They Are...

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Two

Oleander City...


"Who the hell are they?" Athena asked with wide eyes.

"No clue." Hero frowned. "Row. Whoa are they? My eyes activated just like when..."

'Honestly...' Row sighed. 'I don't know who they are...'

"Damn..." Hero frowned.

"I take it your friend didn't respond?" Athena questioned staring at the two people, one a teen, and one a boy.

"Nope. Useless as ever."

'Well screw you to.'

The two people stood on the roof. Then at the same time they fired forward both jumping from their roof over to the roof of the hospital. "Above us!" Hero said running to the door.

"Hero no! You're in no shape to fight!" Athena yelled making a grab for him but missing. Hero threw the door open and stepped outside of it slamming it behind him. Athena ran towards the door and yanked it open. "Hero I'll deal with them you-" She went silent suddenly her eyes going wide.

There was no one on the other side. Nor down any of the halls. Hero vanished?

Meanwhile on the roof...

"You're sure he'll come brother?" Six asked hugging the cage with the rabbit in it.

"Of course he will..." Four nodded rubbing his left leg. "He'll come alright. From there." Him and Six stared at the doorway that would lead up to the roof. "He'll have no choice but to enter from there. And when he does he'll be in big trouble then..."

"Yeah. I'd be in big trouble if I entered through the door." Four's eyes went wide as he whipped around slamming his right leg out. Hero Law did the same his own leg coming out the two limbs slamming together as they both kicked one another the two teens creating a mini shock wave that threw Six back.

'How the hell did he get onto the roof? He didn't go through the door, and we'd have heard him if he tried to climb up? He just.' Four reached to his belt pulling his bone knife out and lunging at Hero. Hero held his left hand out as Wolfsbane appeared in it his right arm glowing as he did so. He lunged out with the short sword as the two engaged in a knife versus sword fight neither seeming to get the upper hand on the other. "You look utterly foolish like that just so you know." Four spat out.

Hero's right arm, as well as his left arm, and both his legs, were wrapped entirely in bandages. His head also had several wrappings, and his chest was wrapped as well. Very little of his flesh other than his face could actually be seen. He was also dressed in a pair of simple blue hospital pants and a hospital gown.

"Am I seriously being insulted by a guy in bondage get up?" Hero asked.

"Oh haha. Second knife."

"Second knife? What does-" Blood splattered out of Hero's right shoulder as Four jammed a second bone knife into Hero making the snow haired teen scream out. "OW! What the f##k!" Hero slammed his right arm forward as it glowed and changed into its clawed form bashing a powerful fist into the mans gut throwing him back and sending him tumbling across the roofs floor. Hero reached up pulling the second knife out of his shoulder and tossed it off the building. The wolfsbane vanished no longer having a use.

"Brother!" Six yelled out with wide eyes.

Four managed to catch himself stabbing his knife into the ground. This being the one that was obviously not in Hero's shoulder. He slowly stood up grabbing his shoulder which had come out of place during the punch and snapped it back into place not even reacting as he did so. "I'll admit..." He hummed. "That arm is stronger than I thought... But I'm so glad I got to see it. What exactly do you call it? I wonder... And how much of 'her' power does it have. Or did you just do what your job entails and make it a part of yourself."

"What are you on about?" Hero frowned rubbing his arm. 'Damn it... I'm sluggish and hitting a lot weaker than I should be...' He thought to himself his frown growing. 'Plus the pain really hurts... Normally I can shrug it off but my whole body aches... I need to end this battle fast...'

"A dream..." Four mused. "One in which all things can come together. Become one. Fold together. It all started from a project. I doubt the old man would have given up any of his works. They all existed you know. And they all served a goal as well. Tell me Row. How much about our creators do you know about?"

"Less than I should."

"I see. Well good. I wont bother explaining it to you then."

Hero let out a sigh stepping forward. "Good. Because I don't give a damn." He announced firing forward as fast as he could. Four threw the knife out with blinding speed but Hero slammed his metal arm out punching through the bone blade as if it was butter as he smashed his hand forward slashing out with his claws. "And I've had enough with these God damn masks." He yelled out. "Let's see who you are under this once and for all!" Hero yelled yanking it off the boys face and sending him tumbling to the floor. Hero's eyes went wide when he saw the teen. "Wait? You're... No wait? That doesn't make sense..."

The boy was hunched over grabbing at his face but slowly he managed to stand up. He had snow white hair and ruby red eyes. "Tell me. Two. Were you expecting I look like our brother One? Or did he go by Reaper?" An exact clone of Row Law stated as he gave a smug smirk at the look of utter horror and shock on Hero's face.

"I don't understand." Hero said with wide eyes. "You're another clone?"

"I guess if you want to call me anything call me Four. Oh and the one stabbing you in the back right now is Six." Blood splattered onto the ground as a blade stabbed its way through Hero's back making him spit up a glob of blood as it came out his stomach. Six stood behind him his left arm transformed into some blade like weapon. "He's also a clone." He stated as Six reached up with his right arm pulling off his mask.

"I'm sorry." Six said cocking his head to the side at the stunned Hero. "Brother made me do it though."

"Y... You..." Hero fell to his knees as the blade was ripped out of him. "You can't be... Alive... Neither of you... Should be... Alive." He spat out more blood grabbing his side as many of his bandages became a stained red.

"Don't you love convoluted back stories?" Four chuckled. "Now then. Six... Kill him."

"Yes Brother." Six nodded raising his left arm up the blade glowing. He sliced it down at Hero who looked up with wide eyes-


Hero Law, the Dog slammed into Six a wave of water swirling around him as he blasted back and smashed the boys into the railing.

"What the hell?" All both Hero look alikes said staring at the beast as it stood on a stunned Six. "You've got to be kidding me Six? A dog stopped you?" Four hissed out.

"B... Brother help Me." Six begged out with wide eyes. The dog stepped on the boys chest and he began to twitch his skin becoming a pale white and sludgy.

Four sighed shaking his head. "I knew we shouldn't have dug you out. You're half grown and unstable. Go ahead and die you worthless little bastard." He grinned as Six began to melt away.

"B... Brother I'm... Scared." He popped like a balloon water sludge going everywhere and making Hero the Dog, or Dero, whine.

"W... What just..." Hero said with stunned eyes. "What the hell just happened."

"Oh don't mind that. He's was all unstable." Four chuckled. "Truth is I am to." He grinned unzipping his black suit and allowing the front open showing off his chest which was now a milky white and dripping. "In a few hours my body will give out. See. Unlike you or that damn f##king Vil. Our bodies weren't given the proper code to stay together. Eventually we come undone. Only Reaper was able to survive the melting process and only then thanks to his Crest and Equation. Me though. I'm a goner for sure. Unless..." He smiled standing back up.

"Unless..." Hero asked unsettled by the man.

"Unless I can eat you of course!" Four announced laughing. "I'll devour you up just like a Bestia Macht, binding you to myself! Your DNA will keep me stable! Plus I'll gain your Crest and that arm! Then I just need to find Vil for his sword and lastly that bitch version Maudite for her wings."

"You are... Insane..." Hero said stunned staring at a copy of himself cackle loudly.

The doors to the roof burst open as Athena rushed in suddenly looking around. Her eyes went wide when she saw the crying dog, the bleeding Hero, and the insane laughing Hero. The sight of her however made Four stop laughing. "Oh no." He said with wide eyes filled with a crazed look as a smile crossed onto his face. "A new comer. That isn't good. Whatever shall I do."

"I don't know whats going on here but I Athena, Captain of the Twelfth Squad, here by place you under arrest. Put your hands in the air and obey if you don't want to be harmed. Other wise I will use lethal force."

Four stared at her for a moment then grinned pushing a plastic button on his suit that blended in and was nearly impossible to see. There was a loud cracking sound as the metal cage on the roof next to them began to break as the rabbit in it grew larger and larger gaining a new form.

"W... Whats happening?" Hero asked.

"Oh nothing much. The nano bots are just unleashing the virus into her." Four smirked.

"V... Virus?" Hero asked.

"Yeah. My own brand. A bit of this yellow shit called Corruption, the Seraphin Virus, and the virus Newt uses to turn animals into Anima, as well as an Equation I crushed and turned into a liquid, and even some of my own blood. I mixed it all together. Not even I know what that thing will become." He laughed.

The cage shattered entirely as the rabbit formed out of it gaining a new form. It grew taller and thinner suddenly. Its fur began to shrink down and it gained human like flesh. Hair grew out of it and a pair of legs and arms formed. When it finally finished a new being stood before them. She was in a sitting position a shocked and scared look on her face as she stared around. The creature looked almost exactly like a young human woman. Perhaps sixteen, or seventeen at the most. She had long silver hair that went down her back as well as a pair of snow white rabbit ears. Her eyes were a ruby red and lit up much like Hero's and fours. She had small white puff ball tail. Her frame was slender and her legs were long and elegant. She also wasn't wearing anything but thankfully her hair blocked everything.

"Wow." Four said blankly. "You got to be kidding me. All that and it turned into a girl? Come on wheres the badass monster-"

Hero slammed his fist into Fours face as hard as he could sending the man crashing over the railing and flipping towards the ground. Hero ran forward and seconds later jumped off the roof of the building as he began to fall towards the ground below...