Year 1-6

The first year was spent in the time chamber practicing magic mainly charms and transfiguration.

Charms was pretty easy but thanks to Rowenas library it simplified it all down with the LOHP scanning every book in the 4 castles and all of the vaults Le-Fays vault was the best one with books on old runes.

My wandless magic has reached the advanced stage I've been using the practice dummy's in Godric's training room for dueling and I can say that I'm confident that I can take on a few full grown wizards on my own.

Charms come to me as second nature the levitation charm is great when combined with transfiguration throwing titanium needles that used to be rocks was great.

I sent a house elf out hunting for the founders treasures the Hufflepuff cup was quick due to it being in gringotts the Ravenclaw diadem was easy enough to get the Slytherin locket was the hardest I had to fight it off of Kreacher the damn elf was a bitch to deal with but after I got them I had the soul pieces removed and destroyed by the goblins after paying a hefty sum.

I also found out the spell to search for my mate or mates after casting it i found out I have one one definite mate and 7 others that I get to handpick but I have watched the movies and read the books I'm gonna start collecting my mates the first year in school my main mate I'll visit when I'm finished with my shopping for my first year.

I also unlocked my creature inheritance my veela thrall is potent I almost seduced the female clerk when I was out buying training weights but I did seduce the manager into paying for all my things I'm going into Hogwarts looking like a female bodybuilder.

My mind training is going excellent you would need up to 5 minutes of direct eye contact just to get past the first shield I have it arranged in stages

Stage 1- 5 shields

Stage 2- Fake memories

Stage 3- My actual memories.

I even got the goblins to teach me swordsmanship greedy bastards made me pay for the shit.


The second year was pretty decent built a strong body even for a 7 year old my baby fat has been slowly turning into muscle I created an intense work out routine for myself


250- push, pull, sit ups and 100 squats with a 2 mile run


Repeat of breakfast


50 each of breakfast and a small 1 mile jog.

If I can't cast spells imma punch the shit out of the bastards.

My study for this year was defense and herbolgy Helga's notes was great for this and Godric's study on defense was amazing.

I even got to meet my first mate when I was out at madam milkins getting some clothes tailored she was cute.

Me and the goblins get along great I helped in filling my coffers and theirs with investments in the muggle and magic world.


The third year was decent didn't do much other than push further in my exercise building even more though i'm 8 i'm standing at roughly 4'8 nearly 4'9.

This year I started my drawing skills i'm getting better but my first drawings looked like you asked a blind man to draw the Mona Lisa yeah it was horrible but i'm progressing.

I already know my first set of tattoos will be strength luck and wisdom the designs will be on my arms the strength will be in norse on my right forearm from wrist to elbow luck will be the endless knot on my left wrist and wisdom will be an owl on my upper arm.

I'll end up with my arms neck and legs fill with ink by the time I graduate.

Not much happened this year

YEAR 4-5

These 2 years was the least happenings just mainly training and getting used to the new runes

Strength doubles what you can normally do pushing the body to almost super human levels

Luck as it says my luck is amazing like walking around and finding money on the ground or getting my investments to nearly double

Wisdom lets me use more of my brain capacity and my reading speed is doubled.

I won the goblins respect in battle they put me through a battle royal against their best fighters I battled roughly 100 of the little shits and 20 of them was royal guards.

I even made my own wand Yggdrasil 12 and a half long and flexible with royal phoenix feather elder dragon heart string.

The wood was from the Le-Fay vualt the cores was from the Emrys vualt the heart string was from his father.

at 10 years old i'm roughly 5'3 and my arms are solid muscle same with my legs my hair is nearly mid shoulders with it being silver with most if not all with tips of black my tits have grown in nicely my ass is amazing if I do say so myself I have for gone all dresses that most would expect me to wear i'm usually in a suit when i'm out and about when training I usually wear a tank top and track pants I got from muggle London.


This year I decided to meet one of my mates I don't care if she goes to an all girl school i'm claiming her before I leave for school.

My Hogwarts letter came to me and I can honestly say this will be an interesting year might have to go snog a few upper years if i'm to close to my mates for to long.

I already have my items i'll just get a tailor from London to make my clothes for the year and charm them myself.

Now a letter to my mate

~Dear Apolline Delacour

My name is Lady Skye Ravenclaw and i'm half veela I came across a spell that my ancestors used to find her mate Helga Hufflepuff yes Rowena was a lesbian I came across it when in her study and when casting the spell I found out I have 8 mates in total and your daughter Fleur was pointed out to be one of them i'm writing this so we can set up a meeting before I leave to Hogwarts this September

Yours Lady Skye Ravenclaw

with signing it closed with my lord ring and sending it out with an owl I await her answer.

Present day 5/1/1991

Now for her letter as it arrived today.