The Battle (Part 6)

Night One Hundred And Forty Two

Age 1991

Newt did a little pose for a second as he eyed Hero up. "Well just so you know... I'm stronger than I look. Don't expect this to be some kind of easy fight, filthy cheater." He reached into his lab coat pulling out a metal rod with a blue gem in it. It lit up with blue crackling lightning as he twirled it around his fingers his grin growing larger.

Hero gave a half smirk as he readied his arm. "You don't say huh? Well than let's put that to the test shall we!" Hero fired forward as fast as he could slashing out with his clawed arm but Newt twirled out of the way on his tip toes. The Enforcer Captain stabbed out with his strange rod like device hitting Hero over the head with it and causing Hero to let out a loud yelp as it zapped him. "Oww!"

"I've got plenty of devices allowing me to keep up with you all." Newt smirked. "I might not be able to use my Equation since it's in Automata, and my gadgets might not work on Bestia Macht but normal humans like you, it works just fine." He grinned slamming it over Hero's head as hard as he could.

Hero growled fighting through the lightning that coursed through his body as he reached up with his clawed hand wrapping his fingers around the mans hand that held the device. He squeezed down crushing the rod, and Newt's hand making Newt howl in pain and shake his head. Newt reached into his jacket pocket with his good hand and threw out several metal balls which all glowed and exploded in a bright flash knocking Hero back.

"You actually broke my hand..." Newt hissed in pain clutching his swollen hand which hanged off of his wrist in a limb state. He gave a small grin as he reached into another pocket pulling out a needle filled with a strange pinkish liquid. "This is a good time to test out my improved Life Juice! I created this to resemble the Heart! They say the Heart, which was the original Equation of God, forged from his own Heart, to do so much from controlling the Bestia Macht, to healing. Life, the liquid we use to heal people, was actually modeled after his own blood, so I'm excited to see what this will do." He grinned jamming it into his broken wrist and pressing down on it. He gritted his teeth as a faint pink light covered his wrist and the bone snapped back into place. "Good as new."

"You may have some weird tricks but your gadgets are nothing." Hero fired forward once more slashing out but Newt jumped into the air his boots glowing as flames poured out of them and he flew up spinning around. "Rocket boots! Okay that's pretty cool... I'd be a pretty cool superhero if I had some of those..."

Newt grinned reaching down to a belt as he flipped around through the air pulling out several bladed weapons in the shape of bats. He threw them all out sending them spinning through the air, but Hero swatted them away with his clawed hand. As Newt landed on the ground he pulled out a small cube and threw it down as Hero reached out only for the cube to explode into a large barrier around Newt's body.

"Ha!" Newt announced his smirk growing larger. "You can't break past my-"

Hero squeezed down with his massive clawed hand shattering the barrier and breaking the cube as his hand began to wrap around Newt's body. "Gotcha!"

Newt gasped out as he clicked a button on his lab coat. The lab coat opened up in the back dropping the Captain out as a pair of large teeth formed on the coat and it began to wrap around Hero biting into the boy.

"Get him Labby!" Newt laughed. He reached to his belt pulling out a strange metal gun which he raised up pointing it at Hero. He pulled the trigger as a beam of green light blasted out slamming into Hero and sending him flying across the room. Hero crashed into the wall next to Ken, as the lab coat's teeth dug into Hero's shoulder.

"Did he say Labby?" Ken asked with wide eyes. She was in a sitting position unable to move her body as Hero rolled around next to her wrestling with the massive coat as he gritted his teeth. "A living Lab Coat?"

"My father invented it." Newt sneered. "But I'm still the one who improved it!" He announced. "I made Labby far better!" He cackled.

Large metal blades formed out of Labby's sleeves as he began to slash out at a fast speed down at Hero who blocked the blades with his clawed arm. Hero gritted his teeth as he was pressed further into the ground. Than... Suddenly he grinned. His clawed arm grew in size similarly as to when he used his Lot's Salt, but instead his entire hand covered the large lab coat as he gripped down. Ken's eyes then went wide and her face became a little grin as Hero unhinged his jaw and shoved the entire lab coat into his mouth. He gulped the entire lab coat down swallowing it as it dropped down into his stomach.

"Wow. He was tasty." Hero noted as he stood back up.

"Hero... Your powers are weird..." Ken sighed.

"Yeah they are."

Newt hissed slightly as he reached down to his belt grabbing another one of his weird gadgets. It was a metal sword handle. "You fools. I tried so hard to do this in such a nice manner... Showing HR how good my animal people are, and how I can control the Human Bestia Macht. Do you even know what's going to happen soon?"


"Think about it!" Newt hissed. "We're going to be invaded by an army of Seraphins soon. Every time that damn man turns someone into a Bestia Macht he gets closer and closer... Each bug in the body has been a better type... He's going to crack the code and make a Seraphin soon. It's only a matter of time before he does... And once he gets the first Seraphin it's over for us... They'll start selling it off to the highest bidders. Plenty of normal humans out there who want the powers... I was just trying to put on a good show and show them! Sure I may have gotten a little carried away, and sure there is likely a better way I could have done this, but that's not as fun! But you all had to be dirty cheaters!"

Hero sighed as his right arm glowed and morphed into his drill arm. "I told you the day we met. I don't care if your in the Enforcers, I don't care if your a Captain, and I don't care if your a good guy doing the right thing. Right here and now, I only care about kicking your ass for hurting one of my friends."

Newt's crazed grin grew larger. "You Squad Six guys are all the same. You just don't see my glorious picture I'm painting! HR will have no choice but to admit my tech, and my Bio Made Animal People, are great and must be used! I'm going to show them just how good my tech is and beat you here and now!" He announced clicking a button on his sword handle as a bright blue energy blade formed out of it. His smile grew larger as he charged towards Hero swinging his laser sword out.

Hero's drill arm came up blocking the laser sword as a wave of energy blasted out between them. "You know... You really do have some really cool stuff..." Hero admitted. "But... I'm not going to lose to it!" He announced as his drilling got faster and faster, and the heat and sound poured off of it in stronger bursts of energy as he began to push the man back.

Newt gritted his teeth as he pressed down with all his might. "I... I refuse to lose to you! I refuse to let one of my fathers creations best me!" He screamed as he used all of his might to stay standing the ground beneath him began to crack as the handle of his blade started to crack. "I won't lose to someone made by that man!" The thoughts of his father fired through his head faster and faster. "Not... Ever-"

"Sorry." Hero gave the smallest hint of a smile. "But I'm not Row Law. I'm just... Hero."

There was a loud crack as the handle shattered into hundreds of pieces and Hero's drill morphed into a clawed fist slamming a punch into Newt's face as hard as he could and smashing the man into the ground.

"I win."

Over with Shelly she eyed Automata up.

"So you're the girl..."

"Hmm?" Automata hummed.

"Nothing. It's not important." Shelly said shaking her head. "Just so you know. You're not gonna win..."

"That's pretty cocky."

"I'm just telling the truth." Shelly said giving a half smirk. "You were around Hero's level and I'm so much stronger than him. I can even beat Max. I'm also immune to that gravity thing. I understand if you just want to give up? I won't blame you."

Automata let out another small hum. "Giving up isn't a bad idea. I can't do that though." She sighed shaking her head. She reached into her jump suit pulling out a small curved bone dagger. "I gotta take you down here and now. Even if I will lose. I have to at least try."

"That's kind of Noble."

"Meh... Not really... I was built to do that so I'll do it."

Shelly hummed as pink flames began to pour off of her. "Well... Whatever the case. I'm taking you down here and now!" She announced throwing her hand out as a ball of pink flames flew out.

Automata's body glowed as she suddenly turned into a large fire truck spraying a jet of water out into the pink ball of fire and putting it out. Her engine started as she drove forward as fast as she could but Shelly held her hands out as a mini pink blast exploded out from under her and she flipped through the air landing on the truck. The truck glowed morphing into a metal skate board which slid out of Shelly who was still really clumsy causing her to slip back and fall hitting her head.


Automata morphed back whipping around and jumping onto Shelly with her knife but Shelly raised her hands up shooting a ball of flames into the Vice Captain which sent her flying up and crashing into the wall above. Automata tumbled back down crashing into the floor in a painful manner.

Shelly jumped back up kicking out with her foot and smashing a flaming foot into the downed woman sending her sliding back.

"Do you give up? You can't win-"

Automata rolled and threw her knife out cutting into Shelly's cheek who just narrowly dodged it. She ran at the girl as her body glowed and morphed into a fancy sports car driving as fast as she could.

Shelly sighed rolling her eyes as she suddenly back handed the car with a flaming slap right as it reached her, hitting it so hard the flames blasted through the car exploding in a large pink blast. The now burnt car rolled across the stone floor in a very painful looking manner. It smashed into the back wall and fell to the ground slowly morphing back into the body of Automata who was twisted, and burnt, pretty badly, no longer conscious...

"Yeah... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I won..." She said flatly moving over to where Ken was.

"Finally! Took you long enough!" Ken yelled.

"Hey you're the one that had to be saved in the first place!" Shelly said placing her hands on her hips. "Besides I didn't have to come save you. But Max insisted on saving Hero."

"Those two are so in love."

"Yeah it's so obvious. I mean imagine two people who are obviously both in love but just don't realize it."

"Right... So can you like un gravity me?"

"Oh sure..." Shelly reached out placing a hand on Ken's hair as it glowed and the gravity around Ken came undone.

"Ha ha! Where's that Captain! I'm gonna punch him in his stupid face."

"Really you're not gonna run over to the Vice Captain and check on her?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I dunno. You're the one who hugged her!"

"God damn it those guys did take pictures of it!"

"It was video tapped to. That's how we knew where you were."

"God damn it! I'm gonna be made fun of now."

"That's what you get-"

"I didn't hug her!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say..."

Both girls finally stopped fighting as they turned over to look at where Hero was who just slammed the Captain into the ground.

"I win." Newt's hand went for his pocket but Hero stomped on it stopping it. "No. No more healing. Your done."

Newt gasped out spitting out some blood as his face twisted into a large grin. "You're strong aren't you..." He coughed out. "I'm actually shocked..."

"La, la, la, not listening! Your word magic can't affect me."

"But you know Hero..."

"La, la, la!"

"How would you like to meet Hero again?"

"La- What?"

'Wait... Is Hero Law here!' Row asked.

"Behold!" Newt brought his other hand to his lips wrapping his teeth around his middle finger and pulling it off! No blood came out though as it turned to be a robotic finger. A small red button was on it which he pressed with his tongue. At the very back of the wall the large door began to slowly open...

Hero, Ken, and Shelly, all turned to look at the door as a strange aura began to pour out.

'Oh no...'

"Hero Law! Meet Hero Law!"