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Night One Hundred And Seventy Five

Age 1991

The Void...

"Ow..." Hero Otoko set up. Most of his face had been blown off and his head was twisted to the side. He grabbed it and snapped it back into place. Steam began to flow off of him as his full face put itself back together. "Talk about a mean right hook."

"Are you okay?"

Otoko turned finding the area next to him bending and twisting as God appeared. "Yeah. He just caught me off guard-" He suddenly gritted his teeth grabbing at his right arm his eye twitching as pain washed through him. "S... Shit..."

"I was afraid of that." God Sigh. "Your right arms become unstable now that you're wielding Two Equations. Your body isn't normal. You other worlders are all unstable. I was hoping you'd be able to handle two but alas." He reached up as his hands glowed. A large black greatsword seemed to form in his hands, a golden light washing out of it. "This is The Blade Of God." God explained. "A weapon far above the power of any Equation. Forged from the Void itself. I used this to replace the sun, when that damn brat tried to blow it up." He slammed the sword down into Otoko's right side splitting it off.

Otoko gritted his teeth but let out a small sigh as his right arm was sliced clean off. A few seconds later a new right arm began to grow, no longer holding the Equation. "That feels so much better." Otoko sighed twisting his arm around a few times. He frowned for a moment as he bent down and inspected the sliced off arm. He grabbed the white marble in it and pulled it out. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Keep it." God said turning away. His sword lit up with his golden light and faded away. "You may need to reuse it later on. But do be careful. Push it to much and your cells could become unstable."

"Speaking of unstable... That... Other me... He used my cells to plug up his wounds. Will that be an issue?"

"I doubt it." God hummed. "He's only able to do that because of 'those' cells that are in him. It disgust me to know my DNA, has been merged with 'that' things. Master Storm, my old friend really wanted to create a weapon that could best me when he made Row..."

"Why don't you just kill Row then?" Hero asked. "I was unable to reach him for now." He looked down at his left hand. "Perhaps if I have more time I can figure out how to use this Equation. Level it up to Two, or even Three. As I am now though I couldn't even reach him."

"Sadly I need Row alive." God sighed.

"You want that Monster alive?"

"I still have some uses of him." God hummed. "Despair is my current goal. Wash him away in it. Give him no choice but to join me. Only then will I allow myself to kill the Monster that is Row Law. For now though we'll leave this little game. I have much to do still... I have a task for you Otoko."


"There is someone I want you to guard... She's important to me you see... My daughter."

"How many kids do you have?" Otoko asked raising an eyebrow.

"A few... But I have no need of the others. She is the only one I care about. She must be guarded by you. I have a need of her."

"What's her name?"


"I see..."

"Well are you ready to leave?" God asked turning away. "Now that Hero Law, is no longer in the Void, the sleeping Row will no longer be here as well..."

"This Void... I can access a Seraphins mind with it right?" Otoko asked frowning.

"Yes... But not Law's. His Cells might be yours but 'that' DNA in him is overriding him which is why he doesn't have your healing or anything. He's already reverting back to normal. Though he'll begin to look like 'that' vile man, mixed with me. His hair and eyes have already changed into that mans..."

"I wasn't thinking about visiting Law." Hero said shaking his head. "But... There is someone I wanted to see... I have a gift for her..."


Gladious City...

The Arena...

"You! Transform so Hero can watch me kick your ass!"

Versa let out a small hiss cracking her neck. "Very well... As you wish..."

"About time." Ken grinned. "I'm all fired up."

Versa closed her eyes for a moment as her right arm began to glow. It covered her body up for a moment swirling around her. She seemed to get smaller as a black light covered her entire form. When it ended Ken stared in shock at... Herself. In Versa's place was an exact copy of Ken Red, even wearing Ken's torn up uniform now. The Versa, Ken, Ven? Gave a cute, yet devilish grin flipping her hair back.

"What do you think?"

"Wait! You became me?" Ken asked with wide eyes. She looked Ven, up and down for a moment. "Man... No wonder people are in love with me. I'm adorable."

"That's seriously what your first thoughts are?"

"No. I had other thought but... They aren't important."

Versa frowned placing her hands on her hips much like Ken would do. "This is the second part of my power. I turn into the person. Though I am only at 45% of their total power."

"Seriously?" Ken asked frowning. "Then what was even the point of doing this? I could use half my power and beat you? You were stronger the other way around?"

Ven gave a large grin. "Because..." She grabbed the sleeves of her jacket tearing the off. "I have all your powers." Her body began to glow as she grinned. "Even access to 'that' form."

"Oh no!"

"Oh yes!" Ven's body began to change. Her muscles grew slightly getting a bit bigger, and she seemed to get a small bit taller. Her eyes became more cat like, and a pair of cat ears, and a cat tail grew out of her hair. Her arms and legs got a little larger as black fur covered them both and large razor sharp claws grew out of her fingers. Her teeth also grew sharper becoming more fanged like. Her tail began to wag as she began to laugh.

"What the hell is that form!" Hero, Kitsune, and Irene, all asked, since none of them had actually seen Ken ever do this. "Since when can she do this?" Hero asked.

"Wait you didn't know about this?" Shelly, and Light both asked.

"Hell no!"

"Is this a thing Seraphins can do?" Hero asked frowning. For a moment his thoughts went to Hero Otoko... "Does he have one..." The power of that left arm, the power of his own right arm, and the power of a Seraphin... "What about." His eye slowly turned to look at Davi who had an amused look. "Can he..."

"Man am I the only one who thinks Ken looks good as a cat girl?" Kitsune asked making the entire box go silent. "What... I know we're all thinking it! I just said it out loud."

In the arena Ken backed up a frown covering her face. "Okay so... You became cat me? Cat Ven, as I'll call you... I mean... How strong could I really be like that? You're 45% of my power transformed? How strong could that form really be-"

Ven exploded behind Ken shattering the sound barrier as she just seemed to flash behind Ken and slam her arm out. Ken raised her arms up just in time but Ven hit her so hard, both her arms shattered and bent at an angle. She was rocketed back slamming across the stone arena as she crashed down with a loud cry. Ken gritted her teeth as her arms began to heal but before she could Ven slammed to her and kicked out with her leg slamming a high kick into the down Ken and throwing her high into the air. As Ken spun around Ven pointed forward and fired out one of Ken's beams, but a smaller compressed version the beam firing through Ken's stomach making her scream out in pain.

Ken slammed into the ground head first smacking into it with a loud thud. Her arms fully healed and most of her stomach wound also began to fix up. She jumped back to her feet just in time to see Ven flash in front of her. Ken threw out a punch right as Ven did. Their fists slammed together and Ven's fist split Ken's entire arm apart. She grabbed the girl by the face and slammed her down into the ground as hard as she could shattering the arena and sending out a massive and loud sonic boom.

Ken gasped out in pain a few tears coming out of her eyes. She held her good arm up a large black spike jutting out and shooting through Ven's shoulder making the cat clone jump back and grab at the hole that was inside of her shoulder. She let out a loud growl and pulled it up ripping it out of her shoulder. She then began licking the wound showing she wasn't all there... This form wasn't easy to control. Even a lesser form of it... Ken regrew her shattered arm and stumbled to her feet bowing her head as she popped her shoulder back into place.

"Okay... I am not about to get my ass beat, by a weaker, yet some how, more badass, and cuter, version of myself!" Ken announced. She placed her hands together and brought her arms down by her side as they began to glow and crackle with a red energy. "Take this. Everything I've got in this one attack. I've based it off of Hero's Rage Cannon. He thinks his beam is so cool. Well check this one out." She thrusted her arms forward firing out a massive red beam of energy at the woman. The beam was... Large. Around the size of a large truck, but it was slow moving. Most attacks were faster than a bullet, but even normal humans could follow this one... A normal human might even be able to dodge it.

Ven gave a small grin and finally spoke since she turned into this weird cat form. "A slow attack like that with my speed?" She asked moving towards the side.

Ken gritted her teeth and moved her arms up the beam still coming out as it bent and twisted going into the air. "Oh... That wasn't the attack... This is. Splitting Flash!" She slammed her arms down as hard as she could as the entire beam suddenly erupted into a massive red blast, and hundreds of fast moving, smaller red energy balls exploded out of it raining down on the arena at high speeds and covering it up.

Ven's eyes went wide as many of the blasts slammed into her and they all exploded into a massive ball of red energy scorching the entire arena and covering it up in a bright red mist.

"Geez..." Hero hummed running his hand through his hair. "I guess Ken is stronger than I first thought. I was about even to her earlier... But that cat form... I'm pretty sure she could beat me with it."

"Why doesn't she use it more than?" Kitsune asked frowning.

Shelly shook her head her thoughts going back to Ken's fight with North. "Trust me... That form is... bad... Ken shouldn't use that. I won't let her turn into that thing again... That Versa girl made a huge mistake entering into that form..."

"So you think you can stop Ken from using that power?" Irene asked staring at the arena. "Because speaking from experience you can't. When a Person wants more power they'll get it, if they have the means for it... I doubt any of us could stop that brat from entering her power... The best bet is to just find a way to calm her down. Pull her back from the edge-"

"No." Shelly shook her head. "I won't let it come to that at all. That form is... Evil."

Back in the arena Ken was breathing heavily as she stared at the red mist. "I... I think I did-"

A thin red beam exploded out of the mist stabbing through Ken's chest shocking everyone as it blasted a hole clean through her. Ken's eyes went wide as she stumbled for a moment then fell landing flat on her face...

Not moving...