all of a sudden.

He couldn't believe his lovesickness with his mysterious Lorddess could be cured in a matter of seconds when he saw the Apple.

"Let go," Evonne yelled when Logan refused to unpin her from his body, but he also gripped her hands too. "And give me back my mask and glasses." "No. Why were you wearing these?" Logan asked, suspicious.