The Move

We got movers moving our stuff and I'm officially confronted with the fact that I'm finishing my last two years of school away from all my friends.

Gino is excited because we now live 20 minutes apart from each other and he no longer has to get a hotel to be with me. I know he probably thinks I'm about to be at his house every day... I can't wait to figure out what after school activity I have to actually attend to get some space. Don't get me wrong, I love him so much but he can be a bit overberring and intense sometimes. I know its because we don't see each other everyday but we text all day. Which is part of the reason why I would get in trouble in school because I was always on my phone and teachers would trip. But if I didn't text Gino back in 15minutes he would get irritated. Again I love everything about us but he has this annoying ass tendency to always tell me what to do like he knows everything.

Like, excuse me, Sir, you were in jail for ten years, two of which you ain't talk to nobody so I low key might know more than you. But let me not get into all that.

Mama is excited because now I'll be going to King Robert Andrews High School. Where Aunt Sheri's the principal and now her phone won't be lit up every day regarding my behavior. Plus she opened up a new office which I got to help decorate. That was pretty cool.

Aunt Sheri's excited because she loves me and finally gets to be around me more often. I'm definitely an Aunties girl!

I'm the only one who's miserable because I have to leave all my long time school friends and be the new girl for the first time. But like I said I'm mamas Princess and she's throwing me a huge sweet sixteen. She even had me roll up to all my friend's houses in a limousine with my day one groupies, to hand out invitations. It was lit and everybody was excited to come, it's literally the talk of the school. This is basically my sweet sixteen slash farewell party. I know mama did all this to get me to stop pouting and being all dramatic about moving. It worked! And I'm mamas sweet little girl again. This is probably my last time stunting like an "it girl" so I have to live it up!


So yeah, mama and I are new in town and things seem to be looking up. Being close to Aunt Sheri is so fun too. She comes over or we go to her house once a week. Sometimes, we go on a girls date which consist of getting nails done and going to see a movie. Aunt Sheri has been so helpful in getting us settled and really making this place feel like home but she almost gave Gino and I a scare.

Since it's summer break Gino and I have been having the time of our lives up under each other all day. One time when he was dropping me off home after a romantic day spent together. Aunt Sheri took a wrong turn and was at our pick up/ drop off spot. We were busy lip locking and when I finally came up for air, I was staring right at Aunt Sheri's M3 BMW.

Thank goodness for Gino's dark tints and it being night time and rainy, because I'm not sure how long she was out there or what she had seen. Before I got out the car Gino made me kiss him again, fearing it would be our last time. But when I got in Aunt Sheri's car I gave her an excuse and she miraculously believed every word.

When I reported back to Gino the good news, he was still spooked and bought a brand new blacked-out Audi with tints just to pick me up in because his red Cadillac was way too obvious. He then told me that it's time I pressured my mom into letting me learn to drive because it's much safer if I just came to him. I told him I could just Uber back and forth but he didn't trust Uber drivers with his baby. ☺️

I know, I know. I sound spoiled. Maybe I am but, that's because I'm loved.

Anyways! I've spent seven chapters talking bout myself that I've done kissed, sucked, made love, went to sleep. Then kissed, sucked, made love again, got dropped off and the morning is halfway gone and I still haven't seen or heard from mama.

I was starting to feel neglected...