Flip the Script

Jill could see that the entire room had Sheri backed into a corner and was disgusted.

"Ahem" Jill clears her throat. "Well, it's obvious to us all that Dr. Woods opinion on the matter was of little consequence to the plan of action you all have conjured up."

The Garret's and Henry's all speak in unison.

"Of course, her opinion matters!" Mark says defensively.

"We wouldn't be here if it didn't! " Monica does her best not to roll her eyes and fails.

"Her support means everything." Dennis says with sincerity.

Jill shakes her head and continues.

"No offense to any of you, but have you considered the hard work Dr.Woods has put into her school and the prosperity of it? The plans she has in place for the next school year? Or even her career if this Dream Act blows up?" Jill quizzed.

"This is why Dr. Woods was chosen! We certainly wouldn't have had this meeting if we believed she wasn't up for the challenge." Mark says. Irritated at Jills accusations.

"But she isn't up for this challenge! This whole meeting has her completely uncomfortable and feeling horrible since her reluctance makes her look like the bad guy..." Jill says giving Monica a direct look.

Monica scoffs.

"You've all completely blindsided her with this project and want to guilt-trip her for being reluctant to happily go along with everything..." Jill says staring at everyone with reproach.

The Garrett's and Henry all speak in unison again, but Jill puts her hand up again.

"No need to go in circles all morning. King Robert Andrew High School will be the first school to the facilitate Dream Act. It's Governor Mark's alma mater and will be overseen by his wife. This should be an amazing campaign point should you run for any higher political status." Jill then turns to the Henry's.

"To the Henry's I know you are only looking out for the displaced children in a trying situation. We can all commend you for this, because if not you then who? But you must understand even with good intentions, dumping 350-500 students with server trama in one location will be a strain..." Jill says with an remorseful smile.

"You've all had the focus on your own goals without a thought of the person you are dumping this on..." Jill pauses but no one speaks.

Jill continues. "This whole situation looks good for you all, so let's hope Dr. Woods will be saying the same in the next few years. Actually, lets do more than hope! When the community reacts to this change who can we look too for de-escalating tension and keeping order?"

"The Governor and I! We've been saying this the whole time!" Monica was exasperated and pissed that Jill had the nerve to jump on some big horse and chastise her and her husband in front of her guest!

"You say all this now but when reality sets in I will most likely to bear the brute of the disgruntled messages from parents and overwhelmed staff. I honestly do not need empty promises. I need to see a plan of action. For funding, communications, staffing and counseling for the kids and families." Sheri said knowing that she may not have a choice in being a facilitator to this scheme but she certainly will have nothing to do with the extra workload and fallout of it all.

"This is why taking on the position of VP will give

me the ability to handle these tasks! Honestly, the nerve of you two to treat this like some errant scheme! As if the Governor and I have not the education or skill to organize a production like this! We run an entire State for goodness sake!!! Then to also treat the ambassadors of Jamaica like fool hearty beggers!!!" It was Monica's turn to give the reproachful look.

"We are more than up for this task, so enough of this back and forth, this will be happening!!!" Monica was done with this argument and any other grievance these two bimbos came up with and Sheri will be out of a job.

Sheri realized by Monica's tone they may have gone too far on the defense and she could possibly lose her career for this. She had to turn the tables.

"Well wonderful! Thank you for the reassurance! You have to understand this whole thing is a lot to take in... But of course it makes sense for you the be KRAHS's new VP you do after all contribute to running this state.. " Sheri shakes her head.

"I'm glad sense has made it's way to you." Monica adds with a condescending smile.

Mark stiffens hating when his wife never knows when to gracefully win.

"Ha! Well, with that being said, the job is obviously yours... So I expect a full briefing of the details on every aspect of the Dream act within two weeks. Including plans for implementations. We can then start advertising for new staff in the following weeks. In which you will conduct all interviews yourself and they will report strictly to you." Sheri was now in full work mode.

"As you and the Governor promised earlier, I will be able to run my school with all my usual proceedings. The staff that you will hire and train will maintain the influx of students and their needs. Not to mention any proceedings the Vice Principal would handle without this project. Any intervention needed from me will be documented on your evaluations. As well as overall logistics when motion to start integrating this to other schools. Board of Education would indeed need to be briefed." Sheri finished sternly.

The Garrett's completely ignored the fact that the Board of Education can shut this whole venture down if things do not proceed smoothly. If that were to happen, not only would it be to an embarrassment but a sure end to political advancement.

Seeing the recognition in the Garrett's expressions, Sheri continues with,

"Governor Mark, I expect full accommodating resources sent to King Robert Andrew High School to support our needs. Along with plans on rebuilding the high school. We aren't due for another 5 years but with this dream act in play I say no later than 3... We can add that to the official debriefing in 2 weeks as well... Any questions?" Sheri says all business like and finishes with a stiff smile.

The Garrett's too shocked at Sheri's swift ability to turn the tables to speak.

"Good! If there are any questions you can think of later such as a reminder of my expectations or fine details, feel free to email me, never text... I won't answer via text to anything business related... "

Jill sat giddily in her seat. She never got to witness Sheri in her role as presiding principal. And the way she flipped the script on these people who thought they would run her was giving her life! So while taking in the Garrett's shocked faces, Jill adds,

"In other words, Dr. Woods may have no choice to host this Dream Act, but you will be held responsible for every last detail. Don't let this little comradery fool you into thinking she will settle for any slack or incompetence." Jill smiles

"After all, my school wouldn't be on top if my STAFF gave me less than excellence... Let's hope your addition will be able to fall in line. " With that, Sheri gets up with Jill in tow politely smiling and takes their leave.