Beast Of Hunger

Night Two Hundred And Eighty Nine

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

Underneath The City...

Hero screamed out in pain even louder as the Dolls fist stabbed out its lightning gauntlets slammed into him.

"And with this..." Ben smirked giving a twisted and mad grin. "You're done-"


From up above a massive explosion echoed out stopping everyone as the roof caved in and a large shark Bestia Macht dropped down!

"What the hell!" Hero, Row, Ben, and Hide, all yelled with wide eyes.

The Beast Of Hunger was a powerful Duke level Bestia Macht said to have been created by God that held a hatred and hunger like no other. In actuality it created by Hero Law from nothingness using the Dream Crest and is too this day his biggest regret.

A powerful beast that knows only hunger it lusts after food.

And that beast just arrived.

To save its creator, or to devour and gain his power...

Only time would tell just what this powerful creation truly thought.

It looked almost like a massive white shark with sludge mud like flesh and many tendrils that looked like a squids tentacles seeping out of it, hundreds of jagged thorns and blades all along them as the beast let out a loud shriek and began to slash out in all directions.

"That thing should be in a lab! Where, and how, the hell did it get out, and why is it here!" Ben hissed out gritting his teeth in mild fear and frustration. Last time it had taken everything he had to fight this beast when it had been in a weaker state... "Alright then..." Ben sighed out as the doll he was fused in began to get bigger its arms holding up several wind blades. "Get ready because I'm not going to hold back... You're gonna face my fully wrath-"

One of the tendrils slapped the massive mixed Doll slamming it through the wall and shoving it through layers of dirt.

"Well shit. That didn't last long." Hero said with wide eyes.

"Hey Eve we kind of have a situation..." Hide said appearing next to Hero.

"Yeah. I know. It's a fucking shark!"

"Not that situation."

"Oh God you mean it gets worse?" Hero asked with wide eyes.

"Well... Maybe?" Hide gave a small thumbs up and pointed to the back. Hero turned and his eyes went wide when he saw that all the coffins were breaking.

"Uh oh..." Hero said struggling to his feet before collapsing back to his knees. "If those kids get out the beast will see them as targets. I... I need to lure it away-"

"Yeah I don't see that happening in your condition." Hide chuckled. He stepped forward and threw off Hero's Enforcer jacket, giving it back to Hero, as hundreds of pale white bone, and wooden, branches, began to twist out of his flesh. "I think that it's about time I step in."

"What?" Hero asked with wide eyes.

"You threw a hissy fit about fighting that Hen boy alone. Well. This isn't Ben. Besides. I can't let you die. Not yet. I seek further evolution." The bones began to grow out of Hide looking more like white wood. They formed over his entire body covering him in a layer of it and giving him the appreance of a terrifying white demon Bestia Macht. Large branch looking, bone horns formed out of the top of his skull and a massive bone like tail formed out of his rear as well as four long jagged bone like spears that formed a pair of claws out of his knuckles. The bones had small slits within them that began to light up with a bright greenish color as energy began too seep out of him.

"T... That green energy... It's like my connection to the Mantra... No... It is my connection to the Mantra. You've learned how to use life energy the same way as me after just glimpsing me do it a few times?" Hero asked with even wider eyes. "Not just that... You're even better at it then me."

Hide didn't say anything as he took a step forward and the stone beneath him began to bubble up and glow as it changed into wood and flowers and grass started to spread out of it in all directions the stone having been changed into dirt and soil.

Pure Transfiguration.

"This guy might be a bigger threat then even Otoko..." Hero watched Hide slowly walking towards the shark Bestia Macht. "The ground is changing..." Hero reached out slowly pulling out several weeds and grasses feeling them in his hand. His mind raced as he stared at them and thought about the frozen planet around them. "Could... Could he save the planet? Could he make it green again?" Hero gave a smile squeezing down on the grass. "Well. I have an idea. I'll just use Hide and save this world. Rather he likes it or not..." He said darkly letting go of the weeds and grass.

Hide let out a loud powerful roar crouching down to his knees and blasting forward a insanely loud sonic boom exploding around him as he shattered the sound barrier from his sheer movement speed. With every step he took the entire ground was shifted from stone to plant life. The Shark Bestia Macht, also called the Beast of Hunger, glared at him as it allowed a massive roar. The two powerful Bestia Machts slammed into each other creating a massive sonic boom which shook the stone room around them and causing several cracks to appear in the roof above them as the under ground area began to crumble apart and break.

The Bestia Machts jaws unclenched as it fired out a wave of high pressured water sliced across the ground. Hide raised his arms up blocking the stream of water and forcing his way through it as he slammed into the Bestia Macht. The Shark roared in pain as its tendrils shot forward stabbing into Hide and impaling the bone beats through his stomach making Hide gasp out and spit out a glob of golden blood. The tendril wrapped around him and raised him up higher as the thorns easily dug through his armored form and the beast then slammed him down as hard as it could shattering the stone floor and sending out another powerful shock wave that sent Hero flying back.

Hero slowly rolled across the ground his back slamming into one of the coffins and shattering it as he slammed into them.


Over with Hide he was slammed down into the stone floor taking on the full force of the attack but he took it all in, still impaled by the beast as he wrapped his arms around the tendril that was currently stabbed into his gut. He slammed his legs into the ground and gritted his teeth as he began to slowly turn in a circle dragging the Bestia Macht. His turning began to get faster and faster as the entire beast was lifted up off the ground the sharks eyes going wide as Hide turned his body slamming it into the wall and dragging it across it. He didn't stop there though as his spinning some how got even faster and he turned his body up.


He let go.

The shark slammed into the stone roof with a loud and powerful crash. The rest of the roof caved in as the entire underground area came undone and everything began to collapse. The shark crashed down onto the stone floor as it rolled across the ground slamming into many of the torn down buildings. The sharks tendrils stabbed down into the floor as it came to a stop. It growled shaking its head before it began to slowly stand back up...

Through the broken ground Hide ripped his way out of the ground and landed down. As he crashed down he slammed his arms out punching them out as hard as he could and shooting the shark further down the torn apart city.

The beast once again stopped its body from flying back with its tendrils as it glared at Hide who began to march towards its enemy.

"I guess I've gotten pretty strong..." Hide said clenching his fists a few times. "I'm going to use you to really let go nd cut loose. I hope you don't mind."

The beast responded once more by letting out a loud growl and firing towards Hide...

Meanwhile back underground.

Snow let out a small groan as she shook her head. Her face clenched for a bit as she shook her head. "Ow... Oh God my head hurts."

"W... Well... I... I don't want to push you or anything but... GET THE HELL UP!" The voice of Hero yelled.

"Huh!?" Snow set up with wide eyes looking around. Next too her she saw Vow, and Leo were on the ground like her. They were unconscious and also covered in shattered in broken glass. And most importantly she saw Mr. Law. And he looked to be in a really stressful situation as he quite literally held the roof up with his back supporting it up and holding the collapsed stone roof. His teeth were gritted and sweat was dripping down his body. "Mr. Law-"


Snow shook her head and jumped to her feet. She reached out grabbing the two boys and running forward with them dragging the two boys out of the rubble. As soon as she did Hero dropped the massive rock roof and rolled forward as the roof slammed into the ground. He landed on his knees breathing heavily.

His body was bruised and his clothing was soaked in his blood. On top of that he was breathing heavily and sweaty. Hi arm was reverted in his normal human form meaning he no longer had the ability to use his right arm or left leg. He was at his lowest point out of energy and power rendered to less than what even a normal human would be able to do.

His body seemed too give out more as he fell face first into the dirt.


"Mr. Law!" Snow asked with wide eyes letting go of Leo and Vow. "Are you okay?"

"...No. I think I'm dying..."

Leo let out a small groan as he set up finally waking up as well. "Whoa... Whoa. Whoa! Big whoa!" He shook his head looking around and finding Hero and Snow. "What the hell is going on-"

"Wait why are we under ground?" Vow asked calmly looking around.

"Show concern!" Everyone yelled at him.

"Okay listen." Hero gasped out using his elbow to push himself up. "We're not in a good position and are covered underground in dirt, rocks, and lots of other bull shit! I can't stand anymore. We really need to go. So someone please pick me up before-"

The wall around them suddenly exploded as Ben's doll form came crashing through shocking everyone even more. The dolls limbs slapped out towards them all throwing them all back and sending them flying further back and crashing through more stone walls. As they all came crashing out into an area that had a hole in the roof sending out sunlight down towards the kids and Hero.

"What the hell is that!" Snow, Vow, and Leo all yelled out.

"Well we're dead..." Hero sighed.

"I'm going to slaughter you all!" Ben screamed out in utter rage.