
As soon as Sheri got off stage, her best friend greeted her with hugs and congratulations. They snapped a few pics and Anthony helped them get some more pictures together with her award.

Sheri had to remind herself to call her friend Isa because Anthony already pointed out that she wasn't answering him when he called her, and since she didn't take this as an opportunity to let him know it was just her spy name given to her by the museum, Sheri had to be mindful when she called out to Jill.

Anthony and Jill (aka Isa) seemed to be hitting it off well. He never took his hands off her when talking and they looked really cute together. Maybe because their outfits matched. They definitely looked like they came here together and they certainly were leaving together.

Anthony introduced Sheri to his friend Delontè. Not as cute as Anthony but he seemed nice enough. Sheri and Delontè were having a nice conversation when news reporter Angela Wilks interrupts them to get an interview with Sheri.

"Principal Sheri Woods."

"Yes, Hi," Sheri said recognizing the reporter.

"I'm Angela Wilks with the Parkdale city local news channel. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you about your accomplishments."

"Sure." Sheri was excited.

Sheri was taken up with an onslaught of questions such as;

"What do you owe your success to?"

"What advice do you have to others who may be interested in this field of work?"

"Could you tell us more about your invention?"

"You look incredibly young, what's your skin routine, or are you comfortable with sharing your age?"

"Your only twenty-eight years old?!"

"You graduated high school at the age of fifteen?!"

These facts seem to send the reporter on a frenzy of more questions. After that interview was over Delontè was inching his way closer to Sheri, when the Parkdale city newspaper journalists blocked his way and asked for an interview.

It went very much the same as the other interview especially when the topic of age came up.

Soon there was a crowd of media crew forming, each trying to get their own statements from Sheri.

Delontè had a despondent look on his face realizing he wouldn't have time to continue his lovely conversation with Sheri.

Even if Sheri wanted to find Delontè efforts sweet, the underlying tone reeked of desperation.

Basically, he was thirsty with a capital T.

Sheri even glanced at Jill who would make eye contact with her then look over at Delontè and roll her eyes. This confirmed Sheri's feeling of Delontè's advances and wasn't tripping over how he was creeping her out.

Eventually, Sheri got tired of all the attention and wanted the interviews to stop, but also didn't want to have to be around Delontè.

She suddenly glimpses Mark coming her way.

"Alright, folks! I think she's had enough let's give the lady some space!" Mark announced.

As the media circus started to disperse a few tried to squeeze a couple more questions out.

"Come on your pack of vultures! Scram!" Mark playfully admonished.

They all laughed, but they left.

Mark walked up to Sheri blocking Delontè from view and making sure all of Sheri's focus was on him, which she was grateful for.

When Delontè realized all was lost, he finally sat by a young woman who seemed to be alone. Which was something he should have done 45 minutes ago... 😒

"Hope you don't mind me sending them away, it looked like things were starting to become a bit much," Mark said genuinely.

"No, thank you really, that was intense. I wasn't even sure how I was gonna get away from them." Sheri laughed.

"I know they just don't know when to stop." Mark sympathized.

"I feel like I just answered the same 10 questions 15 times!" Sheri emphasized.

"Yeah, news interviews can be really redundant." Mark chuckled at Sheri's exasperation. "You must be thirsty."

"Omgosh yes!" Sheri said, feeling like she had cotton in her mouth.

They laughed as Mark lead her to the bar.

"How do you deal with that all the time?!" Sheri inquired.

"You gotta stay hydrated in this line of work... And in other things... That's why my nickname is Hydro King." He flasher her a disarming smile.

"Oh really..." Sheri said with skepticism, but unable to keep a serious face.

"Really. I drink over a gallon a day. It's good for you."

"Well, you do seem to be on top of your health." Sheri took a quick glance at Marks's physic.

"Oh, Ms. Sheri-Lee! Did I just catch you checking me out?!"

"First off it's Dr. I do have my doctorate degree. Second, the name Sheri-Lee is reserved for my grandmother only." Sheri stated the first few facts with a fringed stern attitude. When she got to the third fact, her attitude was one of seduction. "Third." Sheri seductively looks at him. "You only catch people who don't want to get caught."

Mark smirked. "Oh. Excuse me Dr. Sheri-Lee, oops, I mean Dr.Woods, you wanted me to see you watching me?" Mark quizzed boldly.

"Just like YOU, wanted me to see you watching me all night " Sheri boldly responded.

Oh, she is bold, bold. Mark thought.

"What???" Mark made a face like he didn't know what she was talking about.

Sheri playfully slapped his arm as they laughed at his antics.

"You know you wanted my attention." Sheri teased.

Mark was a bit embarrassed at how obvious his feelings for her may have looked. It made him worried if he looked as thirsty as Anthony's friend did. But trying to remain smooth he says, "Well thank you for graciously blessing me with your undivided attention." He said genuinely starting into her eyes as they slowly continued their walk to the bar.