A Calm Day

Night One Hundred And Thirty

Age 1991

The White Nation...

The Organizations Secret Base...

"I heard you had to run from a bunch of kids..."

The voice came out in an obviously mocking tone, filled with malice and what sounded like hate...

The question, or rather statement made The Mystery stop, his hand out stretched to the metal door of their tower. By now his outfit was completely cleaned and fixed up not showing off any scratch marks or wounds. His helmet, his prized joy was also fixed... "Oh?" The Mystery said in an almost to calm voice that no person would ever have. "And who would like to know."

"That would be me." Standing behind the man, was a new person. He wore long white robes which looked like a kimono, and he had on a large straw hat that covered most of his head. Long black hair tied back into a pony tail could be seen, as well as dark blue eyes. At his waist two swords could be seen. One of them had a large marble in it showing off that it was his Cursed Life Power. An Equip type. Both blades were slick Katana's and rested at his side for easy grab. On the back of his robes the number 'zero' could be seen in the fabric...

"Ahh... You're one of the Samurai..." Mystery said nodding his head. Much like the Red Nation, who had their Enforcers, and Twelve Squad Captains, the White Nation too, had their mighty warriors. Brave and Noble Samurai who were ranked from twelve, all the way down to zero... "I believe you are... Zero? The leader of your silly group correct?"

"Yes... I am..." The man who went by Zero said giving his head a small nod. He was seated on a slab of stone next to the building a simple and cool look on his face. "I would advise you not take a tone like that with me Enforcers. After all my kind exist to slay you..."

Mystery let out a small snort. "Ahh well. I am a part of the Enforcers in my alter ego, but as I am now, I am the Mystery. A man in a group of misfits."

"That may be but as far as I care you, that Jester girl, and that Bright man, are all still Enforcer scum... The Emperor of our nation might have let you all in, but know that I do not trust any of you. That goes double for you... And I am not referring to the Mystery... I'm referring to the man behind the mask."

The Mystery seemed to let out a small hum. Than in a flash the spot Zero had been seated exploded in a hail of stone pebbles. Zero was no longer sitting, standing a few feet away somehow moving faster than the eye can follow. In both of Mystery's hands he held his curved back bone blades which he had retrieved after his battle with Hero. He had moved as fast as he could trying to strike out at the samurai as he moved towards him and slashed out with his blades both of them being blocked by Zero's blade the one without the Equation in it. Their blades connected as both men glared at one another.

"You know don't you." The Mystery nodded. "You know who I am under this mask don't you."

Zero didn't say anything simply staring back at the man. Neither of them said a word as their blades slowly moved away from one another and both men stepped back getting out of slashing distant. Finally Zero spoke. "Does it really matter if I do or not? After all to me you are nothing more than a dirty Enforcer."

"I see..." Green mist seemed to seep out if hands covering the large curved blades and lighting them up in an emerald light. Zero reached down gripping the handle of his second katana, the one with the Equation in it, tightly as he drew it. The blade seemed to light up with a weird white glow covering the blade. White light slammed into bright green mists both of them pushing against one another.

It was clear a battle was about to break out...

But before that could happen the doors to the large stone tower opened up and both men stopped and turned to look at the doors which opened as Bright walked out of the tower. He stopped when he saw both of the men.

"...Uh... Hi?" He said when he saw both men.

The white light, and green mist dropped out of both men as they both placed their weapons back in their spots. "Mr. Bright where are you off to?" Mystery asked cocking his head to the side.

"Uh... I was going to go back to 'that' city and keep on trying..." He said showing the small glass cube of insects he had.

"Ah... I see... I should also head back to the Nation Of Red." Mystery said. "I must get back to work."

Zero let out a small sigh as he bowed his head. "I see... I to will be off... I have more matters to attend to... Till we meet again Enforcer..."


The Red Nation...

Rafflesia City...

The practice tournament had ended with Squad One, Max, and Shelly, though mostly Max, had won it. Squad Six, and Squad seven had lost. Both Squads currently went back to their cozy little city. Squad Seven didn't really have to worry about much, but Squad Six went back their city where people were turning into monsters. Thankfully since the last incident no one had transformed, and the odd man still hadn't been seen. Squad Nine was still hanging around on the outskirts of the city. Some large stone lab they built almost exactly outside of the gates.

There was still no word onto why they were still here...

'And in special news there have been no more sightings of any of those strange human like Bestia Macht in the City Of Rafflesia. That being said another one has been sighted in Rose city the city of the Nobles. What could this mean? It certainly does not bode well... In other news we managed to get an interview from a young girl named Rose who claims she was saved by an Enforcer recruit, and her father had been the rampaging monster that took out two blocks. On top of that the serial killer known as Servey Long, was taking in and is awaiting trial. The local police went on record stating he was stopped by the same Enforcer Recruit. One has to wonder just what is happening with the Enforcers if this single recruit is doing all the work? Perhaps the Enforcers are slipping up? Whatever the case we have a local hero-'

The t.v in the main Enforcers, Squad Six room clicked off as Katrina hit the button.

Kitsune had a large frown on his face as he fumed for some reason. "I was there too... Hell I'm the one who stopped the Bestia Macht, and I was the flaming bullet that stopped the killer! Why am I on the news."

"Jealous?" Ken smirked.

All five Squad Six Recruits members, Ken, Light, Irene, Kitsune, and Hero all rested in the main common room area, as well as the main Squad Six members, Katrina, Jackson, Dawson, and Hannah. They all simply stood in the common room as Katrina let out a small hum.

"I just don't think it is fair that he gets all the glory!" Kitsune whined. "I'm a badass samurai!"

Irene and Ken both shook their heads, as Light reached out and began to pat Kitsune on the head also shaking his head. Hero didn't seem to be paying attention though. He instead had a small frown on his face as he seemed to be deep in thought. Finally he nodded his head as he moved over to the Captain.

"Captain Katrina." Hero asked nodding his head once more.

"Uh? Yes Hero?"

"How can I reach level two, and three?"

Jackson who had been drinking his coffee spat up slightly, while Dawson let out a small snort. Hannah let out a loud laugh moving behind her little brother and gripping both of his shoulders as she began to rub them. "Oh look at you. Wanting to get a lot stronger right." She snorted. Kitsune, and Irene, both went silent as they listened both also wanting to know the answer to this, while Light and Ken didn't really seem to care. Light because he could already do it, and Ken, because being a Seraphin her rate was going to be forever low. Far to low to ever change.

Katrina let out a small hum as she opened a news paper and began to read it. "Why do you want to know?" She asked.

'I'll be a powerful hero by the time you return. I'll be an even better Enforcer than you ever were.'

'Okami Otoko is alive...'

Hero gave a small frown as he nodded his head. "I want to be stronger." Hero said. "A lot stronger." The thoughts of that man entered his mind. He hadn't even been able to keep up with the guy, and that man could have easily killed any of them. Even Max was no challenge when compared to that man. "I already know the power thing Jackson taught me an Kitsune."

"The what?" Ken asked in confusion.

"Oh right you weren't here when Light told us about the rival bonding." Irene nodded.

Ken was silent for a moment as she stared at the girl. "W... Well?" She asked.

"Well what?"

"I wanna know what this rival thing is?" Ken asked.

Irene let out a small hum. "Well I'm not telling you."

Ken looked over to Light who just gave a small shrug. "I forgot." Light shrugged.

She turned to look at Kitsune. "You're mean to me so I'm also not telling."

"B... But I want to know!" Ken whined.

Katrina let out a small hum for a moment as she nodded her head. "You want to reach level two because you think it is stronger? Same for the level three correct? You want more power so you can fight more." She questioned.

"Yes." Hero nodded. "Please. Teach me how to enter Level Two, and Level Three." He announced loudly. "I need to be a lot stronger. Strong enough to fight even more and keep on this dream..."

Katrina allowed another small hum to escape her lips. She slowly reached up and flicked Hero on the forehead using her power of kinetic energy and sending him flying back as he rammed into one of the back walls, phasing through Hannah's body who used her own power to avoid the attack. Katrina gave the smallest hint of a smile. "Sorry but that isn't how it works. It's certainly true that you might be able to reach the Level Two Stage one day. That happens when your Rate goes beyond the normal limit. When you give yourself up to the power within you. When that happens it boils over and you evolve it. But the third Level... That's something different... Something like that hasn't happened in a while..."

"But I saw Reaper do it?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow as he dropped from the wall where he crashed.

"Also I'm like 19% sure I did it or something?" Light shrugged.

"No... Both of you haven't." Katrina sighed. "It's true you saw Reaper go beyond his limits again, and you Light, in a previous life might have reached the same level, but that wasn't level three..." Katrina said.

"It wasn't?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. It wasn't." She smirked. "You see what Light did, as well as what Reaper did wasn't a level three form. It was simply the max power of a level two. Level Three is a power only a handful can actually do. In fact only two Captains can do it right now, and one of them is Sif... All of the Sacred Beasts are able to reach this level. You can tell if a person is able to reach the level three state, or if they're using the level two state at its max power through one simple thing."

"What's that?" Kitsune questioned curiously.

Katrina reached up placing her hand over her face. "A Mask... Not large... It's like a Domino mask. It appears on the user magically and their eyes change. Usually the eyes change when a person goes into the max level two state, but if that mask does not appear than they did not actually reach the next level."

"I see..." Hero nodded slowly dropping down to a seated position on the floor. "So unless someone has a mask, and weird eyes, they aren't actually a level three... A weird fact..."

"I don't remember having a mask so I guess I wasn't in that cool form." Light sighed shaking his head. "Oh well... Now that Captain Katrina is mentioning it I actually remember hearing that. Only a handful of people have even seen what a level three looks like..."

Ken let out a small hum not really caring anymore as she threw her hands behind her head. "That reminds me... What's up with Squad Nine?" She asked. "I mean they built a crappy stone lab outside our city. What's going on with them."

Katrina let out a small hum as she scratched at her chin. "There are Twelve Squads... Six of them are designed for battle. The first six of them. The top three are above the others. But seven through twelve... They're different you see... They're support Squads. And Squad Nine is the science division. They make a lot of our weird gadgets. Like our outfits. Those glowing lines on our outfit attract Bestia Macht to us and away from innocent nearby people... They also made Life. Squad Nine doesn't really like us."

"What's that mean?" Ken asked raising an eyebrow.

Jackson let out a hum and placed his hand on the girls head. "Well..."

"They drove us out of several cities and took them over. I'm guessing that's why they're here now..." Dawson hummed.

Katrina let out a small hum as she nodded her head. "And what's worse... The Captain is that man..." The image of a young man with slick back brown hair, and bright brown eyes, wearing a weird hat, and a large white lab coat, came to her mind. "We're gonna be needing to work extra hard... That reminds me... Kitsune, Hero, and Hannah... You three are on paperwork for tomorrow. I have to sign some stuff about the incident that happened three days ago with the practice tournament... And by that I mean you three do. Don't worry it's only a few hundred papers."

"M... Man..." All three sighed.