I'll Save You!

Night One Hundred And Twenty Three

Age 1991

The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

It let out a loud growl as it stepped forward and stared down at a small fourteen year old girl who's body was shaking. His daughter... His left hand came out gripping the top of her head as she began to yell out in pain and thrash around. he ignored her though as his chest began to fold open showing a large shell inside of him which he stuffed her into.

Her screams were cut off when his body fully closed back down and he trapped the poor girl inside of himself letting out a quiet clicking sound as he bowed his head.

Seconds later the ground once again was cracked when both Hero, and Kitsune crashed back down, as their bright green aura continued to crackle around their bodies. Hero pointed a clawed finger out as his clawed hand glowed and formed into his drill arm. "Alright no more games." Hero said shaking his head. "I can't afford to let you get away again."

"We're taking you out right here, and right now!" Kitsune announced his own flames flaring even brighter as his nine tails wagged around behind him burning most of the street away and the green aura around him and Hero got even brighter.

The beast stood back up and turned to face them as a green aura covered its body...

"That can't be good..." Hero muttered as the beast seemed to let out another laugh the energy around it crackling brightly.

"You're telling me-" Kitsune was cut off when the monster flashed forward slashing out with its bone blade which had reformed all the way.

Kitsune brought his sword up just in time blocking the strike lightning crackling against the roaring flames, as katana met katana and the two clashed in a loud sparking wave of energy's their aura pressing against each other as the two glared at one another. They seemed to be almost evenly matched and seconds later Kitsune broke the charge as the two of them began a deadly dance of slashes each blocking the other one as they got faster and faster neither one quite being able to mess up the other one.

The beast finally managed to be just a hair faster as its leg cam out and it slammed a powerful round house kick into Kitsune's side which threw the teen back causing him to crash down the street as he let out a pained hiss. Hero also let out a hiss as his side began to bruise as well.

"Looks like I'm up..." Hero announced still giving a large grin as he fired back towards the monster at a rapid speed.

The beast turned to face him it's lightning crackling around its right arm which began to melt and reform becoming a large bone drill which it stabbed out meeting Hero's own metal drill. The two drills met in the middle their tips spinning at fast speeds as the very winds around them were swirled in a whirlwind so fast it began to tear the surrounding areas around them ripping the road they were on up. Sound exploded out of both their arms forming loud sirens that mixed together distorting under the insane wind pressure. Much like with Kitsune, Hero's own green aura began to be pressed into the beasts as they glared at each other, each one having hatred for the other.

But Hero was still a man...

"A... Are you going... To kill me?" The Beast sneered out speaking in a broken tone which made Hero pause and hesitate.

And you never hesitate when facing a Bestia Macht.

The Bestia Macht took its chance and stabbed its drill arm past Hero it whirling at an insane speed the wind moving around it even faster...

The drill was rotating with a powerful speed force which reached speeds around 7500 Miles Per Hour with the very wind around it rotating even faster reaching nearly 8000 Miles Per Hour. That means the drill was be thrusted out with a speed of nearly Mach ten, or around ten times the speed of sound.

The drill was inches away from Hero's chest as the beast stabbed it forward as hard as it could.

And Hero dodged it...

Moving eight times faster than sound itself he leaned his body back at an impossible speed as the massive drill stabbed over his head with so much speed and so much force it blasted a wave of drilling wind down the street.

"I'm not going to kill you." Hero said his ruby red eyes igniting as the energy around him grew even large and his drill morphed into his clawed hand. The bluish green energy from it mixing with the emerald energy he was cloaked it. "I'm going to save you!" Hero yelled stabbing his massive clawed arm forward as it spun and the wind twisted around it. "Hellish Cyclone!" He yelled firing his strongest attack into the side of the beast and blasting it apart. And for the second time that day Hero felt himself freeze up when he heard the ghostly whales of the beast, as well as the loud cries of the girl who was inside of it. "What-"

The Beast back handed Hero across the street sending him tumbling back as it grabbed at its side. Red and black blood oozing out. Hero and Kitsune stared horrified when they saw what looked like a young girl, Ken's age, inside of the beast badly bleeding from where Hero's attack ripped her side out. The beasts side reformed as it shook its head.

"S... Someone's in there..." Kitsune whispered in horror.

"Did I just..." Hero stared down at his clawed hand which was stained red and black from the beasts blood which had mixed around it... Hero's face became green and the aura around him and Kitsune began to shake and crackle.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" kitsune said grabbing Hero by the shoulders and shaking him a bit. "Focus man! If even one of us begins to hesitate this aura fades away and right now it's the only thing keeping us alive. You need to focus and take calming breaths. We can get whoever is in there out. We have to."

"Yeah... You're right..." Hero nodded.

"I know I am. I'm always right."

"Actually you're an idiot."

"Shut the hell up!"

The beast roared and began to fire towards them once more as it raised its bone drill arm up, and its bone katana up.

"Here he comes." Kitsune announced. "I don't think the girl takes the damage he does otherwise she'd be dead by down... This beast is using a different version from us. Let's do our best to avoid the center of it so we can try and pull her out!" He announced.

"Right... You think you can hold him still for a few moments?" Hero asked standing back up and jumping away. "I know how to get her out if that's the case."

"Got it."

The beast fired forward his wings forming nine crackling lightning tails as he appeared near Hero and sliced his lightning covered blade down. Before it could hit the snow haired teen though, the red haired teen appeared in front of him. Kitsune brought his sword up just in time blocking the strike lightning crackling against the roaring flames, for the second time that day, and much like before katana met katana as the two clashed in a loud sparking wave of energy, their aura's pressing against each other as the two glared at one another once more.

Hero jumped away once more his arm glowing as it began to morph into his massive gun and he got ready to fire out a full powered shot. He got ready to unleash his strongest bullet yet. He pressed his back to the nearest house because the recoil on this was going to be like no other... He pointed it at Kitsune and the beast as he waited for a moment in which he could fire off the improved Rage Canon. If this attack missed he'd be in big trouble as it held most of his power. He'd be out of the fight after using this.

Over with Kitsune and the beast their fight raged on getting faster and faster. They seemed to be almost evenly matched and seconds later Kitsune broke the charge as the two of them began a deadly dance of slashes each blocking the other one as they got faster and faster neither one quite being able to mess up the other one. And just like before the beast finally managed to be just a hair faster as its leg cam out and it slammed a powerful round house kick into Kitsune's side the same finished it used last time. Only this time Kitsune was ready for it as his arms wrapped around the leg. Him and Hero gritted in pain from the force of the kick but he held on strong as he stabbed his sword into the foot of the beast as hard as he could pinning it in place.

"Got it!" Kitsune yelled. "Go for it you Devil Arm Bastard!"

"Rage Canon!"

The beast had time to turn its head and looked just as a massive green beam of energy blasted through its upper portions blowing its head apart and destroying most of its lower half. Unlike a normal Bestia Macht that wasn't enough to kill it though and Kitsune flipped over it reaching into the charred hole which was already starting to reform as he grabbed something. He jumped off of it and landed on the ground holding the bloodied body of a girl who was breathing heavily her eyes wide with fear.

The beasts body reformed and it exploded towards Kitsune who turn and threw the girl to Hero just in time as the beast rammed its bone Katana through Kitsune's shoulder. Hero and Kitsune both screamed out in pain as the beast tore it out of the Fox Teen. Kitsune ripped his sword out of the beasts leg, and Hero caught the girl in his arms, his right arm back to normal.

"Da.. Damn it..." Hero hissed collapsing on his knees as the green aura around him and Kitsune began to go out. Kitsune kept the fight with the beast going though as their swords met once again. Hero stared down at the girl who didn't look to be doing to well as she breathed heavily clutching at her side. The green aura around still active. "I need to get her to a hospital-" Hero tried to stand but his legs gave out as he collapsed onto the ground still holding onto the girl. "Damn it... I can't stand..." He looked around but Jackson, was nowhere to be seen. Where was the Vice Captain? Not to mention the street was empty everyone ether having ran away, been knocked out, or killed... The green aura around Hero and Kitsune vanished as the beast began to slam into Kitsune hurting just the fox teen now, since the connection was broken. The beasts own aura was just fine. "That's not good..."

'It's the girl...' A voice whispered in Hero's ear. The voice of Row. 'She's still has hope for her father and is keeping the connection alive through sheer force of will... You need to break it off... Kill her.'


'Kill her. If she doesn't die the beast will only get stronger and kill us both. I refuse to let that happen. I won't let my body die. Kill her!'

"I... I can't just..."

'Than give me back my body! I'll do it! Hell you already fucked up her side! Who knows how many organs you blasted apart. She's dying. No one can save her now. The damage is to great. You already fucking killed her you dumbass! Finish the job! Before the beast kills us!'

Hero felt something probing at his mind as his vision began to grow darker... "N... No..." He shook his head and gritted his teeth.

'Shit... I'm not strong enough to take it back yet... Give it some time though. I will have my body back you fucking thief.'

Hero gulped as he squished the voice of Row back down in his mind and stared down at the body of the girl. Kitsune's screams rang out as the beasts sword was once again rammed down in his leg. The girl was breathing heavily watching the fight tears streaming down her eyes. "H... Hey..." Hero said quietly... "Lis... Listen... I need you to let go of the connection... Please... Your connected to him... You need to let go... You're making him stronger." He brought his hand up running it through her hair.

"D... Dad..."

"He's your dad... Yes but-"

"It's dark..." She whispered. "I can't hear... It's cold... Dad... Mom... Are you there..."

Hero felt his heart shatter as he gripped the girls hand in his own. Slowly he felt it grow colder as the pulse inside of it became fainter and fainter. She was dying.

'Good...' The voice of Row was back. 'When she's dead the monster will-'

"Fuck. This."

Row went silent.


Row began to see it. The memories of the doll. The news of Serenity's death. Than it went further back. Okami Otoko. The lab. All the people that were left behind. Vil, the female Hero, Piero, Ken, Kitsune, Light, all of them... And... And a man with snow white hair and ruby red eyes... Orion... God... Row saw them all.

"Fuck this." Hero said again clenching his fists so hard his nails digged into his palms. His teeth began to clench and he began to use it. The scar of his heart igniting with a green light.

'What the hell.'

Hero's body began to lit up as he tapped into the power of his Crest...

'What the hell!'

"I'm going to save her!"

'What the actual hell is going on!'