Bad Spies

Night One Hundred And Forty Six

Age 1991

Squad Six Base...

"Captain Katrina..." Dawson said slowly. Currently he stood in Katrina's office as the Captain stared down at several notes and letters. "Do you think..."

"Yes..." She said cutting him off. "I think they can handle it. I trust them all... Squad Six... Those five recruits."

She closed her eyes for a moment as her mind raced.

"Hero Law, Kitsune Nine, Light, Irene Glacious, and Ken Red...." She opened her eyes as she nodded her head. "I'm going to put my trust in them. I know they won't let us down. So... Have faith. Those idiotic kids will pull through yet."


Rose City...

"This... Place... Is... Huge!" Hero announced with wide eyes. Him and the other Squad Six recruits stood outside of Rose City and boy was it not like any other city they've been to...

Rose City was the city of the Nobles. Only Nobles, and Squad One were allowed in it. The city itself was huge. Nearly ten times the size of Oleander Despite the fact that it had half the population. The wall around it was also freaking huge! It went up for miles. Also just getting past the city wasn't enough to enter the city, as the entire city, was covered in a thick glass done, with bright green grass on the other side. The grass really was greener on the other side. They had to go through several metal doors just to enter the city. The air was very fresh, and smelled great. Not the polluted smell that rested outside in the rest of the world. The buildings were massive bigger than any skyscraper, and the artificial lights, and heater, were hotter and brighter, than any other city. It was bright and colorful and had real animals running around!

Most of the plant life, and animals, died out thousands of Ages ago when the world was covered in smog, and ice, and the Bestia Macht rose up, so seeing so many was actually a shock.

"So this is where the tx money goes..." Irene said flatly. "I've been sending all the money I earn to my village so they could expand it, and Snow said some guys are collecting a portion of that money for Rose now..."

"Is this why Max smells so good?" Ken asked with wide eyes. "He always smells like fresh laundry!"

"You smell Max?" Irene asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't judge me Irene! I saw you smelling Hero's clothing the other day!"

"You two are weird..." Hero said flatly. "I choose Light."

Light frowned and moved closer to Hero smelling his hair. "Huh... You do kind of smell good big brother."

"I don't choose Light..." Hero moved away... "So Kitsune. Noticed you don't have any thoughts on this place."

"Well. I mean I'm a Noble. I lived here before you beat up my old school and I joined you and the Master." Kitsune shrugged.

"Oh that's right..." Hero hummed scratching his chin. "You grew up here... Want to go check out your old home than?"

"Nah..." Kitsune threw his arms behind his back as he let out a sigh. "Me and the folks aren't on good terms. They never wanted Jin to become an Enforcer, so they feel like I betrayed them, when I also joined the group."

"Still..." Hero said looking around the massive city. "This place is amazing..."

"Hey guys!" The group stopped what they were doing and looked ahead seeing Eins was running towards them. "Kitty!" Before Ken could react she was swept into a tight bear hug as she let out a loud hiss. "Ahh you've come back! I was so excited when Katrina said she was going to send you all over to look at my Squad. You know Hero it isn't to late for you to pick the Squad right for you." He winked.

"What's that mean?" Kitsune asked.

"Oh? You guys didn't know? Well Hero was actually assigned to-"

"Hey, hey, hey! There's no need to go into talks of the past!" Hero said waving his arms around. "Now... Let's go into talks of the past. When did people start turning into Bestia Macht-"

Eins let out a snort as he dropped Ken who glared at him and backed up throwing herself behind Hero as she peaked over his shoulder. She grumbled some stuff under her breath as she glared at him. Eins folded his arms as he smiled at the group. "We can go into detail about that later. It's slowed down so why don't we head to the Squad One base and I can show you guys around, and do some training or something? My goal is to make you all want to join Squad One!"

"Not gonna happen..."

"I'm gonna try!" Eins announced with stars in his eyes. He grabbed Hero by the hand nd began to drag him. "Now come on silly! We have a lot to do!" He announced loudly.

They all followed the energetic man through the large city going over several roads, before finally stopping in front of an extremely beautiful white marble mansion. The building was large and made out of a pretty white stone. Large steps leading up could be seen, and when they entered they saw a large red carpeted room. A few people in typical Enforcer Jackets ran around but the group quickly moved to one of the many hallways finding four people in them. The first was North, and the other three were the Squad One Recruits, Shelly, Max, and Shiki. North seemed to be talking to them but stopped when he saw them.

"Oh Sissy! You actually came-"

"Take this!" He was interrupted when Shelly flew past him slamming a kick into Hero's gut and throwing him back and sending him rolling across the floor.

"Oww! What the hell Shelly!"

"That's for making me have to save you a bunch of times, and heal you! Than you show up at Squad One!"

Hero's eye twitched as he stared at the pink twin tailed girl. "What about Ken than? Why not kick the crap out of her? You saved her to?"

"I don't feel like it." Shelly announced flipping her hair behind her.

"Freaking double standards..."

North rolled his eyes as he held his hand out to Irene who shook it. "It's good to have you here."

"Meh." Max shrugged. "Nothings gonna change."

"Weren't you wanting to fight Hero?" Shelly asked. "I mean you didn't stop talking about him for weeks?"

"I've decided to wait till the tournament to kick his ass." Max sighed leaning back as he folded his arms. "Besides if we want to talk about people, who won't shut up about someone, I can tell Ken how you-"

"Shelly Chop!" Shelly karate chopped the man silencing him as he stared at her with a blank face.

Over with Ken, Light, and Kitsune, they just stared at Shiki who stood there staring at them. Menacingly...

"This guy is freaking weird..." Kitsune muttered.

"Agreed..." Light, and Ken, both whispered.

Eins clapped his hands together as he gave a small smile. "We should keep going. Vice Captain Jian said she wanted to talk to all of you. Look you over."

"What about the Captain?" Kitsune asked.

"What about him?"

"Is... Is he here?"



They walked down the halls as Hero was silent. 'Squad One... A member of theirs might be a traitor... Why would someone betray the Enforcers- Okay well... I know why someone would betray us... This Organization isn't exactly good, and is riddled with flaws from that damn old man... But still... What do you think Row?'




'Still playing the silent game huh?'


"Screw you Row."

"What?" Ken asked turning to Hero who said that last part out loud.

"Uh... I said... A lie I can't think of at the moment."

"Oh... Okay..."

"Welcome Squad Six..." The group stopped in front of a large open room with rows of chairs, black boards, and book shelves. It looked kind of like a war room. A place where a Squad would gather to meet. In the room a girl in a long brown cloak, wearing a wooden mask could be seen. Her two Katana's hung from her side. Vice Captain Jian, of Squad One, Said to be the strongest Vice Captain in the Enforcers, aka The Laijutsu Master. A woman so good at the blade, she ended fights in only a single strike. Also... In her arms she held a teddy bear. The same one that seemed to always be around with Squad One. Hero felt the drone on his head move slightly which was weird as Droney usually didn't do anything. They were mostly so still, he'd forget they were even there half the time. "I've been expecting you."

'Squad One's Vice Captain...' Hero thought with a frown as he stared at her for a moment. He poked at his drone some more as he thought. 'The Order of first Captains would have been the female Hero Law, Okami Otoko, Ward, and than the current one... There's a chance she might have been on Okami's Squad... Does she know...'

'Okami Otoko is alive...' Those had been the words Mystery had said to him.

'If she does I need to know the state Okami is in... Should I ask her... She looks kind of mean ad scary... She may just kill me... Than again she might not know at all... Row... My memories aren't as good as yours, since you lived through the events. Was she on Okami's Squad?'


'Seriously dude, stop with the silent treatment.'


'...Fine... I'll find it out without you than...'

"She's pretty much our boss..." Shelly whispered to Ken moving closer to the Seraphin.

"Makes sense... She looks scary..." Ken whispered back. "But I bet she's like Katrina right? Secretly she's the motherly type-"

"No she'll straight up kill you if she gets annoyed..." Shelly whispered back. "There used to be four recruits... Do the math..."

Ken slowly moved herself behind Shelly using the pink haired girl as a shield.

The Vice Captain cleared her throat as she glared at the two girls who shrunk down and both moved behind Hero using him as a shield. He didn't seem to notice though as he was still poking at Droney with his finger. "As I was saying... While the five of you are here for the week, North, and Eins, will watch over you. They have been training the Squad One Recruits. We only have need of Squad Six for a few days, and then will get rid of you once more."

"She's kind of mean huh." Hero said out loud still poking at his drone.

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, as he slowly registered the fact he said that out loud. "If me being 'mean' means, that I have the strongest Squad than yes Mr. Law. I am mean... North. Eins... Take the eight recruits down to our testing halls. I want to see how they are against our own... It's also good idea to get a judge for their powers, though I know most of them for the most part..."

"Right!" Eins announced clapping his hands together. "This is the fun part! We have three recruits, and there is North, and I, so it's five vs five. Don't worry though! North and I will hold back n you recruits since you're nowhere near our level."

"I don't know about that..." North hummed. "I mean... Hero, Irene, and the other three-"

"He doesn't know our names..." Kitsune realized.

"I thought he would have known mine at least..." Ken mumbled. "I mean, after Hero, I'm the second main character-"

"Stop breaking the forth wall."


"-the five of them are strong..." North nodded. "Really strong... Not just them though... Every Recruit this Age has been so strong... Equations live to evolve so every new Age brings in a new generation, better than the last."

"Meh." Eins shrugged. "Anyways! I call fighting Ken. I really wanna see what a Seraphin can do! North you can take your sister... Shelly you can take Kitsune, cause flames, Shiki you can take Light, cause you're both Second Generations, and Hero you can-"

"No." Hero said stopping the man.


Hero looked past Eins and towards the Vice Captain. "I had a question I wanted to ask."

"I'm not in the mood for questions-"

"I know... That's why I thought it would be more fun to do this. I don't want to fight Max. I want to fight you. And If I win you have to answer me honestly."

Everyone stared at Hero as he gave a sly smirk.

The Vice Captain seemed to think it over. "You do seem to be Katrina's favorite and she would be pretty sad if you died... I'd be able to make fun of her for it for months... Also I really just do not like you... Sure... I'll fight you."

"Well your boyfriends dead." Shelly shuged.

"Hero's not my boyfriend?" Ken said frowning.

"He's not?"

"No? He's pretty much in love with Irene. Or maybe Lucy. Or maybe Max. Or maybe Kitsune. I'm not sure... But I'm not in love with him. Not anymore."

"Oh... That's good to know."

Hero stared the Vice Captain down for a moment as he still gave his smirk. "So if I beat you you answer my question?"

"Sure..." The Vice Captain nodded. "And 'when' I beat you. I want you to let me talk to Row."