Round Two Begins

Night Two Hundred And Nine

Age 1991


"Did... Did you do it?" Vil asked letting out a small hiss. His time energy washed over his body as his wounds began to heal.

Currently him and Kitsune were in a small black room lit up only by blue candles. Kitsune rested on a table only in her undergarments as she held a thread and needle in one hand, and a pair of surgical pack in the other one. She slowly pulled out the jagged rocks, and bits, of metals from her flesh and slowly sowed the wounds closed. She was covered in burn marks, and cuts, all along it. She couldn't stop hissing as she slowly bandaged it.

"I couldn't get the mark onto him." She sighed. Her hand rubbed the small M shaped Scar over her heart next to the faded D shaped Scar. "I was a bit to busy trying to not die..." For a moment her mind went to Row. "Was that the power a Dream Crest has... It was so..." She shook her head a frown covering her face.

"I see." Vil nodded his head. "I failed to... They did something I didn't see coming... Still... You got others right?"

"Oh..." She gave a grin. "I did. We can still go through with the plan. I'll just need a little bit longer."


The Next Day...

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Several civilians all walked up the ramp as they began to get back into their stands. On the other side several Enforcers could be seen all getting in their seats as well. And down below many of the recruits were getting back in their boxes. Though many people like Irene, or anyone else who lost, was no longer in the boxes instead resting in the stands with the other Enforcers. Sera could also be seen though her arms seemed to be broken and she was limping as she took a seat next to Irene.

And lastly in the arena Olf, and Newt Hyde the Ninth Squad Captain could be seen down in the arena. Newt seemed to be yelling at a sobbing Olf likely getting the dog man to do his job better.

Oh and the arena was very different. It was now floating in the air and looked like a large round ball. Like a mini planet. Olf and Newt could be seen standing on the surface a weird gravity keeping them from falling off.

"Whoa." A civilian said.

"Yeah it's pretty cool. Captain Newt is using his Gravity Equation to make a small planet that people can stand on. This should make the next few matches a little more interesting." Another Civilian announced. The planet was around the size of a large house and was a plain green planet covered in grass. Large enough that both parties could stand on either side of the planet and not see each other.

"Oh... I wasn't worrying about that." The first guy said. He was staring down at his chest which had a faded M rune looking scar over his lower stomach. "I don't remember getting a bruise or mark like that?" He noted.

"Hmm. Oh whoa freaky I got a mark like that!" Another guy said pulling his shirt up.

"Weird... I'm sure it's nothing!"

Meanwhile down below...

"Whoa a planet!" Daughter said with wide star filled eyes as she stared up at the massive ball up in the air. She road on Kitsune's shoulders who seemed a little annoyed by that fact. "Look Father it's a Planet!"

"I see it." Hero noted staring up at it with a smirk. "I can't wait to slam it into my opponent. I'm fighting Ava after all... I bet an attack like that would deal some serious damage out on her... Maybe even be enough to wipe her out in a single burst attack." Hero was back in his normal clothing. His shirt buttoned up and his Enforcer jacket fixed up and back on. Daughter was also in new clothing. She wore a pair of simple blue pants, and a long red sleeved shirt.

"Why do I have to carry her... She's Hero's kid..." Kitsune sighed.

"Because Hero is still being a bit of a prick and isn't treating his child right..." Shelly sighed. "Baby steps I guess."

"What I want to know is why is she even here." Ken sighed. "I mean Irene's up in the stands but Daughter can be here in the box? And don't give me that 'oh she has to be near Hero' crap... He's ditched her and left her in someone elses care so many times now!"

"You're just jealous someone's cuter than you." Shelly mused making Ken stumble.

Out of the main group Ken, and Hero, were the only ones who hadn't seemed to fully accept Daughter. Hero was... Well he hadn't killed her but he wasn't exactly being the best father he could. Baby steps... He was still new and finding himself. And Ken... She was the only one who wasn't wowed by Daughter's cuteness.

Kitsune let out a sigh as he rested Daughter down. "I'm a bit nervous."

"Really?" Hero asked turning to look at his friend as he grabbed Daughter's hand with his now red arm. He had already explained to the group what had happened.

"Yeah... I have to fight that Shino Li girl... She beat her enemy, Lucy's sister, just by touching her... And she's so cute I really wanna touch her!" He said balling his fist in anger. "It just isn't fair!"

"Hmm. Sounds like a you problem." Ken noted.

"Thirty two people will be in this game." Hero noted. "Than sixteen, than eight, than four, than two... Than one winner... Wow... We still have a ton of matches huh!"

"Yeah we do." Shelly hummed. "I just hope nothing else goes wrong during the time... I mean seriously can we just have a break... Though... It is my turn next..."

"Your turn?" Light asked.

"Yeah." Shelly nodded a smirk covering her face. "Ken got her new energy powers she can use, Kitsune got his new Equation Type, and can fuse, and Hero got his true arm... It's my turn to get the bs power up!"

"What about me?" Light asked.

"Meh..." Shelly shrugged.

"Ouch..." Daughter reached out patting his leg. The blind teen gave a pouting face. "Well... I guess I did become an Uncle so it's fine... Right little Niece!"


"Yes Big Brother?"

Hero reached out grabbing Daughter and slowly dragged her away from the blind teen. "No. Just no. Never say that."


"Hey looks like it's starting." Ken said getting everyone to turn to the planet.

Up on the planet Olf wiped away his tears. Newt Hyde, gave him a thumbs up and hopped off of the planet. When he jumped up he went high exiting the mini planets sky and falling out of the gravity as he crashed down and landed on the ground below. Everyone watched as in the crowd someone began to walk down. He was dressed in a simple black shirt and red jacket as well as a pair of black pants. He had messy blonde hair, yellow cat like eyes, a lion tail, fanged lion teeth, and a pair of cat ears. He was young looking to only be thirteen but he had a large smirk on his face.

He was one of the Anima's... The Animals forced to evolve to humanoid forms. Newt had been making them to show them off to the Empress so he could make more... They were supposed to be strong. As strong as an Enforcer but lacked Equations meaning they couldn't be near, or fight Bestia Macht due to the effects of the Bestia Macht... And yet this one... He has a metal shield attached to his arm. It was a small circle bronze shield with a white Marble placed into it. An Equip Type...

The teen crouched down and fired up turning his body over and crashing down onto the mini planet next to Olf.

"What the hell?" Kitsune frowned. "He has an Equation?"

"He's not wearing Enforcer robes... He's not in the ninth Squad..." Shelly hummed. "I'd guess he was a new one.. But Captain Hyde said his Anima couldn't have Equations... Only Humans can... So why is this Anima using one... It doesn't make sense."

Hero frowned. "Hey Daughter?"

"Yes father?" Daughter asked.

"You know him?"

"Daughter doesn't recall ever seeing him?"

"Weird... He looks... Familiar... I thought you'd know him... Row? Real or fake, I don't care, either of you guys know who this is?"


"Great." Hero sighed. "Fake Row has been suppressed by real Row, and real Row is still to much of a baby to talk to me-"

'Fine I'll talk!' An annoyed child like voice said in Hero's mind. The real Row. The sleeping child. 'First... We don't need that fake Row anymore so I placed him back in the Dream Crest. He's asleep. You could let him out but... That'd use one of your charges up... Secondly. No... I don't know this foolish creation. He's from your memories not mine. Now will you shut up I'm busy.'

"What the hell are you busy with? You're trapped in the Void?"

'Believe it or not...' In the void Row stood a smirk on his face as he stared out at the lab coat, the small lab coat, the hospital, and the many, many stone statues of himself. "I'm working on beating God..."

Hero shook his head feeling Row fade away for a moment. "Nah..." Hero shrugged. "No clue who this guy is."

Up on the planet Olf let out a sigh and seemed to be talking to the new person. Finally he turned and brought his microphone up to his lips. "Hello everyone!" He announced loudly making the crowds cheering roar back up. "Welcome back to the second round! I hope today we have several fun and joyful encounters and fights! Just as before we will be going into a break at the half way point, and at the end of this round you'll have to find your own place again! Today we have a special guest here! His name is Leo."

"Leo?" Hero frowned. "I've heard that name before-"

The lion boy, who was named Leo, snatched the Microphone away and brought it up to his lips. "Yo! Names Leo! I'm here to make sure Olf is safe during his narration and count downs!" He announced loudly. "I'm pretty cool and if anyone wants an Auto Graph I'll be down by the hotdog booth during the break!"

"Come on..." Hero said knocking on his head. "Where have I heard that name before... Think, think, think... Leo... Leo... Leo... Gah!!! I got nothing..." He said kicking the stone wall that covered the boxes.

"Having memory issues?" Davi smirked.

Hero turned to look at Davi. "...How's your brother?"

"Why you little!" Davi growled jumping onto the wall.

"No!" Daughter said jumping in front of Hero. "You can't hurt Father!"

"Hiding behind your mutant child now?"

"Hey. This mutant child screwed your brother up. I'd be a little more scared of her."

Hero and Davi glared at one another silver eyes glaring into ruby red eyes. A light green aura began to seep off of Hero's body, while a deep blue aura covered Davi's. Hero raised his right arm up as it began to glow and Davi pointed a finger at Hero getting ready to blast the teen. Then...

"Again?" A pair of hands flew out smacking Hero and Davi over the head slamming them both down. Both teens looked up finding Empress Aka standing near them. She glared down at both of them.

Ken let out a small giggle. "They're in trouble..."

"What are you doing here?" Hero asked sitting up.

"Yeah! We were about to have a big battle!" Davi announced.

"That's the issue you idiots... Just wait till the arena..."

"But Hero's going to get his ass kicked by my sister!" Davi said rolling his eyes.

The Empress sighed. "To answer your other question I came to see Daughter." She hummed crouching down and looking at the small black haired girl. She reached out patting her hair. "After all... You're going to be a great, great weapon... I just need to make sure your father treats you right." She smiles. "With you... I'll be able to crush those other three Nations..." She stood up before Hero could say anything. "I suppose you're doing good work... She seems to have been fed and clothed at least."

"I'm not a monster." Hero said flatly.

"We'll see." She turned away and hopped onto the wall. "Don't make an enemy of me Law. I'd hate to lose someone like you."

Before Hero could say more Leo kept going. "Alright it's been cool!" Leo said giving a peace sign. "I'm gonna hand this back to my friend. We'll keep going on with these matches!" His tail wagged and his ears twitched as he gave a large lion smile.

"I hate him already." Kitsune said nodding his head. "There's only room for one cat person and that's Ken. Plus she's cuter when she does it-"

Leo handed the microphone back to Olf who snatched it away giving the lion boy a dirty look. Olf cleared his throat. "We'll be starting now." He announced making the crowds roaring grow. "First up for the first match of the second Round. For the first match it's Kitsune Nine, of Squad Six, Versus Shino Li of Squad Four!"