Breaking Down

Night One Hundred And Forty Four

Age 1991

Oleander City...

Master Storms Office...

A Few Hours After The Battle...

"What do you mean he's not getting a serious punishment!" Katrina yelled her fist slamming down into the wooden desk Master Storm rested out. Her, Jackson, Newt, Automata, and Eins rested in the office of Master Storm. Katrina had a large frown on her face as she glared at Newt. Newt and Automata were pretty banged up. Newts arm was in a cast, and Automata had several bandages wrapped around her nasty burn marks.

"I told you Captain Katrina..." Master Storm said letting out a small hum. "Captain Newt was only doing what I was telling him, though he's still not off the hook... You see we've been trying to get HR to let us do a new project. It's true that there were better ways to reach that goal, I still feel as if this was the coolest outcome... Squad Six is one of our top Squads, and Squad Six Recruits, are already gaining a bit of fame. As such most of the higher ups already are aware of their skills and powers."

"They kidnapped one of my Squad Members!" She yelled loudly.

"One that can heal..." Captain Newt nodded. "Also... Like look at us... We're way more beat up than the others... Like seriously... God the pain..."

"I am in a lot of pain..." Automata said flatly.

"I mean..." Jackson hummed as he scratched his chin. "To be fair... Ken and Hero don't seem to be to mad about it..."

"Are you on their side!" Katrina yelled. "Seriously? I'm you're girlfriend, that means you have to be on my side no matter what! That's how it always works!"

"Uh... No?" He said looking away. "I mean... They hurt Ken? So... I'm just saying I don't think it is that big of a deal. I mean nobody died. And while our Squad is hurt, they seriously beat Squad Nine into the ground. Also like all of Squad Nine is pretty much dead at this point... I mean they were all clones but still. We seriously beat them down."

"Why am I here?" Eins asked looking back and forth as Katrina glared at Newt and Automata. "I feel like I shouldn't be here..."

Master Storm let out a small sigh running his fingers through his long beard. "Captain Katrina... I do assure you... Captain Newt will be punished. I wasn't expecting him to pull out a human Bestia Macht, nor an animal with an Equation... He will be punished for those events, but the animal people, I asked him to deal with it specially. I wanted to test them out. I also wanted to test out your Squads members. I was even expecting Squad One to get involved. I wanted to see what one of the members from that Squad, could do as well... Most of what I've seen has gone on in the ways I've expected, and I am starting to see what may happen... Newt will be put to work pretty soon. I have a feeling HR is going to be interested in our new Animal Soldiers... And because all his main soldiers are dead, he's gonna have to make several new soldiers for us, and will be putting up with several hours of no sleep..."

"Man... Wait? You knew Squad One would get involved..." Captain Newt asked frowning. "Not cool man... Not cool... That pink girl sucked..."

"Hey don't insult Shelly..." Eins said frowning.


"Not forgiven."

"Good..." Automata said blankly. "I hate her... Like a lot... Like more than anyone else..."

Master Storm hummed. "How is everyone doing now that the fighting is over? I hope that they are doing well?"

Katrina frowned even larger as she folded her arms up. "Well... You're lucky that my Squad is so badass, and can handle being beaten down. Also two of them can heal... That helps... That being said Hero, and Kitsune, were pretty badly banged up. They're gonna be down for a few days..."

"Well..." Eins said scratching at his chin. "Squad One doesn't work for free you know." Eins nodded. "We'll be heading out back to our City, Rose City, and take Ke- Mrs. Frost with us. We expect you guys to come to our aid if we need it." He nodded.

Katrina let out a small sigh as she folded her arms up. Her eye twitched as she tapped her foot down. "Yeah, yeah... Whatever... Squad Six will back you guys up... I assume you want help with those human Bestia Macht..."


Katrina nodded as she slowly turned to Newt. She took a deep breath as she held her hand out. "Captain Newt... I at least understand the need for better soldiers, for a war that may or may not be coming up soon..."

"Ah... Glad to see you're on my side." He said taking her hand. "It's good to-"

Katrina yanked him over to her slamming her knee into his crotch making Jackson, Eins, and Master Storm all wince as they stared with wide eyes. "Oh and if you ever harm my Squad again, next time I won't hold back."

"Y... You were holding back with that..." Newt gasped out falling to the ground and grabbing his crotch.

"If it's still on than yes. I was holding back."



Oleander Hospital...

"I'm in so much pain... Can't you just heal us?" Kitsune groaned.

In the Oleander Hospital Squad Six Recruits, and Squad One Recruits, could all be seen resting in the hospital. Kitsune was in a bed covered in several bandages from being slammed into the ground several times in a row. Irene was also in a bed pretty badly beaten up. Ken and Light were up and about since they both had self healing powers, Ken from being a Seraphin, and Light, from being a Rebirth, and the two of them were simply sitting on a hospital bed. Max, and Shiki, were both in chairs, as both of them weren't that beat up. Max faced the T.V watching it with a bored look while Shiki had his eyes shut seemingly asleep. Shelly was face down on the bed next to Hero as she groaned loudly. Hero himself had some bandages around his leg which had been stabbed, his hand which had been ran through, and his shoulder which had been split open. He wasn't wearing a shirt showing off his honed body which was just covered in scars from his years training with the Master. In his lap the dog, that was also Hero Law rested sleeping peacefully as the human Hero Law, pet him.

"Shelly..." Kitsune whined.

"Can't... Heal..." Shelly yawned. "To... Sleepy..."

"When Shelly uses her healing, or flames, a lot in succession she crashes." Max shrugged. "And she used most of her healing up on herself, after her and Ken got beat up by that mutt."

"Hey you weren't there! You don't know what that thing can do! It is pure evil!" Ken said eying the dog up. "Tell him Hero!"

Hero hummed as he continued to pet the dog. 'Row... You there?' Silence was all that greeted Hero making him let out a sigh. Row had simply gone silent since the incident. 'That... Thing...' Hero stared down at his right hand which was covered in bandages. He slowly stood up resting the dog on Shelly who was to tired to move it.

"Where are you going?" Irene asked looking up.

"For a walk." Hero shrugged. He grabbed a simple white buttoned up dress shirt slipping it on but was to lazy to actually button it up as he began to walk for the exit.

"Want me to come with you?" Ken asked.

"Nah..." Hero stopped for a second. "Hey Light wanna walk with-"

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's go!" Light announced pushing past Hero and grabbing his not inured hand as he dragged the snow boy out.

"Hm... What's up with him?" Max asked.

Shiki let out a low growl and shrugged.

Outside Hero and Light walked down the hospital. Hero took his hand away from Light as he threw his arms behind his head. "So Light... Be honest with me. I'm pretty sure I know the answer but... You were the Light that took care of me and Hannah after Okami Otoko died right?"

"Yep." Light nodded. "Me, Cloud, Okami, and Ward were always super fond of you guys."

"Ward?" Hero asked stumbling slightly.

Light gave him a confused look. "Oh yeah... Now that I think about it... Ward was like our Vice Captain or something before Okami died... Than he became our Captain and led a charge into the White Nation against the Samurai, which led to my death, and several others, but I guess they won the war or something, because Ward became a Sacred Beast after it, but I was dead than. Honestly I'm not 100% that guy you knew. I'm my own person."

"Own person huh..." Hero hummed as he looked up to the roof for a second. "Hey Light..."


"So when you were an Enforcer... Did... Did you ever see someone so strong... Or face something you knew was going to happen, but kept going forward... Did... Did you ever feel like giving up?"

Light hummed as him and Hero walked. "You know... In my final battle Ward said we were going on a Charge into the White Nation. I think all of us were expecting to die... Squad One was being used as a simple brute force hammer I guess? We were sent in to deal as much damage as we could, while Squad Six, and Seven flanked the enemy from behind. But we had a traitor in our midst who spoiled that plan to the Samurai. So on the day of the charge all of us knew it was going to go wrong... We knew it wouldn't end very well... So yeah... I knew I was gonna die. I knew it. And I was scared. I nearly wet myself when I saw Zero, the strongest Samurai... But I still charged in. At that moment I didn't care... I just wanted to save my friends. Course my head was split open for it..."

"Oh... Weird... Hey do you believe in God?"


"Ahh it's nothing." Hero shook his head letting out a small laugh. "I was just thinking about something... So in a little bit Squad One will be leaving... Oh yeah I talked to the Squad Nine Captain to once the battle was over and he said we can totally keep the dog."


Light and Hero fist bumped as they turned and began to walk back to the room where the others. Hero gave a small smile as he stared down at his injured right hand.

'Yes... I think this might be a little fun. So you wish to slay me Row? Than... Come get me... I'll be waiting. Or... Perhaps one day I'll come to you...' Those had been the words God had said to him and Row after that moment...

'I... I think that was our father... So... That's the one I have to kill...' Row hadn't said anything after that. He had simply gone silent going into a deep thought like state. Every now and then Hero would see it. Small glimpse of memories, or ideas, Row was having. He new Row was still awake. Up in his mind simply watching. He didn't know why his fake half, decided to stop talking, but Hero was 100% certain that the boy was in there... Just watching. Row created him when he was a kid. Row had been asleep the day he was made. That's what Row was.

A Kid in a new body, that he hadn't gotten to use in several Ages...

Hero slowly brought his right hand up staring at it as he reached for the skies, reached for heaven.

'Hey God... I'm going to stop Row... And than you're next... You made the mistake of showing me your power... I'll grow until I can beat you... I'm a Symbol of Justice... A Superhero...'