Save Me

Night Two Hundred And Thirty

Age 1991

Earth Fifty One

The City of Dandelion...

"This is crazy!" Hero Otoko yelled. "What the hell are you doing!"

"This is all your fault!" Kitsune roared his flames exploding off of his body as he grabbed Hero and rammed him through rows, and rows, of buildings. "You did this! You did this!"

"Kitsune! I swear! I didn't know Jin was-"

'Shut the fuck up!" Kitsune slammed his fist down into Hero's face the flames exploding off of him and smashing Hero through the street.

"I... I get that you hate me but this isn't the time!" Hero hissed holding his arm out and catching Kitsune's punch. "Please! Look around you! This isn't the time to be fighting! If you want to kill me fine! But only once we've fixed what ever the hell this is!" He yelled.

All around them...

The City Of Dandelion was...

It was being completely wiped away.


Not just the city.

The world...

It started when Master Storm made an announcement. 'God has died.' His body seemingly gave out. Many people were mixed. Some liked it. The fact that he was dead. Some... Some who worshipped him were sad. In the end though. They were all left shocked. Shocked when the black sky faded and they saw... The sun for the first time. And shocked when... The next day... It became black again. No one knew that it was... No one knew what they should do. Everything was...

All around Hero and Kitsune things were being lifted up off the ground floating towards the darkness above them. The entire planet was shaking and so much heat was being flung out. Anyone who wasn't strong and didn't have a power was simply flung into the air and vanished when they touched the darkness above. Those who did have powers were either panicking, praying, or having infighting.

The world was ending...

"You killed my brother!" Kitsune roared slamming his fist into Hero's face again and again.

Otoko spat up some blood and fired up smashing his head into Kitsunes nose unleashing a powerful headbutt as hard as he could and sending the fox teen back.

"Please... Just listen. We need to find a way to save everyone first! If we don't the planet will be-"

"I don't give a damn!" Kitsune roared jumping at Hero and slicing out with flaming claws.

Blood suddenly flowed out as Kitsune's arms and legs were sliced clean off and he smashed into the ground as a bloody torso screaming in pain and rage at the loss of his limbs. Hero stumbled back his eyes wide with fear.

"H... Hero?"

Hero looked up and found two people. One was Ken. The poor girl was shaking and looked sick at having watched Kitsune be sliced up. The other though. He was a man covered in bandages wearing a jester mask. The Jester. The Leader of the Organization. A powerful man. His gloves had long razor sharp arms and which were coated in blood.

"Now, now." The Jester said stepping on Kitsune's back. "No need for that-"

"Big-Arm-Strike!" Hero screamed slamming his arm into the man and throwing him back.

The Jester slammed into a building but pulled himself out. "Come now. I saved your life."

"You monster." Hero yelled running over to Kitsune. It was to late though. Most of the Enforcers had been killed. No one could save him.

"Hero." Ken said rushing to him and grabbing his arm. "What do we do?"

"I... I don't... I don't really know..." Hero said shaking his head.

"Really?" The Jester asked. "The girl insisted you'd have a way to stop this."

"H... He will." Ken nodded as she let out a gulp. She turned to Hero her eyes filled with fear as she gripped his arms. "Right Hero?" Her voice was shaking and her skin was pale. She was scared. Just like him. "You can save us. Save the world! You've done it before! You can... I don't know... You can become something that can beat that thing right!"

His silver eyes stared into her red eyes. "Ken... N... I... I'm sorry..." He said tears streaming down his eyes. "Not this time. I don't think... Whatever it is... I don't think it can be beat." He said his voice shaking.

"You're correct." A voice announced making the three of them jump. "It can not be beat. I can however save one of you."

"What?" Jester asked looking around. "Who are you?"

"I am God. Not that... Weak one of your world who died. I would explain more but really there is no time. I can only save one of you." He announced. "So. Who will it be."

"Sorry kids." Jester said his claws coming out. "But that spot is mine." He roared as he fired at them-

A beam of lightning rained down and in a flash he was reduced to a pile of ash.

"You were not one of the two I wish to save." God said simply.

"W... What the hell is going on..." Hero backed up.

"I... I don't know."

"Make your choice." God announced. "Fast. I can only get one of you. Hero Otoko, or Ken No Last Name."

Hero stared at Ken for a moment. She was a fourteen year old girl. Forced to grow up in a cruel world like this that was breaking apart. Most of her friends were dead now from that thing in the sky and the entire planet was only going to last a little bit longer. But more than that she looked so scared. She couldn't stop shaking. It wasn't even a choice.

"Take Ken!" Hero yelled.

"Hero!" Ken said in shock.

"Save her! Please. If you can only take one of us make it her."

"I see. Okay then." A beam of Golden light fired out of the sky hitting Hero as he was raised up. "Hero Otoko. For your brave act and kindness... I will save you."


And in a flash of light Hero Otoko was gone... Taken to a new better world...

Ken collapsed to her knees as the world began to fall apart around her. Her body began to sting as the force got strong enough to begin to even rip her apart. The last thing she heard before the entire universe exploded was the laughter of Kitsune Nine as his body broke away and his soul was ripped out.

"Hero... Save me..."


Earth Fifty Two...

"Hey." Hella said. "Looks like your friend is here."

"What?" Kitsune asked turning around. She raised an eyebrow when she saw Ken.

Ken looked around then slowly walked towards the group. "Hey." Ken said simply throwing her arms behind her head. "Where's Hero, Kitsune, Light, Shelly, Irene... Where's my team?" She asked.

Fate folded her arms. They were a small group made up of herself, Hella, Brave, Thorn, and Kitsune. "Well. Light was let out a while ago but got called away to talk to his Captain Katrina due to his weapon being broken." She said making Ken flinch. "As for Shelly. She's still in medical care. Hero was called to speak to the Empress about something and Kitsune, and Irene are right here." She said nodding her head to the fusion.

"O... Oh..." Ken said. Her eyes slowly darted around the room. Nearly everyone was glaring at her. "...I... I'm..." Small tears seemed to form in her eyes. "I... I'm sorry-"

"Let's talk more outside... We'll let everyone rest." Kitsune said grabbing Ken and taking her towards the exit. They quickly left before anyone could say anything. They began to walk around the city at a simple pace. "Daughter went with Light if you're wondering about her." Kitsune said throwing her arms behind her head. "Katrina is... A bit pissed... Found out about a marriage Jackson has to do. She's not very happy about it. She's talking with Light, Dawson, Daughter, Jackson, and Hannah now. She wanted to speak to the whole Squad but... Well."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Kitsune said bluntly.


"Don't be sorry for anything you did. I've read so much manga where thats a plot. Just... Yeah sure people are gonna be mad but it's fine. Hero and I talked to Aka. She's sort of taken over the Enforcers. You're going to stay on. Sure. People are going to hate you and scream at you. That's okay though. It just means you'll have to do better. Just... Promise you'll get better control. Besides. It's... I mean it's really not your fault. We all saw that guy stab you with that thing. He's in big trouble by the way. If he hadn't used that none of this would have happened."

"S... Still." Ken wiped at her eyes for a moment. "I'm going to do better. I promise. No... I Swear. I'll get better."

"I believe you." Kitsune nodded.

"I... I have to keep you guys safe and help out... I can do so much good."

The two walked in silence for a moment neither one of them saying a word. "Man... Squad Six is really hated now." Kitsune snorted. "Even more so than it used to be. Squad Six was called the cursed Squad... Made up of the least amount of members. Now though... Now it's a PR disaster."

"B... Because of my form right..."

"N... Not just you." Kitsune said shaking her head. "A few things actually. News has spread fast... Everyone knows Master Storm is under arrest. He's to be sent to Oleander's Prison and await trial there tomorrow. So now everyone is looking at Jackson Storm for being his grandson. On top of that it kind of got out that he's to marry the Empress and now people are scared of Squad Six as if a Vice Captain has that kind of power and Aka is running the Enforcers it could get bad... On top of that Hero kind of shouted about how he killed North and... That wasn't ignored... I imagine he's going to have to stand trial for that... And in order to keep Hero in the Enforcers it's likely that it's going to come out that North isn't the hero everyone thought he was... And lastly... Well... You're monster form didn't really help things." She sighed. "Honestly... I wouldn't be shocked if Aka breaks Squad Six up and gets rid of it..."

"S... She could do that?"

"Well. Let's put it this way. Typically Master Storm and the Empress had fifty, fifty control. Master Storms gone now. She owns the Enforcers. She might have put her Grandfather up but we all know she's the one who's running it."

"I'm guessing that's bad..."

"Yes and no... I wouldn't say she's evil... But she's not good either... It's true the interests of the Red Nation are what fuel her choices. She lives and makes the choices that seem cruel for us. That said... Just because they bring good later down the line doesn't mean they aren't evil now."

"What about the games?" Ken asked.

"I'm assuming we'll hear more about this tomorrow." Kitsune sighed shaking her head.

"Right... So this fusion..."

"Yeah... I have no idea how much longer it's going to last. I'm hoping it ends soon." Kitsune said her cheeks lighting up. "I... I've had to use the bathroom for a while now and it's starting to hurt holding it in."

"Sucks to be you."

"Don't sound so cheerful you jerk!"

"I prefer devilish."



"I'm actually shocked you didn't run away and try and flee." The Empress of the Red Nation said letting out a smirk. She rested on her side n bed staring at the entrance.

Hero stood there a blank look on his face. No emotions in his eyes. Utter death. Just... Blank.

"I'm not leaving the Enforcers." Hero said. "The Enforcers are... They are still heroes. They save people. And fight the Bestia Macht which still are threats to the entire world. As long as being an Enforcer means that I can save people I'm staying. Master Storm was... He was an old man. His old age made him not see people as humans. He saw them as chess pieces. The same as you. It's true that both you and him are doing things for the greater good... You and him are pretty much the same. Only difference I see is that you had other problems you both want to fix. He wanted to take down God, and you just want your Nation to keep on living."

Aka let out a small snort. "My goal is actually in reach. Tell me Hero. Do you know why we worship God? Why people believe in a man who created monsters that kill us off?"


"The Bestia Macht are... They are cruel monsters that exist to make sure we do. God.. In his own strange way loves us. This world is frozen and cruel. We've had to evolve to stay alive. That... That is why the Bestia Macht exist. That is why they kill us all. God is cruel. And loving. God knows neither good nor evil. He simply exists to make sure we exist. For if we do not exist then how could he? What is a God without people to believe in him. That is why he must never be seen here on Earth. For all it takes is a drop of blood for the image of a mighty God to break."

"Cool speech I guess."

Aka sighed. "What I'm saying Hero... God isn't someone that should be killed. We need him. Just as he needs us."

Hero shook his head. "No."


"I don't believe in that." He said. "I think God should go. But not because of the reason Master Storm does... I am a hero. One with a glass heart. I've figured out it's impossible to try and save the world. But I'm going to try. And the only way I can do that is... I'm going to be my version of a hero. I'm going to be what Okami was- Is for me. I'm going to be someone kids can look up to. I can't save the world. But maybe. Maybe I can make it so the world can save itself. The war with the Bestia Macht. God... All of it has to go. That grey sky and this frozen world. I want to see the sun. That's my dream. The dream my creator Row allowed me to have. So I won't save this world. Instead. I'll have this world save me."

"Quiet the Noble goal. So instead of becoming the typical hero who gives themselves up you'll go the selfish route and follow your own goals and just hope it leads to a better world?"

"Hey. I can dream right." Hero asked for the first time showing some emotions as his red eyes lit up and a light smirk was on his lips.

Aka just let out a sigh. "I really don't care. In the grand scheme of things you're nothing. Only your DNA has value."

"You're right. That's why I have a demand."

"...What..." The room seemed to grow cold as she stared at him. "I am allowing that 'beast' Ken to live and stay inside of the Enforcers. What more could you want in exchange for the child?"

"One request." Hero said his smirk growing as he stared at her. "I said it already. You and Master Storm are the same. The Greater Good this. The Greater Good that. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes it can be good. But not with you two. The two of you are both inhuman. Neither of you know who humans really are. Or what it is humans really care about. You don't get the point of a humans soul."

"Oh? A dream does?"

"I do. Because I'm as human as they come. Again and again and again. I've failed. I have failed over a thousand times. I am known to loss, and thus known to gain. I have withstood much to forge this path, I have no regrets. That's why. I'll say it this once. In exchange for me. I want someone else to lead the Enforcers. Neither you. Nor Master Storm. Nor Master Aka. There is only one person. One person who I trust. One person who sees the human in everyone. One person that made a little boy who was trained to be a weapon see the good in humans. Row was trained to be a weapon. Taught to see that he was both better and worse than humans. He really did hate you all. But thanks to them. He began to have hope."

"Who the hell are you speaking of..."

"It's obvious right." Hero announced. "My demand is that Mary Law becomes the New Master of the Enforcers!"