
Night Eighty Eight

Age 1991

The Void...

Ken let out a heavy sigh as she set up now no longer in the normal world. All around her for miles was an ocean of red liquid that she stood in. The liquid had seemingly gone down this time, and wasn't even able to reach past her ankles.

"Did I die in my sleep again?" The tiny girl grumbled as she folded her arms.

"Of course not." The loud echoing voice of the lab coat announced echoing around the massive red and black void that was all around her. The red liquid began to bubble as something pulled itself out of the ocean of red. The giant white lab coat that was Labby. "I brought you here myself."

"Yo!" Ken said giving a half-wave towards the massive figure. "Sup Labby? How's it going..." She said in an annoyed and bored tone.

"Red!" The coat hissed out. "Why is it that you are in this city."


"You must listen to me."

"I don't like you..."

"I am trying to save your life dumb girl!" The Lab Coat hissed out shattering the void for a moment.

Ken let out a sigh as she crossed her legs taking a seat and folded her arms. "Alright fine... Shoot away Labby."

"Don't call me that!" The Lab Coat yelled. He seemed to take a calming breath for a moment as his shoulders sagged. "Listen to me foolish girl... I can feel it."

"Feel what?" Ken asked throwing her arms behind her head.

"The Crest..."

Ken let out a light gasp as her eyes went wide. Then... "Yeah I don't know what that is?" She said flatly.

A loud sigh shook the void once again as the things head seemed to shake slightly. 'Be on guard foolish one... I see it... No that isn't right. It is more like I feel it. The Power of a Dragon..."

"Uh... Dragon's aren't real?" Ken said flatly. "I mean sure some Bestia Macht can take the form of a dragon like creature but for the most part Dragon's aren't real."

"Not a Dragon in the traditional sense you dumb girl." Labby hissed. "You are a Sister of the Church of Red, a Church that worships the Great One, the man known as God who once created the Equations, gifts from God that allow people to battle the monsters of old known as the Bestia Macht... Well that tale isn't exactly true... Or rather I should say there was more to the tale that was never told to others... This is known as the Crests the actual Letters of God. Those who had a Crest went by the title of Dragons, a Clan who worshipped the one you call God even more than you Church girls. You must be careful... There are three currently in this City and I know not of the intentions of two of them... I also can not locate any of them... Allow your senses to guide you least you be caught by surprise in the battles that are to come..."

Ken gave a small smile as she nodded her head for a moment. "Why are you being helpful?" She questioned raising an eyebrow as she gave the Lab Coat a suspicious look.

"Because you're screwed!" Labby yelled as his sleeves were thrown into the air as if they were arms or something. "And when you die I die! I like living okay! Sue me. These Crests are beyond dangerous. Do not under estimate the power of a Dragon. A single one that has mastered its power can go beyond the level of any Captain in the Enforcers..."

"That sounds bad..." Ken said with wide eyes. She took a deep breath as she steadied her breathing for a moment and a small grin seemed to cross onto her face for a moment. "But... If these people are that strong I'm sure fighting them will be fun!"

"Oh God damn it! I hate that you Seraphins are this blood thirsty."

"Don't get me wrong." Ken said shaking her head. "I don't like killing people. I don't even like killing the Bestia Macht. I do however like fighting. I suppose a weapon would though wouldn't it." She giggled for a moment as she clenched her fingers digging her nails into her palm and piercing the skin causing some of her blood to trickle down. Seconds later steam rose up from the wound and the fingers wound sealed shut not even leaving a mark. "I like fighting. And I will kill to protect the people that I heard dear to me."

"I suppose you would." Labby let out a deep bellied laugh that shook the entire red and black void.

"What do you mean?" Ken asked not liking the way the massive lab coat was laughing at her now. Her cheeks puffed out as she shot the thing a mean glare only increasing its laughter.

"It's natural for you to want things you can't have. After all you are a mere child. A short child at that-"

"Screw you Labby!"

"You're a weapon who wants to be a human so you pray to their God. You wish to protect your friends despite the fact that you hit and yell at them constantly. You seek out love, and yet shun it when others try to give it to you such as when Row, or Kitsune announced their love for you. Rather you bitterly tried to make Row end up in a relationship with Irene and for Kitsune you'd rater he be lost and alone. For someone who claims to be seeking love, and wants to help her friends you sure do have a funny way of showing it. Then again Monsters always do don't they..."

"D... Don't say it like that..." Ken mumbled.

"Like what? The truth?"

"You're wrong." Ken shook her head for a moment as she once again clenched her fists. "I do love Kitsune, Hero, Light, and even Irene. They're friends to me. Friends I never got to have them. A weapon wouldn't feel like this. I love them all. But not in a romantic way. Because I know I'm a brat... And besides they never be able to handle me at all! I need someone just like me who can keep up in every way! And also... I saw how he looked at her, and how she looked at him... I'd rather he's happy and chase after her. She can keep him safe and he can keep her safe."


"None of your business you damn lab coat!" Ken announced getting her spark back as she placed her hands on her hips and stomped her foot down. "Now can I go or what?"

A silence passed over the two of them for a moment. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you can eventually control the second and third stage... No! Of course I'm not wrong! I am Labby a being made by Mr. Hyde to kill you when you go out of control foul Seraphin! You will never have control over those forms! A brat like you lacks the self control to handle it."

"The second and what now?"

"That is not important at this moment." The coat leaned forward staring down at Ken as it gave a small growl. "At the current situation, you are screwed so watch your back carefully..."

Ken took a sigh as she gave a small smile. "Not yet. I'll find a way to control this power. I haven't fully come to terms with this yet but I'm getting there." Ken said giving a small shrug as her smile grew. "Everyone else is working so hard, so I'll just work even harder passing them all in terms of power. Hero, Kitsune, Irene, and Light. Those idiots will never keep up with me!"

"What are you on about?"

The Lab coat allowed a large sigh to escape him. "And here I thought you actually had a plan to deal with the situation... How foolish of me..."

"Oh I'll deal with it alright!"

"Very well... Come closer girl... Here is what you must do and who you should look out for..."


The Next Day...

Enforcers Hotel...

Main Lobby...

"So? How'd you sleep?" Nick asked curiously?

"Terrible..." Hero muttered out laying face down on the fancy table. His hands slowly moved over his neck messing with it as he let out a small hiss. "Oww... Oh God this hurts... Emma, Sera, and Lucy took one bed sharing it, and Ken, and Irene took the other bed after much fighting and teasing... Kitsune, Light, and I were quickly thrown out of the room..."

"Didn't you buy more rooms?" Nick asked cocking his head to the side.

"Kitsune's damn card got denied. The freaking Fox Dumbass spent tons of money on those dumb cartoons, as well as my comic books when I steal his card and buy them without his knowledge... Let me tell you... The floor is not comfortable... I tried to use Kitsune as a pillow at one point but he kept smacking me with his damn sword. And Light made me uncomfortable because he kept trying to be my pillow! It was the worst part of a sandwhich..."

"Ouch... Well, Sif slept like a baby so I was able to get plenty of beauty sleep." Nick said giving a shrug as he sipped some of the tea that one of the busted robots poured him. "Of course you aren't the one I was really curious about..."

"I'm not?"

"Nah... You're in a room with a bunch of beautiful girls but I knew nothing like that was gonna happen since more than half of them are annoying. But... Well, there is someone who I am a bit curious about what he got up to in his room." Nick said staring at the stairs right as Dawson Blight was walking down as he sipped his tea.

"Why are you looking at Dawson?" Hero questioned in confusion as he gave the Vice-Captain a flat look.

"He slept in a room with a woman his age who is into him, and he is presumably into her... Why wouldn't I be interested?"

A silence seemed to pass over them as Hero stared at the Vice-Captain his mind slowly processing what the man had just said.

"Are... Are you by any chance a fan of romance novels?"

"Yeah," Nick said nodding as he gave a smirk. "I am. I like to view myself as a match maker-"

"God damn it... Always with the perverts... Let me guess you write fanfic as well?"

"How'd you know! You want to read some? I've made one of all the Captains, some recruits, Ken, and Irene, you and Kitsune-"

"Damn it I was kidding! Also can I have that one of Ken and Irene-"

"Yo," Nick said standing up as he waved towards Dawson. "Mr. Blight. How's it going?"

"Vice-Captain Nick," Dawson said nodding his head.

"So... How was your night with Serenity?"

"Quiet," Dawson said simply. "We both slept quietly."

"Is that all?"

"Should there be more?"

Nick let out a sigh as he folded his arms. He had a sad look on his face as if someone had bought him a dog so they could run it over. Maybe not that graphic but he was sad. "Yeah, yeah... Geez. Stubborn Enforcers... It is like everyone in Squad Six is just incapable of telling when someone is in love with them-"

"Love?" Dawson said in confusion. "Why are you suddenly talking about-"

"Don't ask questions..." Hero sighed.

"Are you trying to order me around?" Dawson asked in a flat tone as he seemed to glare at Hero who gave an uncomfortable look for a moment.

"W... Well... Oh hey a new thing to focus on!" Hero yelled pointing at the stairs. "Let's all look at it!"

There was a loud banging sound as the three Enforcers turned seeing an Automaton marching towards them. It was glowing a sickly green as it held up a piece of paper. Nick took the paper looking it over. His eyes slowly widened.

"What is-" Hero began but was cut off when the Automaton exploded. "...What is it?" He questioned. His left hand came out as he caught one of the burning scrape metal of the robot and he began to eat it.

"Well..." Nick said slowly looking up as a frown crossed onto his face. It would appear that this mission is about to get started..."