Bowling with my best friend

He quietly scrolled through his phone hearing footsteps from a distance approaching him. Quickly glancing up he saw it was Alice. Jake smiled with a nod clearly happy to see her. She returned the smile with a bright "hey!" Thinking to himself he wondered would she come over tonight? How late would they stay at the bowling alley? What would he get to eat? Did she have enough money? He cared for Alice and thought about her well being in everything he did. Hello?! Jake?! Are you dozing or what?! She laughed softly. He realized Alice was calling his name. How long was I out? Just a moment she replied. She took a breath out "brr it's cold let's go in".

As they entered the building the lights were alive with colors of greens, purples, and reds dancing across the floor. The music boomed and banged seeming to vibrate everything causing a rush of excitement in both of them. Size thirteen Jake thought. Alice skipped to the counter as she exclaimed to the man behind the desk size six, please! He seemed to gain some sort of energy from her excitement and smiled as she ran to go sit and put her shoes on. Size thirteen please he said. As the guy got Jake his pair he said, I remember when I used to be like that it was only a year ago but it feels longer. Once you work here for so long the fun sorta' seems to be sucked outta' the place. He had a look of nostalgia on his face. I don't really bowl nor have I ever worked here but I understand Jake replied.

Jake sat down next to where Alice had to put his shoes on. She was bursting at the seems ready to fly if he didn't hurry up. "Are you really that excited to bowl?" he asked. With a defiant look on her face " more like excited to beat you!" "Oh really!?" He sprang back. We'll see whose beating who tonight. After a game of rock-paper-scissors Alice was first up to roll. Alice always has this quirky thing sorta like a little dance that she does when she's excited. Honestly, it's cute. Ugh, He thought she's got me thinking it now! He sighed and half laughed and at the same moment, Alice looked back to catch him smirking. What are you laughing at mister? I'm gonna beat you! She put her fingers in an L shape on her forehead sticking her tongue out at him. To any passerby's they might look as cute as a couple. Two high school steadies but, they weren't, just best friends hanging out. She tossed the ball with a little spin the ball seemed to do a curvy line only to knock eight of the pins down. Two left she said, what are you gonna do now?! Of course, it's only the beginning of the game so he's not sweating at this point. She picked up a ball from the rack, fidgeted with it a little, aimed then tossed it. It seemed like the ball was headed for the gutter but it hit one of the pins knocking down the other causing Alice to save her turn. All the pins down it's Jake's turn, he decides to do a little strut, slow and steady, taking his time getting to the ball rack like the pink panther. "Come on!" she said. "You're such a dork!" she squealed laughing. "Oh ya?! Watch this dork get a strike!" He said proudly. He rolled the ball straight down the middle knocking all of his pins down. How's that miss winner?! She murmured quietly under her breath. What I couldn't hear you?! Nothing she said in a pouty tone.

... it's only been half an hour, I can't believe you won. Ya me neither. Now look Alice don't let it go to your head. You don't need to tell me that Jake. Since you won how about I treat you to pizza? Okay!

That'll be eight dollars said the pizza guy. "Alright".

"Why does pizza have to be so messy?!" as the cheese was dripping all over her face. "I mean seriously it's not ice cream and yet it gets all over me every time"! Jake laughed. Alice laughed too. So.? Ya? How are you ya know since last week? Well I mean it was really stressful in the moment but My week was good, was too busy to focus on it. How did you do on midterms? Well I had to do good I mean I know they just see what you remember but dad sorta wanted me to do good, I got mostly B's. Well hey, that's good.

I mean you're right they are, I just hope he thinks so too.

Sometimes I wonder how it could have been for that long long year had I never met Rylie. I seriously believe that I'd be happier and easier to talk to. Maybe I'd even be really outgoing but because of her I cower in a corner of myself and don't have the strength to come out. Even if it's just a simple conversation with someone new, I don't like it. I can't do it. And that bothers me. I feel that because of her I'm broken and don't know where my confidence went. If I tried getting a girlfriend I feel like I'd hurt her and not be able to be there for her the way I'd need to, the way I'd want to. Like there's a wall stopping me from putting my all into it once I've found what I need. My head and my heart both know and understand my want for someone to be close to and yet they force me to go the other way. Even though she hurt me I can't hate her because then that would mean she still has a hold over me, controlling my emotions and I can't have that. Alice paused before speaking. I can understand somewhat how you feel. I feel like your pain won't ever go away but rather dwindle over time and hopefully, you can be happy. I want you to be happy and that's why I'm here for you whenever you need me, Jake, you know you can always count on me. I was thinking. Ya? said jake. How about I be your pretend girlfriend?! I mean not actually real but like sort of try and see if you can work on being in a relationship, and I'll help you. I don't know Alice. It might be good for you! Mmm, okay, I guess but what do we have to do? Just be like we always are but just pretend we're dating until you feel comfortable enough to find someone. Alright I guess that sounds good. How about we start now? How? Ask me on a date silly. Okay um- no Jake. Try not to think of me as me, think of me as your crush or someone you like then take a deep breath and ask me out. Oh okay. Um hey, Alice? Yes, Jake? Would you want to go out with me next Saturday? Yes, I would love to !!! Oh my god, I can't believe Jake Reynolds asked me out aahhhh!!! Is what some girl you ask out is gonna say "wink". Oh my god stop it, Alice! He shoves her and she punches his arm and they both laugh and then Jake said. Well, then it's a date. As he lightly kisses her hand. Alice gives him a hug. I hope you feel better Jake you deserve to be happy, just remember only you can make yourself happy one step at a time. Ya, I'll remember.

So what should we do next Saturday any ideas? she asked. Hmmm roller skating, Icecream? Maybe we could sorta brainstorm during the week?. Sure.

Well, let's head home. Do you need a ride, Alice? No, I'll just fly home on my broomstick! Okay gosh just making sure. They both laughed.