The Master Of The Enforcers is...

Night Two Hundred And Thirty Two

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

Down below they rested...

The Enforcers.

They were lined up in front of Gladiolus City now. In front of them the many buildings as well as civilians stood. Though all the civilians seemed to have blank looks on their faces. In front of them a few Black Coat members such as Ace and the others could be seen holding cameras and filming the speech that was about to come.

This was going to be seen by all of the Red Nation.

Off to the side there was a heavily armored truck which currently had Master Storm being loaded into it being led by many, many shaking Black Coats, who knew that if he wanted to, they'd be dead. Guns or not...

As for the Enforcers themselves.

They were lined up in an odd way. The Recruits were all lined up. As well as any of the normal Enforcers that stayed here such as Dawson. In front of them the twelve Vice Captains rested. In front of them the Thirteen Captains, this also being Hope, and Despair, who for once were here, rested. And in front of them the Four Sacred Beasts rested. And in front of them finally Empress Aka, the woman who ran the Nation of Red Stood. They all faced the cameras about the begin as everything was being set up.

In the back Light, Kitsune, and Ken all stood with the other recruits.

"So no Hero or Shelly?" Emma asked.

"Nope." Ken shrugged.

"Are they okay?"


"Oh... I'm surprised you were allowed to come Ken... Or that you did." Emma said looking around a bit. They could all see it. Almost every recruit glared at Squad six's Captain, Vice Captain, and Recruits. Most stared at Ken though, open hatred on their faces. Distrust. Anger.

Ken however either didn't notice or didn't care as she threw her arms behind her head and flashed everyone her cutest smile which only made the hated looks grow more. "Shelly and Hero are both still resting up." Ken stated. "Hopefully they'll get better but Hero is having some stuff happen right now. Right Kitsune?"

Kitsune didn't answer her eyes locked onto the back of Empress Aka a glare on her face. She seemed to know something the others didn't. Small puffs of heat were slowly coming off of her. All the other Recruits glared at Ken in anger but Kitsune... The look she was giving the Empress was more. Like she was about to attack the woman and murder her on the spot. She looked like that at any moment she was throw around her flames blasting anyone and everyone around her to get to this woman. It was once again a reminder to Ken and Light, how much the others would keep from them sometimes.

Up front things really weren't that much better.

"Weird..." Newt Hyde the Squad Nine Captain said a frown on his face.

"Uh... What?" Alexander Gates the Squad Eight Captain asked turning to look at the man.

"These readings are..." The Squad Nine Captain held a weird phone like device which he had been using to scan the many people who were all acting weird. "It's like a Crest. The Dream Crest in fact... Hero Law... Is doing this?"

"You mean the brat in Katrinas Squad?"


Meanwhile below a line with the Vice Captains...

"Whoa..." Nick Ale, the one armed, Vice Captain to Squad Seven said letting out a small whistle when he saw Hope, and Despair. "I think this is the first time I've ever seen the Squad One Captain. Or... Captains? Why are there two?" Only the Captains ever got to actually see the Two First Captains so for the Vice Captains this was a huge shock for them indeed.

"They're one person." Jackson said blankly. His eyes were stuck on the truck in which his Grandfather was being loaded up in. "My Gramps studied this thing called Fusion the process of merging two warriors together into a new better form. Hope and Despair are the reverse of that. They were one warrior who split into two. The Real First Captain is... He's something way... Way scarier. As they are now Hope and Despair are stronger than anyone in this city. Fused though... Well they were my Gramps secret weapon to take on God before he started the cloning project."

"Always with the secret weapons and goals to kill God." Nick said rolling his eyes. "I wonder if it will ever get old."

"It's gotten old three clones ago." Jackson sighed. "Speaking of clones...I really need to talk to Hero..."

"Speaking of needing to talk..." Katrina hissed out turning to look at Jackson. "You talked to her right?"

"I... I was going to but..."

"I can't believe you." Katrina said a dangerous edge to her voice as she stared at her boyfriend.

"I ran into Hero and he needed help... I... I didn't have time to-"


Before either of them could say a word there was a loud click as the camera began to roll and they became live to the entire Red Nation. All the Captains, Vice Captains, and Recruits, snapped their arms at their side and faced forward as they all stood tall. Empress Aka stood on a small platform a bit higher than anyone else since she was the Empress after all.

She gave a small smile to the camera. "Good evening Red Nation. It is I your humble Empress, Lillian Aka. It has recently come to my attention that there were many rumors that spread out. I'm here to address many of those rumors. Five days ago it was decided that Gladiolus City will house this Ages Enforcers Games. The Games have always been important as they are what will allow recruits to get their badges. They also provide entertainment for many who have come to watch. However since then, and up, to today many... Things... Have happened. I'm here to speak about some of those. Most notably the allegations surrounding Row Storm the current Master of the Enforcers, Hero Law, a member of Squad Six, and Ken Red a member of Squad Six, and a member of the Red Sisters. After much consideration I, as advised by my HR team have come to the decision that Row Storm, Hero Law, and Ken Red will face a trial held in Oleander City for the crimes they may or may not have committed. As of this moment Row Storm has willingly stepped down as Master of the Enforcers and will be sent to Oleander City to await his trial. Due to consideration both Hero Law, and Ken Red, have been allowed to keep their positions in the Enforcers. Many of the responsibilities of their actions are also being placed on their superiors members such as Katrina No Last Name, and Jackson Storm, who should have disciplined their Squad better. As such a fitting punishment has been leveled out. I was going to take over as Master of The Enforcers and lead them myself with the help of my Grandfather however after much thinking on my part I have come to a better idea. As of this moment Jackson Storm will be stepping down from his position as Vice Captain. Katrina No Last Name will be stepping down from her position from Squad Six Captain and will take over as the Squad Six Vice Captain. I will be taking a leave as Empress for a time while my Grandfather takes over. During that time I will be stepping up as the Squad Six Captain." She said giving a bow.

Everyone behind her was left speechless.

None of them had been expecting this.

"W... What?" Sif said frowning. "I was expecting her to only address Master Storm but... She also is bringing up Hero, and Ken, and... Forcefully removing Jackson and Katrina... Worse she makes it sound like Storm willingly stepped down and that he's being given a fair trial... And whats this about her taking over."

"T... This is a joke right?" Light asked.

"Judging from the looks on Vice Captain Jackson, and Captain Katrina's faces I'm gonna say no..." Kitsune said frowning.

Both of them looked in shock and utter horror. They knew Jackson could be displaced but Katrina to?

Aka kept going to showing that she wasn't done. "The Games will also continue on starting tomorrow picking up where it was left off. Until the trial of Row Storm, Hero Law, and Ken Red, Katrina will keep her position as Captain, and I will keep my position as Empress." She announced. "Due to my Grandfather taking over my position of the Emperor in my absence I have given it much thought on who should lead the Enforcers during this time. And I think that the best one to be the new Master of the Enforcers is none other than Mary Law."

Everyone, even Mary, stared in shock as Aka waved her hand at the Squad Two Vice Captain.

Nobody knew what game this woman was playing anymore. All that was really known was that she was winning...

Ace, the Back Coat, that had been there with Squad Six Recruits, very first mission, was holding the camera with one arm as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a small note. He had been handed it by the Empress and told to read from it when she was done. It had a question he was to ask her.

He held the card up and read it. "Ms. Aka." He said. "What exactly made you wish to step down for a time? You've always served our Nation well. Why do you wish to take a break now?" He asked reading the words on the card out loud.

Aka turned back to the camera her fake smile back. "Ahh. It was some consideration that Jackson Storm and I talked about." She said confusing Jackson, and the others, as he hadn't talked to her at all yet. Aka reached up placing her hand on her stomach as her smile grew. "You see. I am currently pregnant with the Heir to the Storm, and Aka, family's next Heir. At the start of Age 1992 Jackson Storm and I are to be married! In nine month the child who will take over the Aka family and be your next Emperor will be born!"

In the back of an armored truck Master Storm rested covered head to toe in thick heavy chains his eyes narrowed as lightning seemed to slowly crackle off of him.

"Oh... I see. So that's your plan. Fine Ms. Aka. I'll say it. It seems... You got me in check. But it's not over... I'll plan around this and get 'you' in check mate."

Far away up in the snowy mountains outside of the city a dark room rested...

The hideout of the Organizations. Not their main base but the one they were using until they finished their goals with this city...

Within the dark room Hero Law, also known as the Jester rested her eyes fixed on the t.v as it spoke...

'In nine month the child who will take over the Aka family and be your next Emperor will be born-'

The T.V exploded in a hail of sparks as she rammed her arm through it blasting it to bits.

"Child of Storm my ass." She said gritting her teeth as she slowly stood up. "I have to get my grandchild before you can corrupt them..."

"Mother." A voice said as the doors behind her opened up. "I brought the people like you asked." Vil Law, younger brother of Hero Law, and son of Hero Law the Jester, said entering the room and giving a bow.

The Jester turned slipping her glass mask back on as she turned around. Two people stood behind Vil. The first seemed to be a young man. He had long black hair and wore a pair of black sunglasses as well as a lower half face mask and a hat. He was dressed in a long silver trench coat and held a long black cane with a snake head on it small mist seemingly forming some of his body which seemed to be missing pieces. It was as if the mist was alive and forming limbs and flesh for him. The other one was a woman. She was tall and slender and didn't wear much despite the freezing cold weather. In fact she was practically naked only wearing some plain undergarments and a black face mask that covered her lower face. It seemed to embarrass Vil who couldn't help staring at the gorgeous woman. Unlike her friend her body wasn't scared or harm. All of her skin being visible due to the lack of clothing. She had long flowing blonde hair and her eyes were... Her eyes were pitch black save for a set or yellow iris's.

Behind them Kitsune stood a smirk on her lips as she folded her arms. She was dressed in her usual maid uniform.

"We hear you need some help." The woman said in a soft tone.

"Hmm. We do." Hero said simply eyeing the two up. "We've lost three members out of our thirteen. North Glacious has been killed in action. Key Frost has been locked up. And lastly Ash is in no condition to fight after the loss of his limbs. We've replaced North with Kitsune. I assume you two wish to replace Key, and Ash?"

"That we do." The woman nodded. "But we have one condition."

"Oh?" Hero asked cocking her head to the side.

"K... K... Ki... Kill..." The man stuttered shaking rapidly. The woman placed a hand on her friends shoulder getting him to stop twitching.

"We hear you wish to kill God correct?"

"That is our goal yes." Hero nodded.

"Well. God has someone on his side. A man named Hero Otoko. We wish to kill him."

"I see... That can be arranged then." Hero nodded holding her hand out. "You may call me Jester."

The girl stared at her for a moment as small flakes of ice seemed to come off of her and she took the womans hand. "You can call my friend Cloud. My name. My name is Irene Glacious."

Kitsune slowly turned around throwing her arms behind her head. "Well. Looks like the gangs almost back together. All we need left is Ken, and we can kill that fucking traitor."