
Night Three Hundred And Eight

Age 1992

In H.E.L.L...

"Well, well, well..." A voice hummed. A very familiar voice at that."Looks like we've gotten some old, as well as new faces... Welcome to the first Realm boys and girls... I hope you're ready to play a game."

Hero looked down from the pretty sight, and felt another wave of shock hit him head on as he stared at three more Lucy's who all had sly smirks on their faces...

"W... What the hell!"

Hero wasn't the only one who seemed caught off by this. The others stared in shock as well. All but Lucy...

"What?" The Lucy look alike asked cocking her head.

Now that they could see her, it wasn't just one. There were a bunch. All sorts of Lucy's walked around. They all looked exactly like their Lucy, though their hair was long and elegant instead of in a pony tail, and they wore long elegant robes.

"So what brings you back here 925." One of the Lucy's hummed.

Hero realized they were talking about their Lucy, as the girl cleared her throat. "Not important..." Lucy said clinging to Hero's arm. "But we won't be staying for long anyways. I need to speak with the Goddess."

"What right do you think you have to speak to the Goddess?" The lookalike frowned heavily. They seemed to show many emotions, far more then their Lucy. "You've already played the King, The Knight, and the Priest. Why should we let you play them again and see the Goddess."

"I have outsiders."

"People who use Hell often wind up here." The robed clone said shaking her head. "Very few get to play as well. Why should we allow you all in?"

Emma leaned over to Hero. "No clue what's going on."

"Me either. Vice Captain Nick."

"I haven't been paying attention for a while." Nick admitted.


Lucy folded her arms up a bit of frustration showing. "I have someone with ties to Gaia. Or should I say Eve." She stated in a blunt tone.

For a moment the field they stood in grew silent as the clones all seemed to stand there. Hero felt several eyes on him now as he shrunk down a little. "Is it him." One of the clones hummed. Lucy's response was a small shrug. "Very well. We'll test it."

"I don't like where this is going..." Hero winced.

One of the Clones approached him slowly reaching into her robe and pulling out a small green ball. "Do you know what's happening." She asked calmly.

"Not at all!" Nick, Hero, and Emma all shouted.

The Lucy Lookalike gave a nod of her head. "I'll explain it bluntly then. You're in the First Realm of Hell."


"Do you know what Project Godslayer is."

"God fucking dammit."

'We really need to murder Master Storm... He's behind everything.' Row sighed.

The lookalike didn't skip a beat at their reaction. "Several years ago, before any of you were born a weapon was created in the hopes of it being able to kill God... Hell. It was an artificial pocket universe outside of reality and time. In here time and space have their own rules and operate a bit differently. The plan had been to use it to seal God away."

"Seal away God." Emma winced a little grabbing her cross. "I'm guessing it failed."

"That is correct... Or rather I suppose saying it failed isn't the right turn. The people who created it succeeded in creating a new realm. One in which it was its own Universe. But more then that they created something as well... Do you know what it was?" The Clone asked cocking her head to the side.

Nick was the one to answer his eyes gaining an understanding look. "Life. They created Life." He whispered.

"Correct... We were born. Brand new lives. It started above us in Realm zero. Currently we are in Hell, on the First Realm. It is broken up into four Realms you see. Here is where our kind live, and we are scattered about through the Realms of Hell. We aren't Humans though we certainly made ourselves look like you. We serve our own Lord, without a care for your silly God."

"Why are you telling us this." Hero frowned.

"So it will be a fair game." The Clone hummed.


"You might have noticed that we all look alike." The Clone tilted her head. "How do you think we are born and made."

"I don't understand what you're asking? You're saying all of you look like Lucy right."

The Clone didn't seem to notice as she shook her head. "All life forms that belong here are women. The ones on the Realm Above are called the Free and they come in many forms and sizes. Bestia Macht is what you would know them best as. But for us on Realms 1 through 4 we look like this. All of us. How do you think we are made?"

Hero felt his face heat up for a second at the thought of two Lucy's attempting to make a child. "I uh well I uh-"

"Smooth." Emma said flatly.

"Transformations." Lucy, their Lucy, said slowly.


The Clone continued. "Hell is outside of time and space you see. It is able to take in visitors from across the Multiverse, any where any time. You aren't the only people here. Lucy, as you call her, is what we, the people who live here look like and go by. But every now and then someone wanders into Hell by accident. And that is how more of us are created. In the Image of God made he man. We look like our Goddess because she wills it. And soon you will to."

"That sounds bad." Emma winced.

Lucy cleared her throat bowing her head down. "The way more of us is created is when people wander into Hell. If you stay to long here you change. And when you change you become me. Hair color, eye color, age, gender, all of it changes, and then your mind, as you become a Lucy."

"I'm gonna turn into Lucy!" Nick panicked.

"I'd rather not be anyone other then myself." Hero said flatly. "I assume there are ways out of here. Lucy summons people all the time."

"Only on Realm Zero." Lucy shook her head. "I have to pull them out. When you ended up here

I came to get you but because of that slip up we're stuck in Realm One. The only way back to 0 is by meeting the Goddess."

"That's correct." The Clone nodded. "Those who meet the Goddess may travel to any floor. When ever people wind up here they begin to slowly change into one of us. However we do allow people to attempt to leave. You must travel through the Realms and in order to do that you must beat the games."

"Nice so there is a way." Hero said relived.

"But." The Clone cut in.

"Uh oh..."

"The games for this year have already been filled with the chosen players. You would be joining in an already full lobby of sorts. This is never allowed and instead you will have to just remain here and become one of us." The shocked and mildly horrorfied looks on all of their faces made the Clone almost giggle. "Normally that would be the case but this situation isn't normal. If 925 speaks the truth you are related to Gaia."

"You're talking about my God Aura right. Or my long ass thunder strike name. When I borrow power from the planet." Hero hummed.

"Not just the planet. Gaia."

Hero frowned at that and for a second he tried to focus. He found it harder then usual though. That ever present aura that he could draw on was blank. Silent even. "I Don't feel it..." His arm morphed into its claw like form but the green fire was gone.

"Gaia is not here." One of the Lucy's explained. "We are in a Realm between. Here it is Lucy. Here it is life."

"This is why I had to escape..." The typically emotionless Lucy sighed.

Hero raised an eyebrow for a moment but nodded. "Okay then... So what happens now." He sighed.

"We get out of here is what!" Nick announced. "Sif must miss me!"

Emma snorted but nodded refitting her nun dress and placing her chainsaw up. "You mentioned a game right. We pass this game and we can leave?"

"That is correct." The Lucy nodded.

Emma smirked for a second. "Then what the hell are we waiting for."



The entire mountainside shook as there was a bright pink flash as a massive pink pillar of light rose up reaching the backend sky and sending a massive pillar of heat. A massive wind pressure was unleashed as everyone tried to hold onto something. Several loud howls were unleashed as a wave of heat rushed by incinerating all the Bestia Macht that were on the surface. The nest was filled with fire as several thousand Bestia Macht were burnt alive almost instantly... Then suddenly it all stopped.

Jackson jumped up to his feet as he peered down the mountainside. His eyes were wide as he stepped back. "Holy shit!" He said cursing out. "I think I know why the Bestia Machts are pissed off!" Down the ravine smoke rose up as the howls of several Bestia Macht raised up to the sky. Then suddenly several Bestia Macht came flooding out of the ravine as they all ran North... Where the village was...

"They're heading towards the village!" Ken said horrified. "But... That is a pretty small horde." Only around five hundred could even be seen running now? "That blast must have killed many of them off. Speaking of which? What the hell was that blast!"

"A Shimer Star..." Jackson said letting out a hiss. "Those bombs are used sometimes during wars... But what kind of asshole would be dumb enough to throw one down a mountainside into a cave filled with scary killer monsters! Seriously! It's like they are trying to blow a hole through the Nest or something?"

"What now?" Shelly questioned.

"We need to head back to the village. If we leave now we might be able to get there just as the battle is starting..." Jackson said slowly.

"So we're leaving?" Father Darvin questioned.

"Yeah. We need to get back now-"

"Umm guys?" Ken said suddenly. "Do any of you guys hear that?"

Suddenly the air was ripped upwards as a massive beast suddenly flew up. Its head turned down as it stared at the three Enforcers.

"Oh..." Shelly stated as the things white eyes peered at her.

"Shit..." Ken finished for her...

In front of the group now glaring at them was a flying Dragon...