Anthony’s Karma

Anthony felt cold. His arms flexed and caught air. A bit of panic crept in. He felt like he was supposed to be holding something.... No someone... Isa.

Anthony rose up out of his sleep. He looked around and saw that he was alone as usual. "lsa." He called. As he felt on the side of the bed she would have been on he noticed it was cold. She has been gone for a while. He looked at the clock. It was exactly 11:30am. "Damn I've been asleep that long." He thought to himself. Well he didn't go to sleep until 5 am this morning, but still.

He hopped out of bed hoping she wasn't out touching the things in his house. He got to the top of the staircase to look down. He could practically see his entire living space from up there. "Isa!" He called again hoping he just over looked her.

Nothing... Anthony went back to the bed room to look on his nightstand for a note from her. When he didn't see one, he looked on his desk or anywhere with paper to see if she left something... A way of contact... Nothing.

When he looked over at the elevator door he noticed the buttons were glowing red. Isa accidentally reset it while trying to leave. When he reset it and it started working again, Anthony wondered how was she even able to get out since she never fixed it. This then led him to look at the emergency exit where he saw the chain was unlatched and the top lock was unlocked.

He opened the door and looked down the stairwell.

"Did she really go down all these steps?" Anthony asked himself. He himself never done it because who wants to run down seven flights, and it led to an ally.

He closed the sparsely used door and shook his head incredulously.

When Anthony walked into his kitchen and noticed a couple of things out of place. He got excited, thinking maybe Isa did leave a note. But when he looked around he again found nothing.

Anthony became irritated as he put things in their rightful place and had everything facing the right direction. He realized Isa must have been looking for a water bottle because one was missing and her hand made the others turn the wrong way slightly. As he fixed the disturbance he asked himself, "Why couldn't she wake me up? Going through my stuff, then running down seven flights of stairs. I would have taken care of her and drove her anywhere she wanted to go."

Anthony was irked at how Isa got under his skin. Any other time he would have been glad the woman he brought home just up and left. You how many times he woke up wishing he kick the girl out right after sex. They get all clingy and act like they don't want to go home. Anthony would straight up carry them and would politely let them know their Uber is waiting.

Anthony chuckled to himself as he got ready for the rest of the day. This is his karma. He would use women for when it was convenient and then wish them away. He was even ruthless in his methods to do so if they wouldn't take a hint.

Now, he met a woman that he really liked and felt connected to and she just up and left like he was nothing. Just something she could get off to and return back to her normal life.

"She seriously didn't even wake me up?" He said to himself. He knew that if Isa wanted anything, he would have freely gave her. She could have even asked him for money, and he would have given it to her. As long as that meant she would come back for more.

Anthony continued to look aimlessly around his loft for a note from Isa, as he got ready to start running errands. What he ended up finding were her necklace and earrings. He put them away for safekeeping instead of throwing them away like he normally would had it been left by any other woman.

Dressed to go workout and take his mind off Isa, Anthony finally checked his phone. As he sat at the bar in his kitchen and drank a protein shake. He seen that he had 3 missed calls from Mark and one from Jake. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone with his ego so freshly wounded.

He checked his text and saw some from Mark.

F Boy Mark: Yo! You up?

F Boy Mark: Stop playing house with that hoe and pick up the phone!!!

Anthony most definitely was not calling Mark back now. Just because he didn't want Mark to be right. It's not that Anthony believed that Isa was a hoe but how do you just hump and leave. Like we weren't having fun hugging and kissing up on each other all night long. We were literally fighting sleep to be with each other. Is Isa like this with every man she meets?... Does she already have a man?... Maybe that's why she had to leave...

Anthony groaned in frustration at his fixation of this woman he bearly even knew. He got up and left to make his way to the gym.