The Strange Girl Who Dreams Of Love!

Age 1991

Outside Of Violet City the snowy waste lands...

Laughter filled the night sky as the group began to march through the heavy and thick snow which was constantly pouring out of the endless black void that hovered above their world. That endless black void covered one fourth of their planet Ava, keeping it sectioned off and freezing their lands. The powerful ice monsters that roamed the lands certainly didn't help things either...

Ken didn't say anything, and simply followed after the delinquents as they began to leave the side of the wall that they had snuck out of. Apparently the wall that surrounded their city had a simple and small hole on it allowing them to just leave.

"See!" The leader of the group announced as a large smile crossed onto his face. "I told you guys we wouldn't be caught. No one is ever around here at this time of night. So easy to just sneak out of these cities. Those Enforcers think their laws can hold people in. Ha! Now that we're out..."

Ken gave a small frown as she watched him and the others all pull out spray cans as they began to spray the walls making 'art' for some reason. "Do you guys hate the law the Enforcers have. The one that requires people to stay inside of cities. You know it exist to keep us safe right?"

Each city, and town had a law in it. People were not allowed to leave or enter unless they paid a tax. And even then they could only board the trains, that were outside of each city which only went to other cities. A person could try and travel the vast lands without a train but the chances were, they would end up dead either from the cold or from the monsters, or from the many bandit camps. If they were lucky maybe they would stumble across a village out in the snow. Though those places were usually destroyed very quickly unless they got lucky and had someone that could fight the Bestia Macht off.

Ken had to admit though. The leader of this silly band of jerks, was definitely handsome and dressed very well. She had come to learn that his name was Vow.

It was just a shame his personality was so ugly.

Vow's face twisted into a small smirk and he let out another laugh as his smile grew. He dropped a can of spray paint on the ground and turned to look at the masterpiece him, and the other boys had painted on the side of the wall, that was around Violet City. "It's a masterpiece!" He announced loudly.

On the wall were several shapes, as well as several vulgar words that had been painted out from several of the other teens. Vow however had painted a version of himself on the wall. Guess he didn't care if someone discovered it?

Ken couldn't help but frown when she looked at the gang in front of her. This wasn't really what she was expecting when she followed them.

"You were right boss!" One of the mindless goons that followed their leader announced. "This was great!"

"The party isn't over yet." The leader announced loudly. He pointed up to the black sky. "Let's keep going-"

"Isn't that dangerous." Everyone stopped as they turned to look at Ken. Those had been the first words she had spoken to them after leaving the safety of the city. "Bestia Macht are known to wander around the wilds, and several Baron level threats have been sighted recently. It would not be ideal if we were to bump into one." She said softly. "I doubt any of you would be able to run fast enough."

Vow's grin grew as he gave a snort and shrugged his shoulders. "Trust me, sweetheart, I've left this damn city so many times, and have not once crashed into a Bestia Macht. The Enforcers just say that stuff to keep us locked in these cities. Trust me. I'm Vow Howzart, a Noble family. I may not be one of them fancy Twenty sacred branches of Nobles but I'm still higher up than anyone else so you're safe with me. Besides..." He raised his right hand up as a small red bubble formed in it. "I have an Attribute. I'm strong. But don't tell anyone okay? I found the Equation last month nobodies knows it bonded with me and I'd like to keep it that way so this'll be our little secret okay? So we have nothing to worry about, my power will allow us to be safe. Count on it!"

Ken's frown only grew. "If you say so."

"Come on!" Vow announced throwing his arm over her shoulder. "It'll be fun." He didn't give her any time to answer as he began to drag her off towards the vast wasteland of snow. "We'll go around the wall and enter the city through another way once we're done. There's this great restaurant right over the side of it. It's probably closed by now so we can break-in."

Ken continued to not say anything as they walked. She was having second thoughts about doing this. Hanging around these men, was only reinforcing her sins.

"I still don't know about this..." Ken said with some nervousness. Her eyes darted back and forth. "I mean the sightings did say there was one nearby. Are you sure you want to chance it?"

The leader of their group stopped suddenly as his smile grew even larger. Ken wondered if his face hurt at this point. "I told you. We'll be fine." He announced cheerfully. He did a silly pose as the others gave a small cheer. "Because I'm strong. I'm the strongest. So you can trust me."

Ken's frown vanished as she suddenly let out a quiet giggle. The giggle slowly got louder, and louder before it suddenly turned into full blown laughter. All the gang members stopped as they all looked at the laughing girl who seemed to have found the entire situation hilarious. "H... H... Hahaha..."

"W... Why are you laughing?" Vow asked frowning now.

"S... Sorry..." Ken said still giggling a bit. "I just find it hilarious that you think you're the strongest." She gave a small devilish smile making Row step back as he felt an aura of nervousness hit him for some reason.

"W... What?" Vow shook his head again as he stood his ground. "I have a Cursed Life Technique." He announced. He pulled the legging to his left leg up as the leg began to morph and change gaining white plates over it. Several black spikes stabbed out as he gave a smirk. "A Transformation type that turns my left leg into a Bestia Macht slaying weapon!"

Ken's laughter exploded out of her again as she practically fell down. "That's your power! What a lame ass ability..."

Vow let out a small growl as he clenched his fist. "You better watch it girl!"

"Or what." Vow was once again forced into silence when Ken looked at him. Her dull silver eyes seemed to bare into his very soul for a moment. It was like looking down the light of an oncoming train. If you didn't back down and move fast, you would be run over.

Vow turned away as he growled again. "Whatever. I just invited you to hang out with us because I thought you looked pretty, and you looked bored out of your mind. Neither me nor my friends have to take this crap from you. Let's just head back inside."

"Sounds good to me-"

Before Ken could finish there was massive crashing sound as the ground behind them erupted up sending snow everywhere. what looked like a tall white alligator pulled its way out of the snow as it let out a loud roar. Ice began to spill forward as the beasts frozen soul seeped out freezing everything around them. One of the gang members almost got hit by the cold soul but Ken managed to grab onto them from behind and jump back avoiding the ice attack.

"A... A... A Bestia Macht..." One of the gang members said in shock. "W... Why is it here!"

"It was reported about it being in the area." Ken said in a flat tone. She turned to Vow who had a terrified look on his face. She couldn't blame him. This was probably the first time he's ever seen a Bestia Macht. "Well. You have an Cursed Life Technique right. I assume you can handle it?"

Vow let out a small gulp as his left leg began to glow. The bone plating's formed around it as a bone buzz saw stabbed out of his leg spinning around wildly. "Y... Yea..." Vow nodded hesitantly. A white energy seeped out of his leg as the snow around him began to melt. "I can do this!"

The Equation of Life gives off three colored auras. The most common of which is white. This white aura is different with every kind. Equip types for example will have the aura around their weapons, Transformation types will have it around the limb that transforms, and Caster types will have the aura around their body. This aura is extremely hot and if left uncheck can burn their body. Furthermore this aura is able to negate the effects of a Bestia Macht's freezing soul keeping the user warm.

Vow jumped into the air spinning around as the saw buzzed loudly spinning around his leg. He let out a loud battle cry as he dropped kicked down to the beast as fast as he could slashing his left leg out.

"Take this-" The Bestia Macht reached up slapping Vow away as it sent him flying into the wall. He hit it head first with a loud thud as he fell face down in the snow. "Oww..." Vow gasped out as blood began to trickle down his head. "I'm in a lot of pain..."

"Boss!" Several of the members all yelled running over to their bosses side. "Are you okay? You didn't get the virus did you!"

The Bestia Macht virus. A virus that is inflected by a Bestia Macht. It causes your body absolute pain as you slowly break down into shards of broken ice. It is said it even affects your soul shattering it and stopping you from being able to pass on. Cursed to live in a frozen hell for all eternity. Many would rather kill themselves then die to the virus.

"Don't worry." They all looked up seeing Ken standing near them. "Normal attacks don't give the virus. Only attacks involving their Dark Matter Beams, or black spikes can give you the chaos virus."

"Thank God..."

The Bestia Macht let out another roar as Ken gave a small grin looking at the downed man. "I thought you said you were strong?" Ken asked. "Or did you just assume that just because you have a Cursed Life Technique? Take it from someone like me..." Ken said in an almost somber tone. "Sometimes power doesn't matter."

Ken reached up stabbing a hand through her chest and shocking everyone as blood sprayed out of the wound. She pulled out a long and thin black spike that seemed to be made out of bones which she spun around the threw at the beast stabbing it in the eye and making it roar out in pain.

The wound on Ken's chest healed quickly as she shot forward with so much force the snow exploded behind her. The area around her seemed to get colder as the temperature almost seemed to drop as she reached the beast.

"W... What is that Cursed Life Technique? It's weird?" Vow said in shock as he watched Ken. "What is she?"

Ken slammed her left hand into the beast stabbing it into the monsters chest and making it howl out in pain. It's eyes went wide as a black light seemed to seep through Ken's hand as she fired a black beam of swirling energy into the beast blowing its body to bits in a single attack.

As the gore of the monster rained down as brought her still smoking hand down and frowned.

"That was boring. I wanted to fight something strong." She pouted. She slowly turned to look back at Vow and the others who were all staring at her in shock. "I don't suppose we can keep this secret?" Ken asked reaching up and holding the Cross that hung around her neck. "Mother Friday wouldn't want me to fight a Bestia Macht alone. Even a weak low level one like a Baron."

Despite saying that it was fairly obvious she got into a brutal fight. Her shirt still had a hand sized hole in it and while their was no wound her front was still covered in blood and her lower half was also covered in blood from using her hands to literally rip a Beast in half with that beam... So much blood had rained down on her she was practically soaked in it.

"Th... That Cross... She's a Red Sister... A group that is said to work along side the Enforcers worshipping God... Back in the day they were God's Assassins... A few would go off and slay an entire army and when they returned they would be stained red from the blood of the men they slayed... That's how they got the name... They say God personally gave them their powers..."

"H... How was I suppose to know she was some kind of badass warrior..." Vow said shocked.

Ken turned away looking up towards the skies as a small frown crossed onto her face. Slowly a light blue envelope fell landing in her palms. She stared at it for a moment reading the words 'Enforcer' that were written on it in big bold letters.

Slowly a small smile crossed onto Ken's face.

'Oh thank you Great One...'