Of Dolls And Points

Night Two Hundred And Thirteen

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"-and 10! Schutz Xeon From Squad Three is the winner!" Olf announced out as Rose was blown off the side of the planet.

The body guard of Reine let out a small sigh as he rubbed his arm which slowly reverted from its axe form back to normal.

"Huh. He's not to bad." Hero noted. "I can see how he gave Irene some trouble now."

"Meh." Ken shrugged. "Irene could have won if she tried harder... Then again she is the weakest one on the team."

"I don't know... I think she could beat Light." Hero hummed.


Hero and Ken both hummed as they seemed to go into a debate but were stopped by Daughter.

"That man beat Irene?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah? You didn't know?" Hero frowned. "I mean I figured you would have known since you were in what's his faces body at that point."

"N... No. When I'm in a host it's more like I'm asleep. I only began to wake up when Father called out to Daughter."

"I see." Hero turned away making Shelly frown a bit. She really didn't like the way Hero would sometimes act. At least he seemed dead set on not killing Daughter though.

"I'm more interested in the second match." Kitsune said.

"You are?" Light questioned.

"Yeah! It's gonna be a battle of waifus!"

"Never use that word again." Hero said bluntly.

"Wait who's up next?" Ken asked.

"Were you seriously not keeping track?" Shelly sighed.

"Bite me! There are a lot of names and fights, and still a ton of crap going on in the back ground!" Ken yelled.

"I suppose so... Well if you want to know... The next match is-"

"And next up!" Olf announced cutting Shelly off. "We have what I think will be a great and intense match. Hella Goryo from Squad Two, going up against one of her own, Thorn No Last Name from Squad Two! How will these two lovely, yet creepy ladies handle it!"

"Hella?" Leo asked frowning. "She's that girl big bro is hanging around?"

"Who's big bro?" Olf asked moving the microphone away from his lips.

"Big Bro is the coolest Enforcer around of course. Hero Law."

"Hero Law? That's a weird way of saying Davi Vil." Olf shrugged.

"What? Davi is trash?"

"Well I think Law is trash."

"Well I think you're trash-"

"Are you two done..." Hella asked floating up towards the planet. A small frown crossed her face as her orb raised off of the ground by a few inches. "Hmm... Strange... The Gravity here is no joke. It'll take me a few seconds to adjust to it."

Large vines stabbed into the mini planet as Thorn pulled herself up. She let out a small tiny clicking sound as she fell face first into the grass her eyes blinking a few times before she slowly pushed herself back up as if nothing happened then went slack. Completely slack. When a normal human went still you could tell they were alive still. Their eyes would hold some light and their skin some glow as they breathed. Thorn. Her still was like a corpse. She didn't seem to be breathing, her eyes remained unfocused, she was slack. Totally dead movement.

The sight of it made Olf and Leo shudder a little.

It held a creepy nature to it.

"Yeah! Go Thorn!" A voice cried in the crowd. Ace, the Blackcoat from Volume One, could be seen. He's apparently a Thorn fan?

Down below in the second box Brave frowned. "Man... Who do I vote on?" She asked cocking her head to look back at Fate. Brave twitched her hand as a doll of Thorn, and a Doll of Hella appeared in both of them. The doll of Fate that she always kept with her rested on her head.

Fate gave a bored shrug. "That's up to you."

"Right... But still! Who wins! Hella is... Super OP but... Thorn is... Well I think Thorn has a chance still."

"Hmm." Fate just hummed as she flipped a page of her book.

Up in the Enforcer stands Katrina let out a sigh. "Kong." She asked turning to look at the second Squad Captain.

Kong Blight let out a loud grunt as he lit the tip of his cigar. "What?" He barked out.

"Who do you think's going to win. After all they're both in your Squad?"

"Ahh who cares." Kong said blowing a puff of smoke. "Brave's the one who's gonna win these games anywho."

"What Kong means..." Mary said her eye twitching as she grabbed the ear of her Vice Captain and tugged on it making him yelp. "All our Squad Members are strong, and Hella, and Thorn, are going to do their best and we're gonna be proud of them no matter what. Right Kong dearest?"

"YES YES! Now let go of my bloody ear woman!" The second strongest Captain in the Enforcers barked out.

"Man... My Uncle is weird." Dawson noted.

"Not as weird as my Gramps." Jackson sighed.

Finally down in the arena Hella let out a sigh. "Thorn... I feel don't feel the need to tell you this but please remember that during this fight killing is not allowed... Also please do your best... Someone with your power... I'll have to give it everything I got and I will be throwing my strong dolls at you. If you don't want to die then you'll have to come at me with everything that you have. Do you understand?" She asked.

Thorn, finally showed the smallest sign of life as she cocked her head to the side. She didn't say anything though.

"...Thorn? I said do you understand-" Hundreds of wooden blades exploded out of Thorns stomach firing out like rapid waves of spears. Hella's ball glowed for a moment and suddenly an image of Irene appeared blocking the spears with a large wave of ice. Thorn finally acted, as she got to her feet in a single movement more wood forming out of her as the grass rose up forming what looked like a large green scythe made out of wood, thorns, planets, and rose of razor sharp grass. She spun the weapon around leaping forward and slicing out with the weapon splitting the block of ice, and Irene in half. As the ice block broke away Hella couldn't be seen, as she was no longer behind it. "Looking for me?" Hella floated in the air above the planet now.

Thorn looked up just in time as a massive Viscount classed Bestia Macht, that resembled a large bear crashed down into the planet like a cannon ball. Olf would have been blown back but Leo grabbed onto him. Thorn spun her weapon around and jumped up slicing up and tearing the head of the beast off. She stabbed the bladed end of her scythe into the back of the bear and used it to swing herself around. Finally she let go of her weapon causing her to go flying up high into the air and meeting Hella, who was in the air, on eye level. She brought her hand back and slammed it out with a powerful punch as the grass and thorns covered it but a wave of black shadows seeped out of Hella's ball forming around the girl and allowing her to block the strike as she was slammed down.

Hella slammed down into the planet with even more force than her bear as it began to shake. She let out a small grunt of pain now no longer on her crystal ball. Thorn crashed back down and held her hand out forming a grass spear. She threw it at the downed girl but before it could reach Hella, the crystal ball flew in front of Hella and glowed as a dark blue beam fired out of it splitting the spear in half and slamming into Thorn.

Thorn was blown back her Enforcer jacket lighting up with blue flames as her flesh began to melt. Despite that though she didn't scream out in pain. Many people all stared in shock though as her flesh began to drip off of her muscles as the flames went out... Then... Small patches of wood and grass began to seep out of her wounds as they washed over her and she was put back together.

"Whoa! She can heal just like a Seraphin!" Ken said in shock.

"And for once the powerful girl isn't a loli!" Hero said excitedly. "Hell yeah! Seriously why are all the strong people always small? At least Thorn is 5'10 so she's not a Loli."

"Bummer." Kitsune sighed. "Still... What the hell is she? She just healed from being set on fire in a way like a Seraphin?"

"Hella told me a bit about it." Hero admitted getting everyone in the box to turn to look at him. "I guess..." He frowned for a moment before he reached out placing his hand on Daughter's head. "You can say Thorn is like my Daughter... Hella, using her powers, made Thorn..."

"She's like... Daughter?" Daughter asked her eyes shining slightly as she stared up at Thorn.

Thorn's body fully healed all the damage as she fired towards the downed Hella. More blue energy splashed out of Hella's orb forming what looked like tendrils of blue energy. They made several slaps towards Thorn throwing Thorn back as a few of them wrapped around Hella picking the girl back up. They set Hella back on her orb finally allowing her to move again since she couldn't actually walk. Thorn flipped through the air and landed on all fours digging her finger nails into the ground as she slid back.

She then fired forward as fast as she could raising her hands up and forming a massive grass great sword. She jumped high into the air spinning her body around as she stabbed towards the woman below.

Hella gave a small scowl for a moment. "This is going to take a lot of my energy away but I don't have a choice... I'm going to use the strongest Doll I have. I acquired some of his DNA from that arm of his." The orb glowed as a new figure began to form out. "Say hello to an old friend of mine. Hero Otoko!" In a burst of blue light he came. The old Otoko still in his green track suit with his goofy smile on his face a shocked look covering Hero Law's face when he saw the doll. Otoko pulled his arm back large bone spikes all jutting out of it as he fired into the air and threw out his strongest attack, the Big-Arm-Strike!

"That man looks like you?" Davi noted.

"Father has a twin!" Daughter asked with wide eyes holding her fathers hand. "Daughter is shocked!"

"It's... Complicated." Hero sighed squeezing her hand tightly.

"I wouldn't try blocking this if I were you Thorn!" Hella announced. Thorn ignored the woman dropping down towards Otoko still her sword held out. Hella gave a small sigh before a smirk formed onto her lips. "Well... I did warn you." A massive burst of flames exploded out of the pipes that stabbed out of Hero's arm as he slammed up and smashed his arm up. Thorn stabbed out with her sword but it wasn't even a battle. The fist stabbed right through it shattering the grass as if it was metal and stabbed right through Thorn hitting her in the stomach so hard she was split in half her legs falling to the ground below while her upper half went flying high into the air.

"HOLY S##T!" Ken, Hero, Kitsune, and Shelly all said with wide eyes.

"Uh... I don't know if a Seraphin can heal from that?" Ken said with wide eyes.

White blood splashed out raining down. Wherever it landed flowers began to bloom...

Thorns upper body finally landed on the ground white blood exploding from her mouth and dripping down her chin as her hands came towards her stomach where her guts were spilling out.

"You... Really... Killed. Me?" Thorn asked speaking for the first time.

"I tried to warn you." Hella sighed. "Hero. Finish her off before she0-"

Thorn clasped her hands together in what looked like a prayer motion as she closed her eyes. "Full Rebirth. They grow in Spring, specks of green on this cold white world. Absolute Blooming!" She announced.

"Shit! Stop her before she can heal Hero!" Hella yelled as Hero fired towards Thorn but it was to late.

Thorns mouth opened wide as a massive tree exploded out ripping her body apart. The tree was a mile high made out of a pure snow white wood with bright red leaves that quickly casted down. The tree opened and a white mucus like substance poured down covering Leo, and Olf, and making them both turn green in the face as they resisted the urge to vomit. A small hand slowly reached out as something began to pull itself out of the tree.

"Damn it..." Hella cursed.

"What the hell?" Hero frowned.

What he could only guess to be Thorn slowly crawled out of the hole in the tree. Only now she looked different. Sort of. She was still the same size as Thorn and her face looked the same and she seemed to be acting the same but now she looked different. The old Thorn had wood like skin, with long green hair made out of what looked like thorns, and wooden spikes all along her skin, as well as razor sharp teeth and button like eyes that seemed to be sown in... This Thorn though. She looked human. Her skin was clearly flesh and made of skin, as pale as snow. Her teeth weren't razor sharp, and her eyes were normal human eyes with a pair of ruby red iris's. Her hair was still long but it was snow white and no thorns stabbed out of her body.

Several of the boys all found themselves also blushing as Thorn was now completely naked, covered only in a thick layer of white goo that covered most of the important parts of her up. She went back to standing still but now it was obvious she was alive as she seemed to be breathing. She was no longer a doll but human.

"Don't even think about it..." All the men in Squad Twelve said holding Arthur down before he could offer his jacket up.

"But a knight is-"

"F##k knights!"

Thorn held her hand out as the tree behind her shrunk down and fired into the air. It became what looked like a wooden sword, the kind Samurai would use to practice with. She caught it as a white, and red, aura spilled out of the wooden blade forming the outline of a blade on the sword.

"You're pretty desperate right." Hella frowned. "After all the Rebirth Power you have, greatly drains your energy. Just like me, you're almost out of power."

Thorn cocked her head to the side but didn't say anything. Hero raised his arm up the black spike jutting out. He held it out as a wave of wind seemed to pump out of it. He held it in his hand like how Ken would use her spikes, only wind came out of the tips of it forming a wind sword.

"Whoa... He's using the spikes as actual weapons." Ken said with wide eyes. "Cool. This Otoko guy is better than I thought. I'd love to fight him."

"He'd kick your ass." Hero said flatly.

Before Ken could argue with him the fight continued.

Thorn fired forward slashing her sword out as Hero brought his own wind saber up blocking her strike. The two blades went back and forth for a moment as the two entered into a strange dance. Despite clearly having more power, and speed, though, Hero seemed to be slipping. Literally. The ground was covered in that white liquid making it hard for him to keep his footing. Thorn herself seemed to be used to it, using it to slide around and slice out nicking the arms and cheeks of the doll.

Despite being modeled after a Seraphin this Hero didn't seem to posses the healing properties of the real one as his cuts remained slowing him down. Thorn sliced more and more her blade slamming through him as she impaled it through his gut making him stumble back. She twisted it a few times as blood ran down his jaw.

Hella's scowl grew. "No choice..." She muttered. "Hero Otoko. Full Power." As soon as she said that her ball stopped glowing and dropped to the floor as she ran out of power putting her out of this fight. In return though...

Hero ripped the sword out of him slamming his head into Thorn as she stumbled back. Then... He began to change. His body seemed to get slightly buffer as he grew in size gaining more mass, getting thicker and taller. He cracked the ground beneath him as he seemed to gain an increase in weight. His body began to grow in size by a slim amount as he gained more, and more power getting bigger, and taller. His eyes changed to a a sickly yellow color and began to radiate power like a hungry beast who just found its pray. White liquid began to pour out of his finger tips and out of his arm as the liquid began to fold around him taking on an amour looking thing around some of his flesh. The back of it almost seemed to stretch out as if it was trying to form something but failed. The white streak in his hair seemed to grow slightly as the black in his hair took on a lighter color, and the white seemed to change to a dark blue color. Steam began to roll off of his body and seemed to bend and twist around it forming a scarf made of steam as he let out a sigh. White goo suddenly started to drip out of him covering his left side as it began to cover half of his face.

"What the hell!" Ken, and Shelly, said with wide eyes.

"An Incomplete monster form..." Davi frowned.

"What?" They all turned to look at him.

Davi let out a sigh. "Do you really not know? We Seraphins can transform. What do you think that damn cat mode you go into is... It's called Monster Point. We transform our bodies and gain a new power. These forms always look like animals like how your a cat, or that Viper chick in that group, is a snake, or how Ava is a dragon, and I'm a tiger. That one that the doll is in though... It's incomplete. He hasn't found his true self yet."

"Hmm. Guess I beat that version of Hero then." Hero Law smirked. "I've found myself."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I had a talk with God and made up my mind. Even if I can't solve all the worlds issues, even if I can't keep all the promises I made, even if I fail to save the people in front of me, and even if it means giving up my life and becoming a machine. I'm going to become a Hero of Justice. A Superhero."

"Hmm. We'll see if your glass Heart can hold up to that promise than Law."

"...I guess we will." Hero smirked. "Until then..." He turned to look at the arena where Otoko crouched down his form finishing. "I'll keep being myself. Hero Law." Hero himself began to stretch as if he was getting ready for something as he crouched down.

Davi frowned for a moment. "You've changed."

"Have I? I guess I stopped noticing. Hey Davi."


Otoko fired forward slamming his arm out. Thorn tried to block it bless her heart but it wasn't even an attempt. He struck her so hard he slammed his hand through her sword. The punch slammed into her a massive boom erupting forth as Thorn was sent flying out of the arena.

"What ever you do... Don't lose because the one that's going to beat you is me!" Hero yelled jumping up onto the wall and kicking himself up as he flew high into the air catching Thorn as she slammed into his arms her eyes closed as the punch had knocked her out. Hero crashed back down landing onto the wall holding the sleeping girl as he stared at Davi. "So just wait. We'll have our fight. No need to rush things."