No way of contact

I wake up to the sound of vibrations from cell phones.

When I lift my head and notice my cheek is slightly damp with sweat from being pressed up against Anthony's chest. I look over at him. He's still in deep slumber and is softly snoring with a little drool at the corner of his mouth. I giggled at the idea of teasing him for this and place a small kiss on his lips careful not to wake him.

The cell phones start their vibrations again. I gently release myself from his passive embrace. As I get out of the bed I realize I'm stiff and rigid. It's probably because we didn't move in our sleep.

I find Anthony's phone first.

It's Mark. I decline it, still pissed at the way he talked to me last night.

I still hear mines going off and see it's Sheri. As soon as I go to answer, it stops. I realized she called five times and it's minutes after 10 am. I just remember I'm supposed to be at Mark's house at 12. I quickly look for my belongings which were scattered all over Anthony's loft, as if I lived there.

As I finished putting my things back on, Sheri rings me again. I pick up this time.

"FINALLY!!!" Sheri said exasperated. "I told you to call me first thing in the morning!!! Weren't you worried about me?!? Was the dick that good that you forgot about me?!?" Sheri was very irritated.

"No! Well yes! I mean no!... yes?" I didn't know how to answer the question.

"Jill?! What have you been doing all morning? Are you even home?" Sheri quizzed wondering why Jill was acting weird.

"I actually just woke up..." I admitted as I looked in Anthony's kitchen for some water. It was a little creepy how neat and well kept everything was. It made me feel bad as a woman.

"It's 10:15 am! Does he live in the city? It's gonna take you forever to get home!" Sheri was pissed, she didn't want to be late to the Governor's house.

"I'm sorry! I lost track of time, I was literally up all night!" Jill was messing with the elevator button trying to figure out how to get out.

"Well stop messing around and come on!" Sheri barked.

"I'm trying! I can't figure out how to get out." I was getting frustrated at this fancy contraption. I quickly look around for a stairwell exit. There's one in the corner next to the kitchen.

"Oh, I found the stairs exit" I say in relief.

"Good." Sheri got quite as she slayed her lace wig for the brunch.

I unlock the chained door and struggle down the stairs in 3-inch heels. Deciding it best to take my heels off to not break my ankles, I take my shoes off and run down seven flights of stairs.

Finally, outside I lose cellular service and the call drops. I become a little creeped out because I'm in an unsavory ally. I do my best to quickly make my way to the Main Street. When I get there, I still have to walk up a couple of blocks before I regain service.

I'm exhausted, aggravated, and my feet are dirty by the time I get into my Uber.

The Uber driver apologizes because I had to cross a busy street to get to him.

"Sorry Miss, with all the new renovations and lack of service, it's hard to get to people out here." The driver said glancing back at me.

"It's fine... Just get me home..." I say tightly. That whole ordeal was a hawt mess.

I quickly get back on the phone with Sheri after the Uber driver asks his third question.

"What's wrong with your phone?!" Sheri said when she got on the phone.

"No service. But what exactly happened to you and Mark last night?" I needed to get the full details because I still couldn't get over the fact that Sheri hooked up with Mark in a National Museum. I may be a good defense attorney but not good enough to help her get away with that completely.

Sheri relayed everything in detail to me. In the end, she said "He was acting like I was his girlfriend and telling me he's gonna figure out a way to make us work. I was like boy bye and sped off in my car."

"What does he mean 'make it work'? He's gonna leave his wife?" I just couldn't stand Mark, he's so unsavory.

"Right! That's what I was wondering! I told him straight up, we would never be anything real." Sheri couldn't help but be agitated at the fact that it was just her luck to find a man that she connects with so well, and he's married.

"Oh he was in his feelings after you left." I say remembering what an absolute a**hole he was.

"Really?!" Sheri didn't know why the idea of him caring so much, made her heart flutter.

"Yes! He became a whole fool and had the nerve to cuss me out. Call me all types of hoes and s***. Then he called you a hoe." I added that last part to be petty towards Mark. I honestly didn't want Sheri to give him any play at the brunch.

"What?! Oh, he was tripping for real!"

"Girl, he's so f***ing whack. I mean, Anthony defended me but had to cuss him out as well and ended up kicking him out the car."

"Are you serious?! See this is why I told him we're keeping things professional from now on..." Sheri was disappointed hearing about this side of Mark.

"Yes, he's most definitely whack, leave that married man alone." I was satisfied with the way I tainted Mark's image to Sheri. Well, he did it too himself, I just gave a full report.

"Ugh... Turn off, anyways what was your night like, since you didn't sleep?" Sheri said getting ready to perv out on the deets.

Jill spared not one detail when going over the backseat action, shower magic, and cowgirl session with Anthony. He truly was one of the best lovers she ever had.

"Giiiirrrrlll!!!" Sheri said when I was done. Something dawned on her while Jill was talking but she didn't want to interrupt the juicy details. "When you said you made him get off the phone by giving him top, who was he talking too?"

"Oh I honestly don't know... actually I think it was the guy that was supposed to get rid of that video footage."

"Did the guy say it was gone?!?! Are we in the clear?!" Sheri anxiously asked.

"I'm sure... Anthony didn't seem worried..." I could have kicked myself for not following up with the video footage. I was just so caught up in having all of Anthony's attention.

"Can you call him to double-check, because I honestly didn't sleep well last night. I keep thinking I was gonna get arrested or have news media at my door!" Sheri tossed and turned all last night thinking about what would happen if that security footage was leaked.

"Okay, I'll text Anthony real quick-..." It just dawned on me that I didn't have his number. A form of dread rose within my heart. I thought about him waking up alone and realizing that I was gone. I started to envision him looking for a note from me and finding nothing.

"Jill? Hello?" Sheri noticed it got quiet.

"I don't have his number..." I wiped a tear that fell from my eye.

Why the hell am I crying?

"Oh true you don't normally get your one night stands number." Sheri reminded.

I felt Anthony was more than that, and I felt he believed that too. But in my rush to get out of his house, he may feel otherwise...

More tears fell from my eyes.

"I guess I'll have to address Mark about the footage alone or something, or maybe you can as my lawyer..." Sheri said, knowing she wouldn't feel better till she had a definite answer.

"Yeah... We'll take care of it... I honestly think it's handled though." Jill said no longer in the mood to talk.

Just then Julisa was calling.

"Hey, let me call you back when I'm on my way Julisa is on the other line."

"Cool. Just pick me up so we can arrive together." Sheri quickly added not wanting to be alone at Mark's house.

"Okay cool."