Squad Six Versus Squad One (Part Two)

Night One Hundred And Forty Eight

Age 1991

Rose City...

Training Room...

'Finally feel like talking yet Row?'


'No? Fine... Whatever.'


Kitsune let out a loud yell as he crashed into the wall hitting it head on... He slowly slid down it landing next to a beat up Irene, and Light, as well as a perfectly healed Ken who had her jacket back on.

"Ow..." He groaned shaking his head. "Shelly hurts... Like a lot... Geez Squad One is no joke... I'm starting to see why they're called the nukes now... They freaking hit like it, that's for sure..."

In the center of the room Shelly currently stood after one shoting Kitsune. Small wisps of pink flames slowly died off around her as she smirk. "Mr. Eins did you see!" She asked cheerfully. "What about you Ken? Did you see my cool attack?"

"Good job Shelly!" Eins cheered. "I knew you could beat him! You've gotten so much stronger."

"What? I wasn't paying attention?" Ken asked looking up.

"Man this is so unfair." Irene huffed. "Ken didn't even have to really fight... She just gave up... North beat me into the ground, and Shiki beat Light up, and now Kitsune lost to Shelly..." The group had just finished all their main fighting. Max stood with his back pressed to the wall and his arms folded as he let out a hum. Next to him was Shiki who seemed to be asleep after apparently beating Light down.

"At least all of you got to have a little fun." Max sighed in a bored tone. "I didn't even get to fight since Hero doesn't want to fight me."

Shelly walked back over to the group as she let out a small huff. "I'm kind of with Max on this Hero... I mean none of us have even fought the Vice Captain, and yet you went and challenged her. Do you have a death wish? What makes you so special."

"Oh that's because-"

"Because you're the main character everyone said flatly rolling their eyes."

Hero gave a sheepish grin as he shrugged. "Actually I was gonna say it's because I have something she wants, and she might know something I want."

"Oh? And what's that?" Eins asked leaning forward. "You can tell me. I can keep a secret!"

"Me too!" North whispered leaning forward.

Hero gave a sheepish laugh as he stepped back. "Ahh it's not important. Honest-"

"He's lying." Irene said bluntly. "I can tell... If you watch his-"

"Don't tell them my secrets babe!"

The Squad One Vice Captain, who had been standing off to the side of the group moved to the front of the training room. "Are we gonna do this or not Law? I am kind of busy. I have twice the paper work, since my Captain never does any."

"Yeah, yeah-"

Hero was stopped when he felt a hand on his wrist. He looked down seeing Shelly. "After giving it some thought I don't think you should fight her." Shelly said shaking her head. "Hero she might-"

"It's cute that you're worried about me." Hero grinned cutting her off when he patted her head. "Now go back over to Ken, and keep being Yuri bait."

"I... I'm not worried stupid! And don't call me cute! And I'm not Yuri Bait!"

Hero turned away from her as he gave a shrug. He grabbed Kitsune by the shoulder as a green aura suddenly covered them both. "Hey what the hell!" Kitsune asked with wide eyes. "You can't use this aura! You didn't let me do it against Shelly! I wouldn't have lost if I had it, and we're like twenty times stronger with it..."

"Just... Please. I need this." Hero said in a flat tone. "I have to win... Just let me use this aura..."

Kitsune let out a sigh as he folded his arms. "Fine... But now you're gonna get both our asses beat... You owe me big time man. I'm serious. Big, big, big time."

"What's with that aura?" Shelly asked with wide eyes. Max, and Shiki were also staring at it with great interest.

"Whoa nice! You two can Mantra Bond!" Eins said with wide eyes. "So cool! Me and North can do it to! But ours is the pink one." He announced grabbing North's hand as a bright pink aura covered them both. "See! We got the Lo-"

"Not in front of my sister!" North said turning the aura off and smacking Eins over the head.

"Seriously what's that aura!" Ken and Shelly both asked.

North let out a hum. "Well we call it Mantra, and it's a huge power up, but it has a ton of risks, not even counting the physical damage transfer which is why we usually don't use it, plus it's actually really hard for two people to do it, so it normally doesn't matter anyways."

"But it does make a person stronger right?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side.

"Uh Yeah? But you need two people to do it, and they have to have some similarities, like goals, and personality, and things like that." North nodded. "You and Shelly could probably do it."

Ken and Shelly looked at each other for a moment looking each other up and down for a moment. "Nice." They both said. "So how do we do it?"

"So basically it's a-"

"No, no..." Irene said cutting her brother off. She gave a small smirk. "It's funnier if they don't know." She grinned.

"Irene you jerk!" Ken, and Shelly yelled.

"You're gonna tell me and Shiki what it does though right?" Max asked.

"Oh yeah I'll text you both later." Irene's grin grew larger when she saw Shelly and Ken both let out adorable huffs and glare at her.

Hero moved to the center of the training room now clad in his crackling green aura. 'Hey Row... I'm fighting someone who may kill us? Feel free to jump in and tell me how bad of an idea this is... Or may... You know give advice or something? I don't know... Usually I don't listen to you so what is it that you usually do?'


'Row... Seriously... You know what fine. Keep of the silent treatment. I know you can hear me, and I know you're still in there. But fine play silent. This is just like before you showed up. See if I care if you speak or not. In fact. It's actually better that you're not here. I can better collect my thoughts. So ha. It's not like I care if you're actually in there or not. After all this is my body and I'm going to find a way to get rid of you.'


'You... You here that Row...'


'It's... It's my body. You can't have it...'


'My body Row. Not yours.'


'My... Body...'











Row still didn't say anything making Hero clench his teeth in anger.

"Hey are you just gonna stare at me weirdly or are we gonna fight?" The Squad One Vice Captain asked cocking her head to the side. "As I said I have a lot of work to-"

Hero's right arm shifted into the massive buster canon as he blasted out his strongest shot throwing everything he had into the massive attack and blasting the front of the training room apart in a single shot. he sheer heat of the blast melted most of the ground around him, and everyone off to the side all stared with wide eyes, as the sheer level of destruction Hero, just unleashed in his single attack, a pissed off look on his face, and the green aura around him crackling with anger.

"Oh my God he's mad!" Ken said with wide eyes.

"That's Hero power?" Shelly asked now hiding behind Ken and using the Seraphin as a shield.

Max simply smirked as he rested down next to Shiki. "He's gotten stronger right." Shiki just grunted.

"Man... Now I see why Hero was gonna be placed on our Squad." Eins mused, causing North to let out a small hiss when he noticed everyone just heard that and was staring at them. "Oh s##t did I say that out loud... I mean... Hero... Wasn't... Ahh I messed up..."

"Hero was..." Irene turned away from the group as she stared at Hero.

Kitsune meanwhile let out a hiss and grabbed at his head as the aura around him seemed to crackle and hiss. "Oww... What the hell..."

"Ahh. Unstable aura." Light nodded. "Yeah this is one of the downsides of Mantra Bond. Big Brother must be worried about something, and that's also being transferred over to you. Intense emotions that are on sided are often felt when that Bond is on. If I were you I'd turn it off. I knew some people who had their brains fried because they tried to keep an unstable aura on."

"What!" Kitsune's eyes went wide as he mentally let go of the aura connecting him and Hero together. The aura around them both faded out in a small puff. "Jackson never told me about that! Actually now that I think about it he didn't really tell me anything about it..." Kitsune hummed.

"Yeah... There's a reason why we don't use Mantra Bonding a lot." Eins nodded. "Most people just don't bother with the risks of it."

Back over with Hero he let out a small sigh as a tiny smirk crossed onto his face and his arm reverted back to its clawed form. In front of him was a wave of smoke and dust clouding the area around in a thick smog cloud, hiding the other half of the training arena. 'So Row... You think I got her?'

"That was quite destructive."

Hero's eyes went wide as he turned around only for a hand to stab into his stomach making his eyes go wide. Standing behind him, or rather now in front of him, since he had turned around, the Squad One Vice Captain stood cocking her head to the side, her hand stabbed into his gut. Hero felt some blood trickle down his chin as he gritted his teeth and slashed out with his clawed hand she crouched down as it slashed over her.

She jumped back throwing her cloak off of her not bothering to use her swords, as she threw the cloak into the air, causing it to fall over her. Hero slammed his clawed hand down on her slamming the cloak into the ground, but his eyes went wide when he didn't feel a short squishy body from underneath the cloak. His claws dug into the cloak as he pulled it off the ground not finding her from under it anymore.

Suddenly though he felt a leg slam into his side making him gasp out as he was sent tumbling back and crashing into the wall. He looked up and saw her walking towards him placing her hands on the two swords at her side and drawing them both.

"A... A teleporter..." Hero groaned slowly sitting back up. "Annoying..."

Over with the others they were watching the fight. Ken had a small frown on her face as she cocked her head to the side. "So your Vice Captain is a Caster Type with a Teleporting Cursed Power?"

"Don't look at me?" Shelly shrugged. "I've never seen Vice Captains powers before."

"It's not teleporting..." Eins said shaking his head. He got a small smirk on his face as he shrugged. "Trust me... What she's doing... It's so much scarier. There's a reason she finishes everyone off with one slash of her blades..."

The Vice Captain threw her leg out kicking the cloak up and throwing it over her body once more. As it fell around her, it suddenly hit the ground, as if she wasn't there. Hero looked around raising his clawed hand up as he waited for them to appear. There was a flash as she suddenly appeared to his left. He curved his body around throwing his arm towards her only for her to block it with her blades.

"Nice try but-"

"So you blocked me. But what about her?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

Hero's eyes went wide as he looked up just in time to see a Second Squad One Vice Captain falling towards him. But she was still also in front of him.

Over with Eins he gave a small smirk as he watched the small girl fall towards Hero her blades out. "No... She doesn't teleport. It's more accurate to say she jumps through worlds... A Cursed Power that allows her to travel dimensions, and call on other versions of herself..."

She spun her body around her swords ready to sever Hero's head clean off as his eyes went wide-

"Vice Captain!" A voice yelled out making her stumble for a second as she landed on the ground. The one in front of Hero suddenly vanished as Hero and the Vice Captain turned towards the entrance where a random Black Coat stood. He breathed heavily from running all the way over here. "A... Bestia Macht is in the city!"