The Mysterious Intruder (Part Two)

Night Ninety Four

Age 1991

The Hotel Room...

Her ears twitched again as she listened to the sounds of the five people, other than her, that were breathing.


Ken's eyes suddenly widened. 'Wait a minute... Irene is to me. Kitsune, and Light are in one bed. Hero is up ahead at the front of the room... That's four...' The sounds of the fifth person came from the front of the room... Where the door was...

Someone else was in the room with her...

"God damn it!" Hero said suddenly nearly making Ken yelp and jump. "Why the hell can't I figure out who this Reaper guy is... Why do I even know the name Reaper. God this is so hard!" Hero sighed leaning back and throwing his legs up on the desk. "Damn it..."

Ken listened quietly hearing nearly silent footsteps inch forward walking towards Hero who had his back turned on the door not knowing of the mysterious intruder who was inside the room with him.

Ken took a deep breath before flipping herself over slowly, and staring towards the door.

Over in the corner Hero let out another string of curses for a moment as he was still unable to make progress on figuring out whatever he was trying to do.

Hero sighed leaning back in his chair as far back as he could as he threw the files onto the desk. He let out a yawn and rubbed at his eyes for a moment. "I don't know... Maybe I should just go to sleep... I'm exhausted..." He turned his neck and moved his arms around feeling some of the bones and muscles in his body pop and settle. "I'm just tired-"

Hero slowly turned around and his eyes went wide when he saw a large blade made of bones swinging down at him faster than he could react. He could make out a black figure swinging their sword down towards him.


"Get down!"

Before Hero could even register what happened Ken slammed into the dark figure who was in front of Hero causing them to slam back into the back wall and burst through it. As Ken flew back with the figure she brought her arm back and stabbed it forward as the black spikes formed around her hand like a spike.

"Gungnir!" Ken announced using her newest move. Whoever they were though, they were to fast, as in a single motion they managed to sidestep the spike causing it to impale itself in the wall outside of the room both them, and Ken now standing in the hallways of the hotel. "Damn it that would have been an awesome finisher move!" She yelled.

"That was close..." A cackling voice laughed. "Almost got me."

"What the hell?" Kitsune, Irene, and Light all yelled when they set up and saw Hero was running towards the hole in the wall of their room.

"We're under attack." Hero called back as he slid out seeing Ken ripping her black spear out of the wall. At the end of the hallway they could see a large man covered in dark purple robes that covered his body from head to toe. "Who the hell is that guy?"

Ken turned bringing her arm out tearing her spear through the wall, causing her spike to split it in half as she lashed out at the figure. He brought his own arm out and a bone like spike shot out of his arm like an arrow blocking hers. Ken gritted her teeth and threw a punch at the figure who dodged it as the spike stabbed into the wall behind him, and began to slowly break away into nothingness now that it wasn't a part of his body. Ken pulled herself forward already creating a new blade to swing with. It came out of her wrist and was curved and sharp forming a long sword which she brought up.

"Caliburn!" Ken screamed out slicing the blade arm down as hard as she could sending out a wave of wind.

Once again the figure was to fast as they ducked the strike. Everything behind them wasn't so lucky as it was split in half from the force of Ken's attack. A beam of light from the halls shined out showing the man in a better light showing off part of his flesh which was covered in small bones and twists.

"Whoa what the hell!" Ken yelled with wide eyes.

Hero let out a small whistle for a moment as he raised his right arm and it glowed and morphed into his clawed hand. "Corpse missing a skeleton, and a man covered in bones. Let me guess... You're Reaper?"

"Ahh so you remember me Row?" The figure said letting out a small chuckle.

"Not really." Hero said frowning. "And the names not Row, it's Hero Law."

"Law? Ahh so you took on Piero's name, and her name as well? No... That isn't right... The Crest is doing this right? The D Crest that is within you... The Dreamer huh? So you're asleep..."

"I have no idea what you're talking..." As Hero spoke Kitsune, Irene, and Light came crashing out of the hole behind them. "But since you seem to know about my past I hope you don't mind me beating the information out of you."

"Who the hell is that guy!" Kitsune asked with wide eyes. All of them were still in their Pajamas so they all looked kind of weird... Hero and Ken, were in full body suits, Hero's being a Wolf, Ken's being a Black Cat, Light was only in his boxers and holding his gun up, Kitsune was in shorts and a T-shirt, and Irene was just in her undergarments and a white buttoned up shirt. Needless to say none of them seemed like they were ready for combat.

"He looks weird..." Irene frowned.

"Why are those two not wearing pants?" The stranger asked.

"We stopped asking." Hero sighed. "Now get ready because I'm gonna-"

"I'm fighting him!" Ken yelled hitting Hero over the head. "He's mine."


"My body is in high alert... I've never used my powers like this?" Ken laughed jumping forward. "I'm taking this guy down!" She pulled a long black sword out of her body which she slashed towards the man who blocked it when his left arm morphed into a bone blade. The force of the strike blew his robes off and everyone stopped when they saw the man.

"That is messed up!" Hero said with wide eyes.

The man had almost no skin left. Both his arms and legs could be seen which had no flesh or muscle on it just bones. His skull could also be seen just blank. But his chest still had flesh on it. It looked normal actually not scarred or melted just a normal chest but once you got to everything else that was when it began to get weird...

"Am I really that ugly..." The man asked as his head did a full three sixty spin snapping around upside down.

"Yes!" Everyone yelled.

Hero sighed as he shook his head. "Light."

"Yes Big Brother?"

"Shoot him in his face."

"Yes Big Brother!" Light raised his gun up as it glowed and he fired a beam of light out. Ken let out a loud yelp as she ducked down just in time as the beam soared over her head and slammed into the man who brought his arm up just in time to make a bone shield and block the blast which began to push him back. "I don't think it worked." Light said when the smoke cleared and the man could still be seen.

"You almost hit me-" Ken began but was cut off when Kitsune jumped up and landed on her pressing her face down into the ground as he pointed his sword at the weird bone man.

"My turn!" Kitsune announced launching forward as he activated his ears and tails and brought his sword up. "I! Kitsune Nine a Powerful and Noble Samurai Enforcer shall take you down foul bone demon! Now behold my Nine Tailed Fox power!" The fire covered his blade as he lowered his sword down to his side and jumped forward slashing his sword out.

He flew past the man who turned his body to the side and slammed his foot into the Fox's side sending him flying back. Kitsune slammed into the back wall and slowly dropped down landing face first.


"You deserved that-" Ken began to laugh but was stopped when the man grabbed her ankle and squeezed down on it snapping her leg and making her scream out in pain. He raised her up by her broken leg slamming her into the ground and then turned throwing her at Kitsune who was getting back up but was stopped when Ken slammed into him.


"Does me hurting your friends make you mad Row?" The man laughed.

"Meh?" Hero shrugged. "One's a jackass, and the other one can heal. Feel free to beat up Light to. Just don't hurt Irene, she's the only one I care about."

"I shall protect you big brother!" Light announced standing in front of Hero and holding his gun up.

"So why are we going at him one at a time?" Irene asked.

"No clue but you're u next. Get him nearly nude Irene!" Hero announced.

Irene let out a sigh as she raised her hands up as ice began to seep out forming a large ball of ice which rolled forward fast enough to rip up the ground. The man tried to jump into the air to dodge it but was stopped when a beam of light from Light's gun slammed into his head causing him to fall back and be rolled over by the brick of ice.

"Holy crap it actually hit him!" Irene said with wide eyes.

The brick rolled over the man and the sounds of snapping bones and ripping flesh could be heard. Once it full passed over him they saw that whatever flesh had been left on him was mostly ripped off and many of his bones were covered in cracks.

"T... That hurt!" The man growled slowly pulling himself back up. "You're all dead for sure!" He hissed as the bones began to steam and slowly mend together. "Level Two..."

"Oh no..."

The Marble on his head glowed slightly as all his bones healed and began to slowly become black. He grew in size becoming eight feet tall as a large black blade made out of his bones formed out of his mouth dropping down. The blade was a large great sword and while it was made of bones it seemed as if it was made out of some black metal shining and glowing a bit. He gripped it in his hands and raised it up at the three recruits.

"Blade Of Reaper..."

"Alright that's kind of cool-" Hero began but was stopped when the man stabbed forward at a high speed and a wave of black energy was unleashed that ripped the entire hallway up. Before he could even move he felt Irene push him out of the way just in time as the black energy hit her and Light and they both screamed in pain as they were blown back. "No!" Hero yelled when he saw both of them hit the ground neither of them moving.

"Crap..." Ken hissed jumping back to her feet. "Alright that's it. You're-" The man flashed behind her faster then anyone could see as he slashed out with his blade and quite literally sliced Ken in half from side to side. Both her halfs hit the ground as Kitsune and Hero stared with wide eyes.

"Alright we might be in trouble..." Kitsune gulped.

Hero stumbled back to his feet as he brought his clawed hand up. "Damn it where are the others? We're making a lot of noise!"

"You really know nothing do you..." The now black skeleton pointed its blade back at Hero as its face seemed to twist into a grin. It brought its other hand up placing it over one of its ribs showing a 'S' carved in there. "My Crest. S for Silence. Much like how you posses the D Crest for Dreamer I to have a Crest that allows me to put a barrier up not allowing any sound to escape that area. I could set off a trillion nukes in this hallway and no one would hear the blasts. So feel to let me hear you scream!" He laughed as he fired forward at high speeds once again.

Hero gritted his teeth as he brought his arm up just in time to block a strike but it still sent him sliding back from the force. "I'll stop you myself then Reaper!" Hero announced.

"You remember my name but not anything else about me! You really are asleep aren't you Row!" Reaper laughed as he slashed his sword down only for it to be blocked by Kitsune's blade.

"I'm not done yet!" The fox roared as his flames crackled around you. "Level Two or whatever, I don't care! I'm Kitsune Nine!" He announced as the flames erupted off of him.

Reaper jumped back avoiding the many waves of fire. "I underestimated you Noble... That's a lot of power."

Kitsune smirked as he twirled his blade around. "Hey Devil Arm. Let's show this guy what the Master taught us."

Hero let out a small sigh as he slashed his clawed arm out. "I don't like working with you normally but I'll make an exception just for today."

Both the rivals rocketed forward sword, and claws, slashing out as flames, and sound, echoed out meeting Reapers bones. It was a short dance, but a dance none the less as they attacked the man head on with everything they had, and yet it still wasn't enough as he easily blocked their strikes and stabbed out with his own spikes of bones that jutted out of him, waves of black needles firing into both teens.

"A pity..." Reaper hissed slamming the blunt of his blade into Kitsune's head and throwing the teen head first into a wall. "I expected more from you, younger brother of Jin. I guess you're brother inherited all the talent. As for you Row-"

"Rage Cannon!" Hero yelled as his arm morphed into the gun and he slammed the barrel into the man's chest firing with everything he had unleashing a massive beam of energy that enveloped the man. Hero breathed heavily as his arm reverted back to normal. His eyes slowly widened with fear when a hand reached out of the smoldering crater of ash and smoke and gripped the top of his head.

"As for you Row..." Reaper said again not even damaged from the attack. His grip began to tighten around Hero's head making him scream out in pain. "I can't believe Mr. Hyde thought you were going to be the one to inherit the title of God... It isn't fair... You and Vil got so much attention! I was your older brother and yet they all ignored me!" He roared. "Hero! Piero! Mr. Hyde! Even our Father Orion! All of them looked past me and stared at you and Vil... I'm glad Piero burnt down that fucking lab! I'm glad Vil died! The only mistake that was made that day was you surviving that hell hole!" He screamed.

"I... Have no... C... Clue... What you're talking... About?" Hero gasped. His vision began to blur and blood began to trickle out of the top of his head as Reaper began to squeeze. Hero began to reach into his pajama suit. 'The black box...' He thought with some panic. 'I need to use it... I have it with me at all times. I need to use it now before he-' Reaper dropped his sword grabbing Hero's arm and pinning it in place as his other head continued to hold him up.

"I'm not talking to you 'Hero'" He said in a mocking tone. "I want to talk to my 'little' brother... I want to talk to Row... So wake the hell up-"

"That's enough!" A loud voice cried out.

Reaper and Hero both went silent as they both turned and saw Irene slowly getting back up to her feet. She wobbled slightly but managed to look the skeleton in the eye.

"I'm giving you one chance... Leave..." She hissed.

Reaper's skull seemed to morph into a sneer as he dropped Hero and grabbed his sword.

"Or what..."

Irene took a deep breath and they both watched as a thin black aura covered her body, and her hair and eyes changed to snow white, and ruby red.

Ice began to cover her middle finger for a moment and there was a quiet cracking sound as her finger shattered into ice breaking away.

"Full... Rising Dawn..."