
We start to clean up after snuggling upon each other for a few minutes. Well, I did most of the cleaning, Gino was still too twisted to function properly.

As I was getting myself together, Gino's phone rang. He lazily reached over to the coffee table to retrieve it. As he did so, he noticed the blood on his crotch area. He wanted to go off, pissed that he had sex with a female on her period. But knew he couldn't say anything because Jill's crazy ass would most definitely dig into his shit and blow his high for he was the one that pushed for intercourse. Gino knew he had to take this "L" quietly.

When Gino got to his phone and checked it, he saw it was Jill calling. He looked up in confusion. Jill was wiping her self with a towel, not on her phone.

Gino's heart sank at this sudden impossibility before him. He answered the phone to hear the voice.

"H-Hello?" Gino said shakily

"Why are you answering the phone like that?" Jill said, used to hearing a personal greeting off break.

Gino was too stunned to answer back. He kept staring at the girl before him realizing its Julisa for the first time.

"Anyways..." Jill said, reminding herself, that he must still be messed up from drugs and alcohol. "I was thinking I'd stop by your crib tonight and do what we couldn't earlier..." Jill wanted her fix before she broke up with him.

Gino could no longer comprehend anything that was being said to him and hung up the phone.

When I finished getting dressed and look up at Gino, his face was in distress. The hazy cloud of drunken highness has left his hazel eyes and he seemed to have randomly sobered up. I recognize he just realized who I was.

"Gino... It's okay..."

"Bitch what!..." Gino looks at me incredulously.

"I won't say anything! I promise!"

"I'm not going back to jail... I can't go back... I won't..."Gino quickly puts his clothes back on.

"Listen I wanted this! And I know not to say anything!" I plead to try to get him to calm down.

"Why?! Why would you do this?!" Gino said in disbelief. As he processed the fact that he just had sex with his girlfriend's 15yr-old daughter.

I didn't know how to answer him. So all he said was "You tricked me, and I'm not going to jail over this sh*t..." With that, he walked out the door.

He suddenly stopped at the doorway and threw up in a standing flower pot. It smelt like bad strawberries and liquor. When he was done he awkwardly belched and bitterly said. "I'm never doing molly again" and stumbled to his truck. When Gino backed out of the driveway, he ran into the mailbox knocking it over. He then takes it out of reverse and drives into our yard and out into the street and speeds off. I watch out the doorway thinking mama is gonna kill him for destroying her front lawn.

When my mom comes home, as predicted, she goes off. She's screaming and yelling and calling Gino repeatedly so he can come to get her lawn fixed. Gino never answers but sends over a landscaping company.

A month later when everything is fixed, mama calls and tells him to come to pick up somethings he left at her house. She was done with him and never wanted a reason for him to ever have an excuse to come back. Gino was relieved because he had left jewelry given to him by his late father in mama's room and desperately wanted it back. She told him a date and time for him to retrieve his items when no one would be home. Again another plus for him because he didn't have to be confronted by anyone.

Unknowingly to my mom, she chose a day that was scheduled to be a half-day at school for me.

When I arrive home that early afternoon, I was surprised to see Gino's truck outside. I go in the house and make my way upstairs when I see Gino coming out of my mom's room with a small box of his belongings. He startles when he sees me, dropping the box and spilling the contents inside.

"Gino..." I say running up to him to help him.

"I don't need you to help man, fall back." He says as I get close to him.

"Gino I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"Hurt me! You could have me thrown in prison for what you had me do to you." Gino looks at me in contempt.

I drop the things I tried to help pick up from my hands and walk up on him. Gino put his hands up in a surrendering motion and takes a couple of steps back.

"I told you I wouldn't do that to you. I promised you, and I've kept my word." I said stepping over his belongings on the floor, so I could be face to face with him. This made him nervous.

"Okay great! I'm glad you kept your word-"

"I also told you that I wanted what happened between us." I pull on his shirt and Gino pulls away from me backing further into mama's room.

"Julisa! That's f***ing crazy. You can't-"

"But I can! And we did... And I haven't stop thinking about it since..." I continue to walk him in the room.

"I haven't either... Only because I keep picturing the police busting down my door for it!!!" Gino said falling back onto moms bed behind him.

"I said I wouldn't tell, so stop bringing that up!!!" I say standing before him. "I've had feelings for you a long time now and I wanted us to happen... And I still do now..."

Gino has had women who have flocked to him and wanted to have a piece of him his whole life, but after they became intimate, they tend to lose interest. Gino was ignorant of the fact that it was due to his roughness, in and out of the bedroom. Even for the women who can tolerate his brute behavior, his ways in the bedroom were too rough and his member was too much of a beast to try to tame along with his brazen antics. Many tolerated him just for his wealth but eventually decide his money wasn't worth dealing with him. Gino would sense this and always try to spoil the woman more and try to get them to stay desperately wanting someone to hold him down and genuinely care.

Gino didn't say anything. He's never had anyone talk to him this way... Or ever be passionate about wanting him... His own mother never wanted him.

"Gino... I know this is crazy but I want you, and only you..." I straddle him. "I want you again... Now..."

The thug in Gino's mind said "Man f*** this little hoe and be out!"