The Brotherhood Expansion

Jake Whitaker was never one to have close friends. He was an introvert through and through. Alongside his photographic memory, he was smarter than most and found people to be predictable so he never cared for their constant companionship. On top of that he was neglected and abused as a child and couldn't stand to be around any group of people for long periods of time. He would often take flight from a city when things got redundant and yet again predictable. When Jake thinks of predictable he means that people never do as they should.

Watching people behave as they should not often brings up his hurtful past. Which validates his reason not to trust others nor form attachments. In his mind, you can almost guarantee hurt and disappointment. Which beings Jake to the only sure thing he knows in life, that people never behave as they should.

What Jake enjoyed most about working for Anthony, Cordell, and Mark was that they also believed people never do as they should. They depended on it, assumed it and paid good money for it. One thing Jake could depend on from them is their need for him. With that Jake Whitaker, became the fourth member of the brotherhood.

Since Jake was such a key component to these men's success and knew practically everything about them, he unintentionally became knitted to the crew. He wasn't sure at first until he started getting random phone calls and texts, with them checking in on him. He would be surprised when the call would end and not once was work mentioned. It surprised Jake, even more, when he too had the desire to check in or vent and have his thoughts and feelings validated or challenged.

"So this is what friendship felt like..." Jake would think to himself.

The best thing about their companionship was that it didn't demand any extra time he didn't mind putting in if needed because for the most part, the men were way too busy for anything extra. Even when it came to the work he delivered for them, it had to be at their convince. Which is why whenever going over criminal evidence or some scandal from another local political figure, it was always after a work out. The men would either work out early in the morning in Jake's personal gym or in the afternoon on Mark's private basketball court.


Mark called for a workout session on Tuesday since it's been a couple of days since he really got to sweat. He needed a break from office work and Monica's fussing.

Since Cordell canceled unable to pull himself away from his current case, the guys decide to to meet at Jake's gym.

Jake lived in the art district of Parkdale city. It's the warehouse side of town where most of the area had factories that were closed due to production offshoring. Many of these buildings turned into restaurants, nightclubs, lounges, art galleries, and residential living units.

Jake's unit was a industrial loft-style open scheme layout. With it's High ceilings and minimal interior walling, brick dominated everything. The huge windows offered ample amounts of sunlight, which made the exposed pipes and venting systems glisten.

Anthony had gifted Jake a few paintings and cashmere rug's and throws to give the place some warmth. The bottom floor has a open concept kitchen/dining area. With the dark wooded theme of the living area adjacent. In the back end was a space that Jake used to develop photos. Not just for his photography hobby but developing pictures of evidence or dirt against people.

Upstairs had a balcony that looked down on the living and eating area and divided the upper-level landing into two. One side was Jake's master suite, the other side was his state of the art gym.

The men work out to their own rhythm as they watch the sunrise through the large warehouse-sized windows. All the windows of the gym are cracked open to let in the early morning coolness before the sun melts it away.

After 20 minutes of quiet self-awareness, Jake cranks the AC signaling time to pump it. The men do everything but kill themselves for the next 45 minutes.

"Alright!" Jake says, ready to finally hear about Anthony and Mark's night at the museum.

"What on earth happened with you two and those ladies because you all could have went to jail! And Mark! WTF?"

Mark the Hydro King guzzled half his water before he tried to explain his erratic behavior towards Sheri to Jake.

"I don't know what it was? I seen her and no longer could think straight..." Mark shakes his head at the admission.

Anthony walks towards the bathroom to shower and said "Look, the chick was pressing me out... All night! And since she was cute I had no problem in driving that a** crazy. Then told her to bounce in the morning. It was simple as that." He closes the door behind him.

Jake shook his head and yelled "You was on the F****** clock!"

Anthony popped his head back out "You saw the footage right? She was a baddie that couldn't stand the wait." Anthony shrugs. "Besides, how was I supposed to know Mark was gonna lose his shit and do every wrong thing he could think to do in one night." Anthony closes the door, saying all he wanted to say on the matter.

"You might need to hire someone else to watch over your crazy ass." Jake says shocked at how casual Anthony is acting about the situation.

"You up for the job?" Mark says getting excited about the prospect.

"I can't." Jake says curtly.

"You saw Ant's reaction. He could care less if I lost everything. And I know I'm a grown-ass man but if I could be trusted to behave, I wouldn't be dishing out $40k a year to keep my life in check. I need surveillance and Ant doesn't need my money."

"Mark, I'm not about to-"

"No, listen if there's anyone who has kept my life in order, it's truly you. I almost destroyed everything you helped me achieve. Literally, in one night. There is not a lot of people in the world who knows how to fuck up like I can... I need you." Mark confessed plainly.

Mark felt indebted to Jake for all that he has done. Not only has he helped make his political career sore, but he was also able to marry the woman of his dreams. Not to mention their time going over Mark's collage footage together, cause them to formed a bond. Anthony and Cordell would judge Mark's shenanigans whereas Jake only wished he could have been his wingman.

Mark was the main one to make time to see how Jake was and Jake appreciated him for it but finding dirt on people required him to continue to be good at being invisible. Close association to a political figure could kill that.

"Mark, what you need from me is to stay invisible. Don't f*** up my craft. Get your s*** together and stop depending so heavily on people saving you from your impulses." Jake said curtly.

Mark was too stunned respond. Jake never took this tone with him.

"I know Ant fucked up but that was his first slip and you took advantage of it. You took advantage of Ant being caught up with his lady friend and Monica leaving... No one was there to keep order and you took advantage.." Jake said sternly. "We can't want your life, family, and success more than you do Mark..." Jake sighed... "Im not saying you don't need help but you CAN be accountable."

Jake saw the despondent look on Mark's face and wanted to soften the blow of his words, but as he was about to speak again Mark held up his hand.

"Nah... You're right... I didn't even recognize myself that night... I just had to have her..."

"Isn't she the principal of the school that you're going to be running this whole dream act with? The principal your wife has to answer to, to be in good standing with the project? There's no way you can behave this way with her! She's too much of a key individual for you to have carried on with her this way." Jake said not understanding how this man can throw all caution to wind.

"Jay, you don't think I've beat myself up about this already. I know! I'm dreading seeing her again because she disarms a me!"

"You don't have the option to lose control with her!!!" Jake hissed.

When Mark says nothing Jake continues with, "I think you're a starved man dealing with way too much." He says matter of factly. "Hear me out... You spend all day running the ins and outs of state affairs. Everything you do has to do with fixing problems, and putting an end to injustice. You don't have time to let go and unwind. So when you do, you spiral. But you signed up for this and I know this is more than you expected but you did all this for Monica... She's the only thing that matters when it comes down to it, but she's starving you, and you're losing focus. You need couples therapy. You both need to reconnect... Or else everything I've done for you and your family, is wasted. You're my bro and I can't see you go out like this. Your family, career... I can't watch you blow it all up." Jake pats his buddy's back. He's never had to have anyone's back as much as Mark's.

"Ahhh..." Mark sighs deeply, feeling like he been saved from falling off a cliff. WTF did Sheri do to him? "You sure you can't be my lookout?..." Mark ask again with a glummer of hope.

"I can't! So you need to tighten up! And if Ant can't be dependable you need to hire out. I'll look for a guy." Jake playfully punches Mark in the chest.

"You ain't looking for shit!" Anthony says swaggering out of the bathroom, ready for work. "We fucked up but we focused now... Bros before hoes. That was the rule I messed up with. First and last time! I got you like I've always had moving forward." Anthony puts his hand on his chest posing in Scout's honor.

"I'm surprised in you Ant, but but I'll let it slide..." Jake stares at him perplexed.

"See you around Jay." Anthony never has the patience for a lecture. He knows when and where he messed up and doesn't need a motherfucker to draw him up a map.

"Call you later." Anthony says to Mark dapping him up.

"Alright brother." Mark replies and heads into the showers.