EX Fusion

Night Two Hundred And Three

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Hotel...

The elevator doors opened with a loud whoosh allowing Ken, Kitsune, Irene, Light, and Daughter to step into their room.

It was a large common room with several couches, a mini kitchen, a T.V set, a bathroom, and two doors leaving to the other side rooms they'd be staying in.

Ken and Shelly instantly made way for the kitchen opening it up and finding the mini fridge was filled with a vast amount of candies, and ice cream making their eyes sparkle with joy. Light took a seat down on the couch and opened his coat up pulling his gun out and beginning to work on it. Kitsune got in his chair and flipped on the T.V and began flipping through shows. Irene finally let out a sigh and moved towards the bath room.

"I'm taking a shower." She called out.

No one said anything.

Daughter was staring at the T.V a frown on her face. In it was some animated show with a guy with black spiky hair. She didn't know what it was but he was yelling loudly and his hair kept changing colors. It was weird.

"When is father coming back." Daughter asked.

Over with Ken and Shelly the two girls were making themselves a milkshake. Ken turned to look at the girl a small frown on her face. "Why do you care about Hero?"

"Because he's my father? I love him..."


"Because he's my father-"

"If that's all you got then you can drop it." Ken sighed. "I have a dad to you know. His name is Lancelot. He's kind of an asshole. I haven't seen him in years though. He was in a group called the Order. Not everyone likes their dad. You'd need another reason. Like to me. Hero is my best friend. I care about him because he's strong and keeps pushing himself to be better."

Daughter frowned for a moment. "I need a reason to love father other than him being my father? That doesn't make sense. Father is Father. I love him."

"Ken stop making the child mad." Shelly sighed. "Or I'll steal your ice cream."


"Big Brother has a lot on his plate right now." Light hummed running a wrench over his gun. "A lot has happened but He'll come around. I know he will. He always does the right thing in the end. It might take him a while but he'll get there. I know he will."

Kitsune let out a snort. "Yeah... Hopefully. Sit tight Daughter... Hero will... Well I don't really know but I'm sure it'll go well."

Light gave a small grin as he shrugged his shoulders. "I think we all just need to have some faith-" Light jumped forward throwing his arms over Daughter as he turned his fall into a roll sliding across the floor. Kitsune was up to his feet his fox ears and tail forming. Pink flames rolled off of Shelly as her eyes lit up. Ken's body crackled with a red energy as she reached up and pulled out a large black spike twirling it around. Light landed on his feet holding Daughter in one arm as he raised his gun pointing it at the new person in the room. "That was close..." He hissed out.

Standing in the center of the room his katan stabbed into the spot where Daughter had been, Vil stood in his white robes his wooden mask on his face and his katana in his hands. He slowly pulled it out of the ground and slowly looked at the five people in the room.

"Hmm... I never would have thought a blind boy could react that fast." Vil mused.

"Who the hell is this asshole!" Kitsune asked his eyes wide as he formed his flaming katana.

"That's the white robed figure that was in that one city!" Ken said her eyes wide.

Vil pointed his sword at Kitsune for a moment. It glowed for a moment as he stared down everyone. "Who I am isn't very important." Vil said shrugging his shoulders. "I'll say this once. Hand over that girl and I'll simply leave." He said.

"Uh... If you want her why did you try and kill her?" Light asked.

"...It was a cooler entrance?"

Ken gave a smirk as she dropped her spike and stood up on the table. She punched her open palm as a red energy crackled around them. "Well I wouldn't try and be so cool and cocky if I were you... After all there's four of us here and one of you... You'll have to get through us all if you want to get to Daughter."

"Hmm..." Vil twirled his sword around. "I'm really glad you said that." A clock shaped aura covered his body as he began to move in a strange way. He took a step forward and the step was normal and not fast and yet he had a strange after image effect coming out of him. As if they were seeing hundreds of versions of himself all layered over each other as he moved towards Kitsune in a calm slow manner.

It was Ken who struck first...

Ken let out a loud yell as she jumped at the younger brother of Hero, a red blast exploding out of her hands which she used to launch herself forward. She reached out ripping a large black spike out of her shoulder. She came sliding across the ground and stabbed out with her arm but Vil's body curved her spike stabbing through his after image. Her eyes went wide as he stabbed out with his sword impaling it through her gut. He twisted his body and threw her off of his blade. She went crashing across the floor and slammed into the wall.

Shelly struck next.

Shelly jumped into the air spinning her body around and using the roof to bounce back as she clasped her hands together as the pink flames molded out of her arms. She opened them up forming a large pink ball of flames. The fire ball came flying out spinning towards Vil at a fast speed. He sliced his sword up the time aura covering the ball of pink flame and suddenly in a flash it reversed bouncing back towards Shelly as her own attack slammed into her and she was slammed into the roof.

Light brought his gun up pulling on the trigger firing out several beams of golden light towards Vil who spun his body the beams flying past him. Vil raised his sword up and fired towards Light who threw himself in front of Daughter to keep her safe. Before Vil could reach Light though Kitsune came blasting forward his flames firing out of him. He grabbed Vil and slammed his arm out grabbing Vil by the leg and slamming him into the ground. He chucked Vil towards the wall as hard as he could.

"Trickstar Fire!" Kitsune announced clasping his hands together as the flames blasted out in the shape of a star spinning around like a shuriken.

Vil sliced his katana through the shuriken made of flames as he came crashed out on the other side. Kitsune formed his flaming sword and the two clashed their blades, one flaming, one made of metal, over and over again as the two clashed and entered a super weeby dance that only people who study katanas can do. Vil's time aura got brighter as he moved even faster and he sliced up cutting into Kitsune's shoulder. He slammed his fist out into the foxes face throwing Kitsune back.

Kitsune slammed into the wall and let out a loud groan.

Vil reached into his robes pulling out several sharp knifes. He threw them towards Kitsune but as they spun through the air a beam of light blasted the knifes out of the air. Vil turned just in time to see the butt of Light's gun as Light smashed his gun into Vil's face. Vik stumbled back his wooden mask shattering and sending the broken bits all across the floor. Vil stumbled back and everyone stared at the boy in shock.

"...Father?" Daughter asked with wide eyes.

Vil was basically a younger Hero...

"Shut up! I'm not that pathetic brother of mine!" Vil yelled. He spun around and sliced out with his sword but Light blocked it with his gun.

"So you're Vil..." Light said through gritted teeth.

"What about it." Vil hissed.

Light frowned and pressed down with his gun pushing Vil back. "Big Brother talks about you sometimes... You're one of the people that brought him so much pain!" He hissed out. He slammed his gun past the sword smashing it into Vil's face and sending Vil stumbling back. Vil caught himself and stabbed forward stabbing his sword into the shoulder of Light making the blind boy scream out in pain as blood dripped out of his shoulder.

"Screw it." Ken sighed. "Let's all jump this guy!" Ken jumped into the air spinning her body around and slamming a powerful kick into the ground barley missing Vil who jumped back. Vil fired forward slamming the handle of his sword into her head and smashed her into the ground so hard it shattered and sent her to the floor below. As he did that he kicked out and sent a table up which blocked a large ball of pink flames. The table was reduced to ash and he sliced out using his time powers to send a large wave of wind towards Shelly smashing her through the roof. H then curved his body dodging a punch from Kitsune as his foot flew out and he slammed it in between Kitsune's legs. Lastly he grabbed Kitsune and slammed him into Light as hard as he could throwing them both back.

Vil finally stood in front of Daughter who stared up at the man who looked like her father. He let out a small sigh shaking his head. "Any one else want to mess with me?"

Daughter felt her body shake for a moment but allowed a sigh to escape her lips. Her body seemed to shrink back down into that weird black ball with eyes and mouths. Vil's eyes went wide as a massive black shark made out of her aura blasted out biting the air where he was but he quickly dodged it jumping back as the teeth bit down. Vil sliced out with his sword slicing the shark in half the force of the attack throwing her back. Daughter slammed into the wall her body reverting back to normal as she crashed down into the ground.

"I'm ending this now!" A new voice announced.

Vil turned around just in time as a mass of ice slammed into him.

He smashed into the window of the room which was rapidly filling with cracks.

He looked up and saw Irene standing in front of him. She was only in her undergarments and a simple unbuttoned white shirt meaning she was showing off a lot of skin. Her hair was also still wet and beads of water covered her body.

"Geez. I heard the commotion but didn't think it was anything serious... Yet I come out and find out Ken was thrown down a floor, Shelly was thrown up a floor, and Kitsune, and Light are knocked out... I really have to do everything don't I..." She sighed shaking her head. She raised her hand up forming a large ice sword. "I'm taking you down."

Vil let out a growl. "Don't you dare underestimate me girl."

"You look like Hero. I guess you're his little brother huh."

"Shut the hell up!" Vil screamed firing at her. His aura got brighter becoming a large clock around his body. The aura covered his sword as he sliced out sending out a weird pulse which affected everything around him and caused it to age at a high speed turning into dust and breaking down. He slammed his sword down as hard as he could but Irene raised her arm up forming a shield of ice. The sword stabbed through the ice shield and into her arm making her hiss out.

Irene began to be pushed back and gritted her teeth. She began to tap into North's powers forming more weapons as her sword glowed and became metal like turning into what looked like a large metal scythe which she sliced across the back of Vil making him yell out in pain as his blood flowed out. Over with Kitsune he shook his head and set up looking up watching Irene fight Vil as they clashed around each other.

Vil growled moving even faster as his time based powers were cranked up. He slammed his leg out into Irene and threw her towards the cracked window. She slammed into it and went flying out and into the open air.

"Irene!" Kitsune screamed running towards her and jumping out after her. As he did his nine tails came out but before they could be begin to spin a blade thrown by Vil sliced out cutting his tails off and spilling his blood. Kitsune screamed as he fell towards Irene now no longer able to use his tails to fly. He gritted his teeth as he used his flames and blasted down towards her reaching out. "I... Irene... I'll save you... No matter what!" He yelled out wrapping his arms around her as they began to fall. "Save... Save... I'll save you..."


They fell faster the ground quickly approaching.


They looked at each other their eyes meeting.

They only had a few seconds before the ground would reach them...

"No matter what Irene... I will... Save you." Their bodies began to glow...

A power he was told about...

"Ex... Fusion..."

Meanwhile back at the top Vil let out a sigh as he began to walk towards Daughter. He spun his blade around sheathing it.

"Finally." He sighed his foot coming out as he slammed it into the down Light. "No more. I suppose by now Kitsune should be finishing her plan to... We weren't even supposed to attack yet but you made us play our cards a little earlier." His arm reached out as he slowly picked her up. "Now I can-"

An explosion of ice filled the room suddenly making Vil's eyes slowly turn.

Someone stood in the broken window...

A young seventeen year old looking man. He had a hair style similar to Kitsune but was a blonde color much like Irenes. His eyes were an icy blue with an orange ring around them... A pair of light blue fox ears, and nine light blue fox tails poked out of his hair, and the fur that covered his arms and legs was a light blue...

Ice slowly began to cling off of his body as he gave a small grin forming a katana made out of ice.

"What the hell!" Vil asked with wide eyes backing up.

Kitsune, for that was who this was raised his ice sword. "Well. Ready for round two?"