Dragon And Hero

Night Two Hundred And Twenty Four

Age 1981

Oleander City...

Enforcers H.Q...

"Are you sure you have to go?" Alpha asked.

Him and Hero Law, the current Squad One Captain, of the Enforcers, stood at the edge of a balcony over looking the snow covered fields.

The woman gave him a sly smile. "You just don't want me to be away for to long huh." The girl asked giving a smirk.

Alpha snorted. "Like hell you crazy woman." He was silent for a moment. "The crazy old man is offering me a new position."


"He wants me to join his Four Sacred Beasts... The position of Sword, and Dragon."

"Are you going to take it?"

"I... I don't know." He admitted shaking his head. "I haven't really decided yet."

"I see."

"...I don't like you and him keeping me in the dark."


"You and that old man have been working on something. I know it. You've both been... Planning something... Right. Something big. That's why the Squad Nine Captain Mr. Hyde, and his Vice Captain Ben, have been busy right?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Hero nodded her head as her eyes trailed down. "Sorry but-"

"You can't tell me?"

"I can't tell you." She sighed. She turned around pressing her back to the railing and she slowly looked up to the black sky above her. "Just know that... We're planning on... Something... Something that could save billions- No... That's not enough. More like save Trillions."


"Yeah." Hero nodded her head the smallest hint of a smile crossing onto her face. "We're going to do so much." There was a moment of silence between them both. "Hey... I think you should do it."


"I think you should join Storm... Master Storm is pretty crazy but... Trust me... When it comes to playing the game he's the Master. Even when you think you're winning that's just part of his plan."

"You think so."

"Yeah..." Hero gave a small as she reached out and slowly grabbed his arm. "Listen. If something ever happens. I want you to take care of him."

"Him? You mean Master Storm."

"No." Hero shook her head her smile coming back. "I mean... Row."


Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Enforcer Stands...

"It's for the Greater Good. All of this has been. The loss of those in the lab. Piero adopting Row. God breaking. The Heart being in her... There were a few curve balls such as that Daughter. When I saw her my plan was to actually kill Hero and Row, and use her instead. After all she wanted the love of a father figure. Love I could provide but this works out even better. I have Hero who will one day turn into Row, and I have Daughter as well. With them both I've jumped years ahead. So yes. It was worth all the sacrifices. Even the loss of Ms. Hero Law. I never expected her to survive and become the Jester. She was supposed to have died in that lab. She was getting to close to Alpha and it made it harder to control him."

"I suppose that's what Hero was waiting for..." A voice yawned making Master Storms face pale when he heard it. Out of nowhere Despair stood. "Did you hear that Alpha." She asked a tiny smirk on her lips.

The barrier behind her vanished using her powers showing the area where the four beasts and the Enforcers were all of which stared at the old man.

Alpha stepped forward a purple aura glowing off of his body as he glared at Master Storm. "You mean... You're the reason... The woman I loved nearly died and went insane running a terrorist organization. You're the reason Hero ended up in the state she's in!" He yelled.


"Alpha wait..." Ward said reaching to grab the mans shoulder.

"Thank God we don't have to fight him any more..." Katrina sighed falling to her knees. All the Captains at this point were beaten up beyond repair after fighting each of the Four Sacred Beasts. They were not in a good shape.

"Alpha don't do anything rash-" Ward began.

"Shut up!" Alpha screamed a mass of purple light exploding off of his body as he stepped forward. So much power was flowing off of him that everyone around him was thrown back with only Despair, and Master Storm managing to remain standing. There was so much anger on Alpha's face. So much hate... His purple aura grew larger forming into the astral form of a large Chinese styled dragon much like Hero's Dragon King Abyss attack though this was just his raw aura and not a final attack. It was as if he was in a constant state of Hero's ultimate move. Alpha stepped forward and everything around him shattered even the many barriers. "You have got to be kidding me." He yelled out more and more rage and hate filling him up. "For the Greater Good... For the Greater Fucking Good!"

"Now Alpha." Master Storm said slowly holding his hands up. "There's no need to do anything brash."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Master Storm scowled. "I am the Master of the Four Sacred Beasts-"

"By the Power that I posses as Empress of the Nation of Red." Aka began making everyone turn to. "I forcefully remove your title as Master of the Enforcers Row Storm. I strip you of your title. And your rank as well as your class. From this day onward the head of the Storm family shall be Jackson Storm your grandson, and until we find a better replacement I nominate my own Grandfather Master Aka, as the new Master of the Enforcers."

Master Storms scowl came back. "All of you are naive children throwing a hissy fit. And for what? Some Seraphin?"

"This was all your fault." Katrina sighed. "You're the one that refused to let any of us help Ken."

Master Storm let out a growl. "I needed to see how strong my pawn would be once he absorbed Daughter. It would drastically increase Hero's own power level and when Row came back it would be enough to allow us to move onto the next stage of our plan and take down God."

"You failed then." Despair said letting out a yawn as she rested on her side.


"Hero didn't fuse with Daughter."

"But... He'd never have enough power to take out that Bestia Macht himself and I'm certain Daughter would offer herself up."

"Oh she did." Despair said giving a faint grin. "But just like her father she's not a very good liar. He saw through that ruse instantly and maybe for the first time ever he saw it. A little girl who wanted to live. And what kind of hero would he be if he didn't fulfil that request."

"H... He shouldn't be a hero though? He was so broken. Close to letting Row out. His emotions and sense of self weren't going together. He was alive, but he was also programmed to be a hero. But a hero can't act the way he does. There's no way he could have ever become a hero the way he is!"

"You're right. He's not the hero that's going to save the world. He's not the hero with a steel heart that feels nothing, he's not the one who's going to solve everyones dreams. Someone like him could never be that. He's the person over flowing with feelings. He's the one who's going to 'try' and save the world. He's the hero that's a good person."

Master Storm backed up slightly as he eyed everyone up. "Don't any of you get it. I'm saving the Multiverse itself!"

"Old man..." Alpha said slowly. All eyes were on him for a moment as he stared in Storms electric blue eyes. "I need to know... Is this an act you're putting on... It's not like you to get this flustered. Are you just not used to loosing... Or... Is the game still being played the way you intended. Were you expecting this..."

For the briefest of moments a smile seemed to form on the old mans face before it quickly faded. "How could anyone expect any of this." He asked that twinkle in his eyes as the lightning seemed to flow off of him.

'Master Storm is odd... You'll come to learn that he can be very... Let us say... Superstitious in his beliefs. He would have been replaced but... Well, the crazy bastard just doesn't die. I think he's been in charge for nearly three hundred years now. God knows how his body hasn't shut down... But. Despite his old age he always seems to get the job done. Because of that the previous Emperors who have the final say in Enforcer decisions, and the current one, are all willing to let his odd rules and requests slide. One such is the amount of members. For whatever reason, our Master only allows for Twelve Squads of Enforcers, and only twenty five members in each Squad at a given time, and on recruitment days like this, each Squad is only allowed to recruit up to five members. Also these rules sometimes change if he just feels like it... Meaning in total there will only be three hundred and five Enforcers at a given time, and only sixty members will be able to get in today since twelve squads and a squad can only have five people. Twenty Five in each Squad which is One Three hundred, Master Storm himself, and then his four Sacred Beasts equals Three hundred and five members in total. No one knows why he refuses to have any more... Because of our shortage, we often have to require aid from the church and request the Red Sisters back us up. A reason we believe he does this is to find the Heart. You see somewhere out there in the world there's an Equation that is beyond any other stronger than any other power. This Equation was made out of God's Heart. If we find it we can end the Bestia Macht once and for all... However for all we know a person in the Enforcers could already have it. No way of telling. So we believe he doesn't let the weak in for fear one of them would have the heart and accidently get it destroyed. Course that logic is also flawed but we are talking about a crazy old man with memory loss problems so who knows why he does what he does...'

"Did you see all of this coming. Are we still playing your game?"

"Game? You think I would treat this all as some kind of game. If that's the case then I must say Alpha. You don't know me."

"Enough of this." Empresses Aka announced bringing her arm up. "By the power that I have as the Emperor of the Nation of Red I hereby sentence you Master Storm to life in prison. However. Due to your years of service I will not banish you to Nightshade the Prison Nation. Instead you will spend the rest of your life in Oleander's underground prison. The very prison you built so that you may be with the city you call home always." She announced. "The one who goes by Alpha. Arrest him."

Alpha nodded his head as he moved towards the old man.

"Don't even think about escaping old man." Despair yawned. "One thought and I'll turn you into a doll."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Master Storm said as Alpha slowly placed the hand cuffs on his wrist.

In the back ground Ward frowned. "So what... We just arrest this old man and replace him with a crippled old man?"

"Do you have a better suggestion?" Aka asked.

"Yeah. Me." Ward said bluntly.

"You were loyal to Master Storm yes?"


"Then that is exactly why I will not allow you to be the Master of the Enforcers."

Ward just frowned as he turned away. "Whatever. I'll serve this new Master as long as he earns my respect." He said waving his hand as all the remaining barriers shattered.

A commotion could be heard as several people stared at Master Storm who was in chains now.

"Take him to the underground chambers." Aka announced. "We'll discuss what we should do with him then."


The Fields...

All the chains around Hero, and Kitsune vanished as Hope waved her arm. At this point Despair was gone having gone to wait until Master Storm would say something wrong so she could allow one of the others to hear it with her powers.

"Hero..." Kitsune said calmly nodding her head.


"Who the hell is she!" Kitsune yelled out grabbing Hero and shaking him.

"Oh good we're not the only ones who don't know..." Curro said letting out a sigh as him and Arthur walked over to join the group.

"Daughter also doesn't know?" Daughter nodded.

"I love the way you speak." Hope said patting Daughter's head. "You can just call me Mother! Your father and I are kind of lovers-" Hero smacked the woman over the head knocking her into the snow. "Okay, okay. So we're not Lovers. Yet."

"I am so lost..." Arthur said blinking.

A few groans could be heard making everyone turn. A few of the recruits were starting to get back up at this point. "Oh boy. Gotta go." Hope said patting Daughter on the head once more before her body glowed and she turned into Droney shocking everyone but Hero as she flew over and landed in Hero's snow white hair reclaiming her nest. They all stared at Hero with wide eyes but he just gave a half shrug.

"Long story short Droney is a hot woman." Hero said.

"Wait but don't you shower with Droney?" Kitsune asked.

Hero watched as several of the recruits began to slowly get up but most were far to weak to even stand. "Ken." Hero said moving forward.

"What about Ken?" Kitsune asked. "She's still stabbing Shelly." Shelly stood in front of the Bestia Macht neither of them moving as... Something was happening. "Is she in trouble- Wait..."

Hero didn't run to Ken. He ran to Hella. "Ken." He said holding his hand out towards her. "Are you okay?"

"I told you not to call me by that name." Ken sighed taking his hand as he pulled Hella up her ball slowly floating under her.

Kitsune stared with wide eyes at the girl. "Wait what?"