You Make Me Crazy

Anthony is entrusted to go to events with Mark whenever there may be a chance he may be tempted to drink. Mark normally never slips up, but looking at the spectacle before him, Anthony wasn't sure what to think. He blamed himself for this because he was so caught up with Isa the whole night.

"What's going on?!" Jill demands while shooting daggers at Mark.

"oh no, I just want to go home... He hasn't done anything to me... Promise." Sheri quickly tried to reassure Jill.

"So then why the hell are you behaving this way??!!!" Now Mark was in his feelings at this admission.

"Because I'm trying to leave and you won't let me!!!" Sheri snapped.

"Because your upset and I just want to know why??!!"Mark shouted back.

"Because our behavior was reckless and irresponsible and we've both worked hard to get to where we are to have this type of scandal!!!"

Realizing how Sheri felt Mark softly said, "Oh, baby next time well be more careful."

"THERE WILL NEVER BE A NEXT TIME!!!" Sheri starts violently thrashing trying to break free from Mark.

"LET GO OF HER!!!" Jill shouts, getting ready to intervene.

"Isa, don't!" Anthony shouts and holds Jill back.

Hearing Anthony shout Jill's alias causes Mark and Sheri to pause, for some reason.

Noticing the pause in everyone, Anthony assumes it's from his authoritative ambiance. He clears his throat and says in a calm voice, "Mark, let Sheri go home, we'll sort this out in the morning. It's late. Were there any witnesses?"

Refusing to let Sheri go he says, "Just cameras. But Jake's taken care of it." He says the last remark glancing down at Sheri.

"Okay great! I'll call Jake first thing in the morning. Now be a gentleman and walk Dr. Woods to her car. Okay?" Anthony makes a gesture to see if Mark understood.

Sheri cooperates as Mark guides her to her car. When they get there, Mark turns her to face him.

He holds her in an embrace and is surprised to see she doesn't fight him as he gives her a kiss. He decides to deepen the kiss and they begin to kiss passionately. Sheri holds his face as Mark has his hand rested on the small of her back, and the other hand cradled the back of her head.

Mark moods improves immensely. A part of him can't believe his behavior towards her. Sheri makes him completely crazy.

Sheri moves her hands away from his face and down to the flaps of his suit resting her hands on his chest. She slightly pushes him, signaling she would like to go. Mark realizes and reluctantly releases her from their intimate kiss.

"We're going to figure this out. We're going to figure US out. Mark says softly against her lips.

Sheri wants to believe him. She wants this to be the beginning of something beautiful. The beginning of her finding an amazing man to marry and have kids with. To build a full and beautiful life with until they grew old. But alas, this man is married, and has build his career around his marriage. Mark and his wife are a team; as well as any married couple should be. Any romantic future she could hope to have with him will be as his mistress and she was not quite keen on that.

Sheri kisses him sweetly once more and gets in her car. She winds down her window. Mark leans in.

"Tonight was crazy... I can honestly say I've never acted this way before...." Mark shamefully admits as he reached in the car to bring Sheri's hand up to the window to hold.

"Maybe your just use to having things go your way..." Sheri says in a bratty tone.

Mark looks at her not sure how to respond. All he could eventually say is, "You make me crazy... I don't know how else to describe it..."

"You're not crazy... I feel it too... But..." Sheri sighs. Mark brings her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it.

"Well never be anything real Mark..."

"Whats a perfect girl when it's not the perfect time?"

Sheri ignores him.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. I only expect complete professionalism from you moving forward." Sheri says in a very professional tone and presses a button to have her window automatically wind up.

Mark steps back as she drives off.

As he helplessly watches his soulmate speed away from him, he calculates how he will be able to make Sheri a routine part of his life.