The First 10 Years

I've been in this world for ten years now, and I've grown quite a bit! I started this 'Journal' after my third birthday, but it's been pretty dull. I'll summerise the last eight years below for anyone interested.

Okay, first of all, this Journal is being written by a partition of my consciousness that I created to man the Mind Palace Library. It was getting extremely time-consuming to spend all day studying with Julian and Mom only to spend a few hours getting it all consolidated in my mental library. So, I took a whole month to meditate and using some intention magic and my mind palace. I created a separate 'me' that would copy down everything that happened all day in real-time. It took me another two years to perfect it after finding an old book about transfiguration and healing magic. I transfigured parts of my brain to work like the quantum computer that had just started development before I died — using the runic alphabet to create a magical intention-based mental coding language that I integrated into my Mind Palace. This project made everything a lot easier and had a minimal downside. Now, I have a real eidetic memory and enough mental processing power that sometimes time seems to slow down. It's been a lot of fun being a kid with this ability!

I finished studying with Julian after three years, and he was super impressed. Mom caught on that I was reading everything she gave me and let me start helping her with the basics. So far, she says that I could probably pass my O.W.L.s with all she taught me. In this world, I'm something of an enchanting genius. I have spent all of my time studying Charms and Transfiguration. I've begun the process of adapting my body using transfiguration to be the peak of human capability. I'll use puberty and my natural growth to hide my more ambitious adaptation. So far on the list:

-Advanced neural pathways.

-Denser Muscles (some magical beasts have cool stuff going on)

-More robust skeletal structure (Wolverine anyone!?!)

-More efficient Organs. Better eyesight, hearing, smell, waste disposal, etc.

I think that's all I can do for now and not get arrested by the ministry.

- End journal entry April 24, 1990 -


It's March 15, August's eleventh birthday, and the morning sun has just broken through the window. It invades his eyes, and he can no longer feign sleep, "Damn Sun, I up stop blinding me already!" August rolled over in bed and slowly stood. It was his birthday, and he could smell his Mom cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Smiling, he thought back to the past ten years and all the progress he made. His body was fit and trim with the start of bulker muscles just starting to show. He looked closer to twelve than ten after his last growth spurt put him at 5'5" Ever since he was eight, his morning routine had become much like it was back in his days working for the U.S. Army Rangers with PT for two hours before breakfast. He quickly got dressed in his shorts and t-shirt and jogged out the front door giving Eve a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll be back by 8 Mom. I need to get my workout in."

"Be careful, honey!" Eve yelled after him, "You know I don't like you spending too much time out in Muggle London without the Donnellys."

The Donnellys were his best friend Drew's parents and the only muggles his mother knew. August met Drew a few weeks after he started his journeys out into muggle London for exercise and to explore the libraries and shops of the much more modern muggle world. With his previous life's knowledge, he quickly trained up his close-quarters-combat by picking on some street toughs and minor gangs in the city, earning a tremendous sum in pounds from the cocaine dealers he defeated. He was one of the wealthiest people in Britain, with millions in drug money collected and invested in tech over the past three years. Who didn't want to be an early investor in Dell, IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and others before the tech boom in the 1990s? With his knowledge, the books of Harry Potter said that the muggle world was a mirror of his old one, he stood to make a 200,000% profit as long as he got out before 2001.

Drew was a boy obsessed with computers and the tech world; they had met in a bookstore and became fast friends sharing their love of technology and the PC revolution. When Eve found out her studious and shy son had made a friend, she didn't care that he was a muggle and went to meet his parents so the two could continue their friendship. The Donnellys were a middle-aged couple ten years Eve's senior. Mr. Donnelly worked as a sales consultant in London while his wife kept the home and took care of Drew when he wasn't in school.

August jogged out of the Leaky Cauldron and into the London morning. His Hogwarts letter would be arriving today, and he'd need to stop at Gringotts to withdraw some money. August had a secure vault where he kept a few million Galleons that he'd converted from his first big gang bust last year. He was fluent in gobbledegook and had some respect from the goblins for his negotiation skills. The morning was brisk, and he enjoyed his run, smiling at the memory of his first weekend with the Donnellys.

It was December 14th, and his mother had dropped him off at Drew's for the weekend. "August, you behave for Mrs. Donnelly, you hear me." She called to him as Drew dragged him away to work on his new PC with Windows 3.0.

"I will, Mom!" August called over his shoulder. The two boys huddled around the PC, working programming a new game. Drew was determined to become a tech guru, and August needed a muggle partner for his plan of opening a computer company. "Drew, we need to path this better the mob characters keep getting stuck on the barriers. It's too easy for the player to farm them."

"Auggie, I tried, but this is already a great game! It's like nothing else out there. I'm still amazed that you came up with this." Drew looked over to his best friend, "I know the Dungeon and Dragons books kind of frame a good system, but you took it to the next level."

The boys had been working on and off in the afternoon and on Saturdays to complete their game, The Wastes of Albion. It was a post-apocalyptic game in a UK where magic from the King Arthur legend had destroyed the land after a world war. August had just taken the Elder Scrolls and Fallout from his old world and combined the concepts with a creative leveling system. They would launch the game as the flagship product of Wizzard Technology Company once it was perfect.

"I know it's pretty good right now, but we want Wizzard to be a huge hit." August smiled at his friend, "Besides, I won't be around much next year. Remember, I'm going to that posh boarding school."

"Right, you're going back to the dark ages. I still can't believe they don't have net access or Phones! For God's sake, what kind of school doesn't have a phone." Drew grumped.

"They say it's to limit students distractions. You know my Family's like Roman old, and Mom wants me to go. I'll still come back on holidays and for summer break. I reckon we'll have Wizzard launched by Christmas of 92."They spent the whole weekend working on the game and promised to keep it until August left in September next year.

August had used that weekend to pilfer some gear from a Foot Guard base in London and now had a few Battle rifles, sidearms, BDUs, and assorted paraphernalia. It was a side project since he's gotten weapons from the gangs and once stole an arms dealer's freight container. It was all pretty easy once he mastered his intent-based wandless magic and could shrink stuff. There was a warehouse in London that held an armory and dojo training room purchased just this January, where he kept most of his ill-gotten gains.

He was sweating when he got back, having stopped at his warehouse for a quick CQC workout. "Mom, I'm taking a shower, and then I'll be in for breakfast!" Yelling, he dashed for the bathroom.

"Hurry-up, the food will be cold, and you need to open your Hogwarts letter!" Eve called after him, sipping on her tea.

Breakfast was his favorite in celebration of his birthday, crepes with strawberries and cream. "You're the best, Mom!!"

The Hogwarts letter was the standard welcome letter, and they planned to get his wand over the summer.