
Monica grew tired of receiving the cold shoulder from everyone. She was peeved that no one had the decency to hold a genuine conversation with her. Especially in her own home, on top of her being the host.

It was to the point that she just talked to the help and she could sense George and Edna's annoyance with her, because she was getting in the way of their duties.

When she went back into the breakfast nook, she noticed Sheri and Mark was still gone. Her imaginary antennas went up and she left to go seek them out.

Jill noticed Monica's departure into the direction of where Mark and Sheri were and realize she should do something in case Sheri was up to no good.

"Excuse me." Jill said to the Henry's as she quickly pulled her phone out and called Sheri's phone. She got up from the table and walked out to the terrace. Calling may not do much but it may be enough to distract Sheri from Mark. That way by the time Monica reaches them, they may already be separated. At least this was the plan Jill cooked up in her head. Jill always tries to be a good wing lady.

"Hey. Why are you calling?" Sheri whispered into the phone.

"Whats taking you so long? Monica just went looking for you and Mark!" Jill whispered back.

"Thanks for the lookout. I'm not with him right now but we did get into somethings." Sheri said ready to spill the tea.

"Girl! Don't tell me you were making out with him back there? Or did he go down on you again for his own personal pleasure? He looks like that kind of freak." Jill was a little irritated Sheri gave Mark play again.

"No girl. We got it on in his office and this man came in less than five minutes all inside me!"

"NOOOO!" Jill couldn't believe Sheri was behaving this reckless .

"Yes! Then he had the nerve to yell at me for bitching about it!"

"STOP!" Jill couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Right! I'm so done with him. He better choose another MFing school because this is messy!" Sheri hung up and opened the bathroom door.

"Sheri, are you alright? You've been in there for a long time." Monica said as soon as she sees Sheri walk out of the bathroom.

"I'm fine. Just taking our discussion all in." Sheri said nonchalantly.

Monica hardly heard what Sheri said as she tried to look behind her to see if anyone was in there with her.

Sheri noticed and said "It's all yours." stepping aside to allow Monica to go in.

Before Monica could respond, Sheri walked away.

Monica let out a sigh and faced Mark's door. She gently knocked before she went in. She sees Mark having an easy going conversation with someone and on the computer. Mark sees her, and inaudibly calls her over.

When she walks over to him, she realizes Mark is on the phone with Mr. Finch, and could see on his computer screen, he was looking over the deposit of 1.3M that's scheduled to drop in three days.

Again Monica is left feeling silly. She really thought her husband was in the bathroom with Sheri. Why was she feeling so insecure? Mark has always been very focused when it came to work and always faithful to her. Even now as she stood next to him, he prompted her to sit in his lap.

Mark was a little stunned that Monica obeyed so quickly. Usually, he had to continue to coax her before she would or just leave her alone if he didn't have time. He held her as he continued schmoozing to Mr. Finch.

Monica leaned into Mark to hear what Mr. Finch was saying. He tightened his embrace around her and kissed her forehead. This is something that she used to do a lot in the earlier days of his political career. Back when every call with an important political figure or successful businessman was a big deal and she wanted to be in on all the details.

She became excited when Mr. Finch invited Mark for golf next Sunday morning to get his other CEO buds in on donations.

When Mark got off the phone Monica started kissing on him passionately. Mark felt like a horrible individual.

"I'm so proud of you honey..." Monica said before kissing him again. She couldn't help how guilty she felt for the way internally accused him. She probably even looked a little crazy to Sheri. The thought of Sheri made her say, "Maybe we should choose another school..."