The Henry’s

As Sheri made her way back to the breakfast nook, she gets a text from Jill.

Jill: I'm taking you home to pop this emergency morning after pill I got. You not about to be Marks baby mama 🤰🏾🙅🏽‍♀️

Sheri: 💯

When Sheri came into to view, Dennis Henry couldn't wait to fill her in on the conversation they were having in her absence. Basically, the Henry's bonded with Jill at the fact that their kids are the same age and that their daughter's real mom had her at the age of sixteen.

The Henrys had a hard time conceiving in the beginning of their marriage. After five years of trying, they decided to adopt. First came Omar now 17 then Alana now 16. Both kids were adopted at the age of five, then three years later they ended up pregnant with their very own baby boy named Tevin Knox aka TK now 8. Sheri and Jill fell in love with their story, even the emotional parts.

Jill told Sheri that after the Henry's told her about their daughter Alana she was inspired to invite her to Julisa's sweet sixteen. Alana was born to a mother who had her at sixteen but didn't want to raise her. Alana endured a lot of neglect and social-emotional abuse in her first five years of life.

Debra Henry pulls out her phone to show them pictures of their children.

"Wow your kids are all so good looking." Sheri admired how beautiful this family was.

"Alanna is gorgeous, she definitely gives me Kelly Rowland vibes." Jill commented looking at a picture of Alana by herself.

"I know! I tell her every day! She doesn't believe me!" Debra exclaimed.

"What? How can she not know?" Sheri was shocked. Alana was breathtaking.

"Well, she has self-esteem issues... for her first five years she grew up thinking she was an inconvenience. To try to stay out of her mothers way but to also be taken cared of, she just copied everything her mother did so her mother wouldn't have to do it for her. That way she wouldn't yell so much at her." Dennis explained.

Both Sheri and Jill expressed sympathy.

"Can you imagine adopting a five year old who refused to eat anything you directly handed to them? For days we would wake up in the morning to find our kitchen rummaged, from Alana fixing her own food." Debra added.

"It took a while for us to convince her that we loved her and won't yell at her for needing anything from us." Dennis lamented.

"Wow." Jill said. "That's crazy. Being a mother at a young age wasn't easy but I couldn't imagine my daughter needing anything from me and I not bend backwards to get it for her."

"It's hard to imagine people doing that to their own kids." Sheri shook her head.

"Yeah man, people can be wicked. It took us a while to get Alana to open up and start behaving like a child. Even now she still does everything by herself. Extremely independent and wise beyond her he years." Dennis sighed and squeezed his wife hand.

Debra had tears coming out her eyes and was quickly dabbing them away. Sheri rubbed her back.

"Thank you. I'm fine it's just hard talking about what our sweet daughter had to go through."

"I can't imagine..." Sheri said.

"But she is so strong. She's come such a long way. Her social and emotional skills were so underdeveloped, but with our support, care and devotion, she's getting there. Her big brother Omar has been a big help to her too but she still struggles with certain social aspects." Dennis added.

"What are somethings she struggles with?" Sheri asked wondering if she can help.

"Well... Alana's mother bad treatment of her, was all she knew for a long while, and even though we've done a lot to help undo some damage, somethings still remain. For example, when people treat her bad, she doesn't have the sense to defend herself or think it was a problem. All when they make her cry, she'll go out with them like nothing ever happened." Debra wiped another tear away thinking about her daughter's circumstances.

"It's Omar that comes home and tell us everything. He used to try to defend her from the bulling, but Alana always ends up back with them." Dennis said. "Its like she doesn't understand that she doesn't have to deal with it..."

"And with us moving here, we worry about her more. You know with social cues being different, things could be worst for her..." Debra felt defeated.

Jill and Sheri both felt they could help.