Flame And Flame Ice And Ice Cloud And Light

Night Two Hundred And Eighty

Age 1992

Oleander City...

Outside The Trial Room...

Ken let out a growl. "Well fine. If you're going to really turn your back on your friends then be my guest. But I can tell you all here and now none of you even stand a chance against Hero Otoko. I doubt any of you could even fight my Hero." She taunted.

"Shut your damn mouth." Irene growled raising her hand up. "Norse Hell." She hissed out slapping her hand through the air and sending out a wave of ice that blasted towards Ken who's eyes went wide, but right before it could hit the girl, a gust of flames slammed into the ice melting it down to water, and then steam, in a single burst. "K... Kitsune why the hell did you stop my attack from landing?"

"T... That wasn't me." Kitsune frowned.

"Well." A smug voice announced. "It kind of was."

At the very top of the stair case Kitsune Nine, Irene Glacious, and Light No Last Name all stood.

The two Kitsune's met eyes for a moment both staring at one another as the male one gave a smirk his ears and tail forming as the flames grew.

"Lets take down our evil doubles."

Kitsunes eyes met Kitsunes. Irenes eyes met Irene. And Cloud and Light who were both blind kind of just set there casually not knowing what to do.

The female Kitsune let out a small sigh as her eye twitched. "I see... So you're here huh."

"I fought him and my other self while they were merged." The other worlds Irene said letting out a hum as she flipped her hair her eyes glaring at this worlds Irene and Kitsune. "They are far weaker than us."

Cloud let out a grunt and a growl. "Uh why can't my other half speak?" Light frowned. "And whys he called something else and doesn't have a name- Wait do I not exist in the other world?"

"If it makes you feel better neither does that Row boy." Female Kitsune said snorting. "Now... Irene. Do the plan. We already have a way too deal with the two of them now."


The Darker Irene slammed the palms of her hands into the ground as ice began to slowly seep out of her body. "Norse Cage." She said in a stern tone as the ice exploded out of her and spread out faster then anyone could react. In a flash of blue light several frozen bird cages seemed to surround everyone and form out. When the dust settled Ken found herself standing in the streets with Hella and Vil standing in front of her.

They were on the streets but a large icy dome covered around them blocking the sunlight out save for small tiny slits which allowed some of the rays of the sun to get in. It was very chilly yet the dome was big enough to allow them to run around and jump giving them plenty of rooms that they can have in their fight.

"W... Where did everyone go?" Ken asked frowning.

"I'm kind of just as lost as you." Hella sighed. "Irene's powers have changed a bit since I last saw her."

"Norse Cage." Vil spoked folding his arms. "A fairly weak move that can only be used when she has team mates. It allows her to form several ice domes around people separating them. Each one of your team members are in their own little dome. Sadly for you, you'll have to fight both of us."

"Actually." Hella said calmly as he placed his hands together tapping her fingers together as the orb she rested on began to glow. "She'll have to actually fight all three of us." She announced as Hero Otoko reformed in front of her.

Ken let out a small gulp as her face paled by a small amount. "Oh boy... Well. If I've learned any lesson then I've learned that this is the part where Hero shows up to help save the day!"






"...This is the part where Hero shows up to help save the day..."






"I don't think he's coming." Vil said flatly.



In the first cage.

Kitsune landed on the stone floor as his eyes went wide. "What the hell."

"So her move worked." The Female Kitsune mused landing away from Kitsune. The two of them were in their own little cage standing before each other by themselves.

"Damn... A way to get us away from each other huh?" Kitsune asked looking around. "More importantly though." He turned to the female version of himself. "That body is... Are you really me from another world?"

"Hmm... Well I can see your confusion." Kitsune hummed cocking her head to the side as she gave a small smile. "I used to be a man. Now I'm in this body."

"I see... So that really is Serenities body..." Kitsune hissed giving a small growl.

"If thats her name then yes."

"Why you..."

"Don't worry though. I won't be needing it much longer."


"I'm going to take your body!" She announced flaming fox ears and nine fox tails forming out of her head and rear as she gave a large sinister grin. She slammed her hand out as the flames bubbled out of her palm flowing more like water rather than flame and it took the form of what seemed to be a large fox head forged of flames which bit out sending hot flames out. The fox hid bit out towards Kitsune in front of the woman ripping through the stone floor as the main Kitsune's eyes went wide and he stared at the flames.

Kitsune raised his hand up just in the nick of time as a pair of real fox ears, and nine fox tails grew out of him, fur covering part of his flesh as a white aura covered his body. He gripped his hand down as his own flames spilled out these ones looking like actual fire and forming a large katana made out of his own flames. He stepped forward swinging the sword out as fast as he could. The katana struck its mark easily slicing the flaming head in half as he flashed through it flying through the flames and crashing out on the other side.

"You're not to bad." Kitsune laughed her eyes filled with a crazed look as she held her palm out and her blood seeped out forming a red katana formed from her blood which then lit on fire.

"You're not getting my body and you sure as hell aren't keeping that body." Kitsune hissed out swinging his sword as the two blades clashed.

A ripple echoed throughout the cage and with that their battle began.


In the second cage.

Irene wasn't able to keep her balance as she appeared in the cage slipping a little as she crashed into the road floor as she let out a small hiss of pain.

"O... Ow..." Irene groaned as her icy blue eyes slowly opened.

The Corrupted Irene let out a snort her yellow eyes glaring at her other half. "Seriously... You're me?"

Irene jumped back to her feet and began to dust herself off. "This is a little weird... I saw you before when I was apart of Kitsune... During that time I didn't even register the fact that you looked exactly like me... Well save for your eyes and since of... Clothes or rather lack there of..." Irene frowned. Her other half seemed to run around naked half the time only covering up with an icy dress giving her the image of some ice witch.

The corrupted version of her snorted. "I already beat you once you know. Do you really think you can actually beat me now? You're still using those weak powers... Those powers weren't able to save me or anyone I care for. I wasn't able to save anyone I loved. None of my siblings. I was forced to watch as they all died one by one all because of that fool Hero Otokos mistake. He killed my world. These powers are nothing. Nothing compared to the power of the Corruption which flows through me now." She grinned giving a twisted and crazed smirk.

Irene let out a sad sigh. "Seriously... You lot really are so pathetic. Its like I'm seeing every thing bad that could happen in my life before me."

"Excuse me?"

"Do you seriously think you can even beat that Hero Otoko guy?" Irene asked raising an eyebrow. "I keep hearing about him and from what I've heard he's fairly strong. I've never cared about being the strongest. I just want to end the threat of the Bestia Macht for good. That has been my only goal. If you're even half like me then chances are your training has never been your full focus. And if that Hero Otoko is like Hero Law then his power will be constantly growing. Can your band of misfits dumbasses really beat him?" She asked cocking her head to the side and giving the other Irene a look.

The corrupted version of herself gained a darker look in her eyes as they seemed to glass over. "You're so dead."

"Well. I guess its time we stop talking anyways. I'm here for one reason only. I'm going to stop you." Irene closed her eyes for a moment and began to focus as the ice rose up covering her arms and legs in icy gear as well as a pair of icy dragon like wings which suddenly formed out of her back as she entered her battle mode. "This is my strongest form. Using a mix of my power as well as my brothers which I absorbed into myself gaining that power. I assume you have something that you can use as well?"

"Of course I can... And unlike your shitty form mine is actually useful." Corrupted Irene wrapped her arms around herself for a moment as she began to twitch. Blood suddenly began to spill out of her body as large ice shards suddenly began to stab through her form. Ice spikes jutted out of her elbows and her knees caps. An icy horn formed out of her head and a tail of ice also seemed to form out of her rear. Ice claws formed on the tip of her finger tips as well as at her feet giving her armor formed from ice spikes on her body and allowing her to deal powerful slashes. "Norse Devil."

Irene frowned staring at the other half of herself. "Well... Lets get started then."


In the third cage.

Light spun around raising his gun up and pulling down on the trigger as soon as he could firing out a beam of light.

Cloud twisted his body around smog exploding out of his flesh allowing him to fire to the side as the smoke boosted him away dodging the strike.

Neither of them had a need for words. Not only were they both blind meaning neither of them knew what the other looked like, they both weren't the same person unlike the others. The Cloud of this universe was someone else, and the Light of another universe was also someone else. They weren't images of each other. They were just freak accidents either one having had the ability to be placed onto the main team. It also didn't help that Cloud seemed to lack the ability to speak unable to say any words and only growl.

The smoke blasted out of Clouds feet as he let out a growl and in a flash of orange light the smoke exploded out of his feet like flames actually scorching the ice wall as it blasted him forward at a fast speed. He swung his cane down as fast he could towards Light who raised his gun up just in time. The can slammed into his gun and he was pushed back crashing into the ice wall by the force of the gun making Light hiss in pain.

"O... Okay. You pack a punch yeah... I'll admit that." Light sighed. "See I've always been a rid part of the main team. I had this gun. I really liked it but then it went and broke. This new one though..." He gave a grin as he clicked a button on it. "This new gun can do something pretty cool." He announced as the gun split in half turning into a pair of sawed of shot gun like weapons. He twisted his body around Cloud and raised them up as he fired.

Hundreds of pellet sized beams blasted out. Cloud swung his cane out blocking the strikes as he swung them out. His smoke changed into a dark green and fired out like a blade of acid slashing into Lights shoulder splitting it open and causing Light to hiss out in pain. Light didn't have much time to react though as Cloud fired towards him jamming out with his cane and slamming it into Lights stomach making the boys eyes go wide as he spat out a wave of blood and slammed back into the ice wall.

Light twisted back doing a quick back flip as he hit a switch on the guns causing the barrels to extend as he raised them up and squeezed down on the triggers causing them to blast out at a rapid fire speed sending out hundreds of tiny light orbs. Cloud jumped back grunting as many of them blasted past him but a few tore through parts of his body cutting him badly and leaving terrible burn marks.

As Cloud fell back he caught himself stabbing his cane into the floor as ice spread out an icy blue mist seeping out. The ice formed out as several spikes one of which stabbed into Lights leg throwing him back. Lights head slammed into the icy wall as blood began to drip down it making him yell out as he winced.

"O... Okay... You're not that bad."

Cloud let out a grunt and dusted himself off cocking his head to the side and clicking out his tongue.

"In that case." Light slammed the guns back together as they merged and became a large gun once more. "Level Two..."