Volume Four (Prologue)

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age 0000

'Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth.'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

'This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside...'

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

"Row Storm!"

"Orion Vil!"

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

Man Versus God...

God Versus the Devil.

The fight that created God...


Age 1991

The Moon...

"What's going on!" A raven haired boy, with bright silver eyes and a silver stripe in his hair stood out in the middle of a black void, on a rock that floated through space. His eyes were wide with fear as he backed up. The boy was dressed in what looked like an emerald green track-suit and... Well he didn't exist.


That was the wrong way to say it.

He doesn't exist in this timeline.

His name.

Hero Otoko. A sixteen, soon to be seventeen year old boy, who came from a world much like our own. A frozen planet filled with foul beasts. He worked for a military group in the Country of Red, a group known as the Enforcers who were like superheroes, people who fought with powers known as Attributes. His own power allowed him to inflate his body like a balloon or compress it down as thin as a sheet of paper.

"Relax young one." God said cocking his head to the side. "There is no need to panic..." He held his hand out to Hero. "I mean you no harm. Of this I swear-"

"Who the hell are you! What the hell is going on! The last thing I remember... I... I fought that guy in the fox mask... His flames burned me alive... I died?"

"Wrong." God said bluntly.


"You see Hero... Within this mulitverse there exist something... A darkness darker than even the blackest void and a power that goes beyond the limits of any known God... A Squid that devours everything for that was all it knows how to do. Something that goes from world to world, galaxy to galaxy, universe to universe, and eats all that is there. Just before you were hit with the flames you, as well as your universe was devoured by him wiping you all out."

"W... What..." Hero felt as if he had been punched in the gut as he nearly tripped. "What the hell are you trying to tell me..."

"I'm saying everyone you love is dead." God said bluntly. "Well... Most... I was able to save a few."

"Was it really wise to bring him here..." Gabriel asked frowning. He walked around Hero poking the boy. "My... How odd... No Equation on you yet you give off life energy much like our weapons... Unlike everyone in our world who must harness their cursed life powers through our Equations, you simply posses a cursed life power."

"Cursed... Life Power? You mean my Attribute?" Hero shook his head as he turned back to the strange metal man. "Wait! You said you saved a few! Are my friends still alive! What about my Grandfather Okami Otoko?"

"Your grandfather is Okami Otoko?" God asked taken aback. "My... How odd... Sadly no. Your Okami is dead. The one in this world is still alive though he no longer goes by Okami, now that he has undergone the second generation program, project rebirth, and came back with a new body..."

"Second... New body? I don't get it..." Hero said sound frustrated. "You're saying my entire world is just gone?"


"Well how do I get it back?"

"It was eaten... You don't get it back... I mean... You could slice open the belly of the Squid but I doubt there's much left of your home. Plus that was a while ago... Your universe would have been broken down to nothing by now."

Hero slowly fell landing on his knees as he stared down at the gray ground that was the moon. "You're... You're lying!"

God stared at him for a moment cocking his head to the side. He raised his left arm up as cracks appeared all around them. Seconds later Hero, Gabriel, and himself stood in a... Well... It was impossible to describe. It was literal nothing. Not dark. Not light. Not white, not black. No sound. No heat. No cold. No air. No anything. They stood in a concept a person will never be able to even remotely understand and within seconds Hero's mind was already forcefully removing the memory for it was something he'd never get. Seconds later, or maybe hours, of even years, as time didn't exist nor did aging in this void, or lack there of a void, they appeared above something. Looking down Hero saw an entire universe.

And its lights were going out...

He also saw it...

It was barley the size of a planet, yet even sextillions of miles above the entire universe allowing them to see the whole universe they made it out. Some massive black cloud of tentacles that was grabbing everything in sight, every star all around it.

At that moment.

Hero realized he had never, ever, seen true darkness.

Than in a single instant they were back on the moon as Hero tripped over his own feet grabbing his stomach and vomiting.

"Believe me now boy?"

"W... What the hell was that."

"You know what it was, for he has always exist, before the multiverse came to existence, and he'll be here to see the next multiverse come into existence, and will even exist when time itself gives out, and that to must restart. He who lurks at every edge. You know who he is. We all do. Just by existing we know of him. And that's why you know I'm telling the truth when I say your planet, your entire universe, is gone."

"They're... They're really gone..." Hero whispered.

"That's right." God nodded his head and turned to look back at the massive ball of grey gas that rested out in space. "However... While you can't save your world you can save this one." Hero began to see flashes. He saw a girl that looked like Ken but with silver eyes and a silver stripe in her hair, a boy like Kitsune but with a sword, a guy who looked like Cloud but with a gun, and a girl who looked like North, but genderbent, and... Someone who looked like him but with snow white hair and ruby red eyes. He even saw Jackson, Katrina, Dawson, Hannah, Max, Shelly, and so many more. "This world is in a way like your own though it has its own people... Its own powers and its own will."

Hero bowed his head for a moment as he seemed to think about something. "So... I existed in this universe than? And I still became an Enforcer?"

"Yes and no... As it stand you never really existed here... The one you see is Row Law, who existed. Though he made a boy who he named Hero after some silly puppy. The version of you is her..." In the image he now saw an older girl with silver hair and bright blood red eyes. "This is the Hero Otoko of this universe. Daughter of Piero. Though her last name isn't Otoko, as unlike you she never met Okami."

"I'm a girl!" Hero said with wide eyes. "I'm pretty cute."

"She works for a group known as the Organization."

"What! The Organization are the good guys in this world?"

"Not quite..."

"I'm evil!"

"It depends on how you look at it, but the Enforcers view you as evil."

"Damn..." Hero shook his head as he folded his arms. "So my worlds gone... And I can't get it back... So why the hell did you save me... I didn't want to be saved. If what you said was true I'd much rather you have saved someone else than me! I'd rather have died with my home world."

"I saved you because of what you are..."

"A Seraphin?"

"That's right." God turned away as he folded his arms. His liquid metal suit seemed to flow over his body like water for a moment as he raised his hand and pointed towards the planet that rested in the distance. "With the power you have from the other world, as well as the powers of a Seraphin I can use you. We can save my world. With you we can insure Earth is never wiped out from existence."

"I can... I can save a world..."

"That's right... There was nothing that could be done about your home world. The me of that universe wasn't even seen. You can whine about your world all you want or you can help me... And just so you know I did save as many people from your world as I could... I placed them all over the planet down there. Around one million people was all I could save before the planet was fully consumed."

"I see... Thank you... Were... Were... Are any of my friends among them?"

"I am unsure. In time you can look for yourself."

"I... Okay..." Hero nodded his head. "I'm a hero, it's my name after all, so if I can help this world if I can. I'll do it in the memory of them..."

"You know that some people may view you as an enemy if you do this right..." God asked cocking his head to the side.

"They will."

Gabriel let out a small sigh. "Honestly Orion's plans are quite foolish when I heard them. Than again he is a mere human so what do you expect."

"If you're calling him a human does that mean you aren't one? You do have blue skin..."

"I am not a human young one. I am an Angel." Gabriel bowed.

"A... An Angel!"

"That's right." Gabriel gave a small smirk. "You see... Within the Multiverse there are things known as Constants. A Constant means that it is something that will be true for every Universe. For example in every universe a person going by the title of Storm, always creates a group known as the Enforcers. Sometimes that person is a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes they live to be thousands of years old, other times they don't find a way to keep their life going and die like all humans, and sometimes their group fails, sometimes it good, sometimes it bad, most of the time it's in a gray area. However in every world, there is always going to be an Enforcers. We Angels are constants as well. When a Universe starts we come into existence eight of us... Our goal is to preserve the life of the entire universe while not directly interfering unless we have no choice. However in every universe we always fail... In this one we're close to failing to... Earth is the only plant left in this universe. Everywhere else in this universe has had the life of it devoured by that damn squid. So now we must preserve the life at all costs... We would have lost if not for Orion... The only human to surpass the power of an Angel. Sadly it gave him a big head and he goes by God now..."

Hero nodded his head for a moment. "I think I get it... Kind of... So the Enforcers exist here to... As do my friends but they know that Row fellow and not me..."

"Correct." Orion nodded. "Lot's of things are far different than your own world. However you'll get to learn much about the Enforcer recruits."

"I will?"

"Yes... You see... In a little bit a tournament will be held... One that will have sixty four fighters, each fighter an Enforcer recruit. And... We're gonna watch it."



Down below on the Earth a shark like monster moved through the snow...

The black shark Bestia Macht... A Threat Level Duke that went by the title of Beast of Hunger or Beast of Gluttony...

The Bestia Macht Hero claimed he would kill.

The shark slowly emerged from the snow and stopped when it heard quiet footsteps.

"Hello..." A voice said walking up. In front of the shark a snow white haired boy, with bright ruby red eyes stood. "My names Hero Law... I hear you're looking for your father right? I'll tell you where Hero Law is."