Why Me?

I hold the flashlight in my teeth as I read my favorite ramance classic, Romeo and Juliet, normally I hate tradigies and such but this classic I can make an exception for. I don't have a clock I don't even have an actual bed that I sleep on...it is not that I don't have a bed, just two words: Bed Bugs, oh and another word: Bleh. I think I'm actually fine with a old mangy silk sheet and the rusty splinter filled attic floor. There is one thing that actually is kind of useful with being overweight, the don't actually have to hold anything when laying down.

Romeo sounds a lot like my sister Rebecca to be honest. Overly romantic, spoiled, rich, and judges based off of appearances...and Juliet is anyone that is gullible enough to fall for my sister and her hotness and flirtatious attitude. In short, that list isn't very long. I try to avoid the sounds of rats chewing on random cloth as I skip to the death scene, I know this weird, but I'm always greatful when they both die. Maybe in my head since Romeo is Rebecca, it is a relief the one thing that he loves to do more than anything is the very thing that kills her...er...him.

Me and my sister are exact opposites, I'm older yet shorter and weaker...Sometimes I wish I wasn't even born. Rebecca is tall, skinny, well built, she has beautiful long wavy red hair and green eyes. I don't have any of those things. I am short and overweight by about 70 pounds, I need thick glasses, I am weak, and I just am covered in flaws. Sometimes I think I'm only flaws.

My name is Diane Annabel Whithers, my mother's last name since my father didn't bother to show up for my birth or even be a part of my life until I was 3 and even then, he wasn't given much a choice. My mother was said to be the most beautiful woman in the US...I don't remember much but the one thing I do remember is her beautiful voice. Sometimes I hum the songs she used to sing to me, of course I do it subconsciously. The only time I ever got any compliments was when I sang, the only good thing about me I suppose. She loved me, at least that what Aunty tells me, but thinking about her always makes me sooooo angry! She left me, that is what happened...even if it wasn't her choice...She left me.

I groan realizing its almost time to wake up...After getting dressed into a loose grey shirt and baggy jeans, I wish I could wear skinny jeans, but I couldn't fit in them even I tried. I don't even bother with my hair, there is no point. After grabbing my backpack I go down the attic stairs. I fall to the ground my head spinning, my rich yet cruel father laughs from behind me. "You up?" he asks surprisingly calmly. I groan and mummbhle, "Hey dad." He grabs my hair and pulls me up to face him, he is so well built, strong bone and muscle structure, light blue eyes, and light brown hair...He is dressed in a fine suit and tie. I clench my jaws as he gives me a disgusted look. He didn't believe he was my father until the blood test...Then he hated me. After a long moment of a disgusted glare he grins and says silly almost, "Don't call me that." I then fall to the floor. I get up once he walks away and turns a corner, I rush down the stairs and outside the front door. It is barely dusk and it's freezing but my sister won't drive me and the school is 4 miles away. I am not very athletic but given time I can get anywhere.

Besides I would really rather not be around when Rebecca wakes up, I walk into the woods the snow gently falling on my skin, it is so cold. But better in the cold than 6 feet under. Heh, personal dark humor :P :D... The sun barely begins to rise when I'm half way there. I begin to pant starting to run out of breath, maybe I'd have more energy if my father bothered to feed me more. I hear a small woof and low almost playful growl. I stop to look around with a smile. The ground is almost completely white, I hear the woof and playful growl again. "Noah.....?" A purely white wolf perks up from the snow, smaller than average but deffidently the most clumsy. I look at the white wolf as he attempts to carefully walk down the small hill he is on until he falls down and yelps. I run towards him and kneel as I ask, "Noah, you okay dork?"

He woofs and gets up happily, we walk together along the path that I practically built over the years just by walking back and forth. He plays joyfully around me following like a loyal puppy. I smile and laugh as his goofy clumsiness cheers up my morning. I stop hearing cars and other kids, I clench my jaw nervously. Noah whine and jumps on my back howling joyfully licking my ear. I gently push him off and turn to him and say, "Thanks for the confidence Noah, I'll see you after I visit my aunt, it is Wednesday after all." Noah runs in circles before falling on his face, with one last woof he runs back into the woods.

I chuckle as I watch him disappear among the white blanket of snow, I then with and walk towards the school, thankfully it is a cold morning so no stinky sweet. Just on time, just before the bell, I spot a black Lexis car with pink underlights, Rebecca. She is already here....I walk inside carefully opening the door to loom around, I then scurry away to first period.

Before I know it, it is lunch, I walk among the crowds completely invisible...at least for now. I walk in the cafeteria and it isn't long before Rebecca and I lock eyes, she grins evil like before turning back to her current girlfriend to kiss her. Why does she always get the girls...as if I didn't already know. Rebecca is hot, loved, and rich, I am not. I look over to my spot, next to the trashcans and downwind from the boys washroom...I have honestly gone nose blind to the smell at this point. I sit down at the sticky table and pull out my sketch book and begin the draw. I can feel the eyes on my as I draw, I really don't like people looking at me, doesn't stop them.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my little sister..." I could totally get mad at Rebecca's words since I'm older, but I've learned against saying anything. I just freeze.

"What's wrong Little thang, ya scared?" She mocks pulling out my seat so that I face her and to her evil friends. I clench my jaw.

"Thang? Really, you are not a new yorker..." I mumble under my breath. Alex Rebecca's ally and oldest friend...tall dark muscular and handsome. Not to mention the biggest asshole ever! Slams his hand on my table making me flinch but only a little.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY PIG?!" I don't dare say anything as he begins to circle me, Rebecca just looks into my eyes with an evil grin.

"Nothing, I said nothing." Rebecca's sneers and she straightens up.

After a moment of silence Rebecca grins, "I am going to make this a birthday to remember little sister."

My eyes widen, HOLY CRAP I COMPLTELY FORGOT! Today is soooo my birthday, no wonder Fiona wants me to come to her house today. I close my eyes and breathe in feeling stupid. Ugh, you know someone has a bad life when they forget their own freaking 17th birthday....unghhhh.....!

Rebecca grabs my hair and pulls me by my hair, I can't help but notice how other students follow us most of them chanting "Dunk, Dunk, Dunk, Dunk!!!" I whine looking at them, I feel like crying. I whine as she pulls me to the school pool, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please...

I feel like I'm gonna die! Why do I feel like I am going to die?

Rebecca laughs as Alex walks to the teachers office and comes out with six 20 pound weights every single one attached to a same rope...I whimper. I have a really bad feeling about this...He walks to us and the chanting and cheering become louder. Soon the heavy rope is wrapped and entangled around my body. I feel the tears sting my eyes as everyone cheers as they finish wrapping the weight on me. "Who is ready for the Dunk!!?" Everyone cheers. I clench my jaw.

I then feel a familiar push as I fall into the water, I sink and I look above me as students cheer at my struggling and drowning. I try to shake off the weights....PLEASE!! I feel myself begin to run out of air, black and white spots crowd my vision. Soon I stop struggling as my vision goes completely black and my body falls limp. Why Me?...


HEY GUYS!!! :D Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter and introduction, sorry to leave you on this cliff hanger I do recognize how much of a dick move it is but, it certainly keeps your attention 😁 I really do hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you stick around through the story 😘 LOVE YOU ALL!!!