The Second First Day Of School

I look in the mirror with a slight frown. Well this is...The new me. I am wearing a white shirt with a snow flake on the front, a black jean jacket with random tears and scrapes, I am for once wearing white skinny jeans (Which I kind of seriously love), white converse shoes with blue stripes around the sole, I have on black beat headphones around my neck, and my black Nike backpack, full of school supplies and junk, is hanging over my shoulder, my phone in its cup holders on the side.

I groan softly, I look cool, I guess? I hear Fiona call out to me, "Winter!" I nearly jump snapping out of my light trance. I laugh nervously and yell, "C-coming!!!" I rush out the door and down the stairs. It doesn't take me long to find Fiona with a smile on her face and her arms crossed. "Good morning Aunty." Fiona shakes her head and tosses me something, I instinctively grab it. I then take a moment to look at what she just threw at me. Keys?

There's a house key and a car key...I look at her confused. "Don't you know how to drive?" I chuckle sarcastically and say, "Well yeah but...My Father wouldn't pay for a driver's license also what the heck?! I don't need a car!" Fiona laugh and grabs my collar pulling me along with her. We get outside and I can't help but notice that they driveway has a lot of expensive cars. "Its that one kiddo, oh and here!" She gives me a few papers. Great, schedule.

1st Period: Theater

2nd Period: Mathmatics

3rd Period: Astrology

4th Period: Gym (Multi)


5th Period: World History

6th Period: Reading

7th Period: Art Scholars

8th Period: Chorus

I look at Fiona wide eyed and exclaimed, "Seriously?! Gym?! Multi none the less, they work and do everything in that class! They are working on boxing this six weeks! And it's before lunch! Couldn't you have kept me in Wood Shop?! I'm gonna get creamed!" Okay FREAKING OUT!!! Fiona laughs in m face, "Whatever'll be fine I promise after all you are a Titan." I groan annoyed, "Can you please stop saying that, you are starting to make me miss being human." Fiona sighs and I look around, Fiona sees my concussion and points to a car. I smile nervously and walk towards it.

Seriously a Lexis!? Don't get me wrong it's an awesome car, it's just Rebecca has one too and the last thing I want is to grab attention, especially from Rebecca. I really don't want to see her right now. I look at its slender yet complex shape and purely black's different than Rebecca's almost new really. But...I look up at the forest, I wonder what the pack and Jackie are up to. Probably worried sick about me, I am usually not gone for this long.

"Winter you have ten minutes before you are late." I freak out as I open the car door and begin to drive off listening to both the cars purr and Fionas laugh. It doesn't take me long to get into town, I can't help but notice everything seems so different. I pass by Mrs. Jesse's shop, she is cleaning the porch with tears in her eyes. I sigh and head straight for school.

Luckily I arrive just in time as I go straight for the office. I burst into what looks like all the office staff praying in a circle. Awkward... "Uh...Hello?" The all pull apart, why is everyone crying? The main principle looks at me. Her grey hair hasn't been combed and her green eyes are watered. She is sooo much shorter than I remember. "Ah yes the um new student! Hello I am Mrs. Kit your new principle. I'm sorry you've come on a really bad day...Please Uh come with me, I'll take you to class." She takes me arm in arm and pulls me along with her.

To my surprise she leads me to Theater without any second thought. How does...? Mrs. Kit knocks on the door and it isn't long before the teacher answers. I love Mrs. Morgan, she is one of the best teachers ever, I normally have her 7th Period, I am honestly curious on wht she is like in the mornings. "Ah yes." She clasp her hands together and I can't help but smile brightly, "The New student." Mrs. Morgan pulls me inside and I look at my classmates with a clenched jaw. Ahh...Rebecca is in this classroom of course.

Everyone instantly stops what they are doing to look at me with wide eyes, they are practically drooling....even Rebecca. I can instantly hear them whisper to each other, "Holy crap!" "Dude I need that." "She is smoking." "Is she new?" I sigh and Mrs. Morgan claps her hands and the whispering stops. "Now darling, why don't you tell us your name, where you are from, your likes and dislikes, and what you plan for your future." Oh crap...I do not remember having to do this last time.

I laugh nervously and say, "My name is Winter Forêt Valkin, I am from out of town, north I think-" Titans are from Titus right, so the sky is technically north, soooo not a lie, heh,... "Um I love doing anything that involves being creative, I don't like people who are cruel to others before getting to know them. I plan to being a writer when I grow up, maybe an architect." Mrs. Morgan chuckles and points to a seat in the front row. "Brilliant darling, why don't you sit next to Holly?" Holly? I look at the girl who is glaring at me.

She has shoulder cut dark brown hair, hazel eyes with tiny speckles of baby blue, light flawless skin, she has a strong facial bone structure, and a really nice body. She is sitting but I can tell that she is about 3 inches shorter than me. She is wearing a light green dress with a golden necklace and bracelets, she is wearing black rain boots and she has a pierced lip and ears. Wow... I turn to Mrs. Morgan and say, "S-sure! Why not?"

Someone is going to throw something at me I know it. I take a seat by her and she looks away from me uninterested as she lays her head down. Mrs. Morgan starts the educational theater video, and I lean into Holly and whisper, "Hi my name is Winter, Holly right, so is that like a nickna-" Holly cuts me off, "I'm gonna stop you there...I am not interested in being friends with someone like you." I tilt my head confused, "Why not?" Holly looks at me in disbelief and says leaning in, "Look behind you."

I look behind my should and the rest of the class brighten up seeing me look at them, some blow kisses and other make more defining signals. I turn away and hold my head, "Oh my god, kill me now..." To my surprise Holly chokes back a laugh. I laugh nervously and say my voice squeaking, "I'm not joking." That only made Holly laugh more.

The rest of the period Holly didn't even bat an eye at me, and I didn't dare look back, but I did end up getting a lot of notes from other students, no one threw anything at me...heh, yay...I answered the questions about my hobbies, habits, and things like that, my favorite animal, color, the only notes I didn't answer were the ones that asked anything that involved dating, my sexuality, if I'm dating anyone, things like that. So much for taking notes on the actual subject -_- .

Next was math, I was a little disappointed that Holly wasn't in there, and I had the same reaction in that class as I did in Theater, same goes for Astrology. Things didn't really change until I got to gym. I walked in just as the bell rang and as I looked around the room I realized there were all the kids that were chanting Dunk when Rebecca tried to kill me, Rebecca grinning seeing me and I noticed Holly in the corner who just groaned.

I smile nervously and the PE teacher Miss Jakeson, spotted me almost instantly and her face lit up. "Uh hi? I'm new, my name is Winter." Miss Jakeson nods grinning, she lifts my chin with her index finger and says, "Oh you will do very well in this class, hurry up and get changed." I swallow and rush inside the lockeroom. Every high school in my town has a single young hot teacher that everyone either has a huge crush on or just simply wants to bang, everyone calls them Master teachers. Miss Jakeson is our schools 'Master' teacher.

She is young, only about 25, but she has had a history in all kinds of sports especially mixed martial arts, she is tall with tan skin, she has a lion tattoo on her face and a falcon or large bird of some sort on her left arm covering the entire arm. Her skin itself is sort of a natural flawless tan with no light spots or dark spots, which probably makes it so desirable. She has long dark hair that is often tied into a tight high ponytail or bun, there are rare times, often in the mornings when she has her hair down, I have only seen her like that once and she actually looks younger than 25 when she has it down. Her eyes are brown with a slight hint of gold. And her wearing short shorts with often loose white t-shirts doesn't really make it any better. Neither does her cocky attitude towards pretty much everyone. She would have been fired by now if it weren't for the fact that her teams win every single game that every teacher loves her.

I quickly change into a hair of black boxing shorts and a black sports bra as everyone else is wearing I rush back into the gym. Everyone instantly notices me, which isn't good since they are running laps, as soon as I come out and they see me there short, a multi collison. I sigh softly, and I couldnt help but notice Holly is the only one that doesn't seem to care and I can't help but stare at her. Nice abs. I jump holding my ears as Miss Jakeson whistles loudly in my ear grabbing my attention.

I look at the crazy woman in disbelief that she just did that. "Get back to laps white fox!" Did she just- I jump again as I begin to run because of her whistle. I run quickly and soon everyone is running as well. It doesn't take me long to realize that I'm not getting tired after twenty minutes of continuest running in the big gym. Soon she whistles again and everyone stops, everyone is out of breath as they pant. I look around with a raised eyebrow Rebecca especially seems out of breath. "Alright time for some timely fashioned MMA, let's see, with our new student we have an equal number of students. Winter? Who do you want to fight?" Everyone looks at me with enticed expressions. Except for Holly who seems to be more interested in drinking out of her water bottle.

"I'll fight you!" I look over to Rebecca with a shocked expression. " Alright! White Fox against Firewill! This should be fun!" Soon I had on white cloth straps wrapped around my fingers and legs and feet. Okay.... Two girls lead me into a part of the school I have never seen before, looks like a boxing gym, but lots and lots of red. I get into a ringed area. Rebecca was on the other side with a wide grin,....ohhhhhhh...I'm screwed. "Ready?!" Miss Jakeson exclaims sitting on a corner with a wide smile. She yells, "Ding ding!"

Rebecca doesn't waste any time coming straight towards me ready to punch. I let my instincts take control as I dodge and kick her side, she falls groaning in pain. I JUST DID THAT! VICTORY!!! I feel like doing a dance. Rebecca gets up and continues to try to land a punch, I dodge effortlessly every time. Then I decide to attack and I somehow easily land every single punch and kick it doesn't take 5 punches before she goes on the ground and taps out. "Winner!" Everyone cheers around me.

I look around the crowd, Holly isn't cheering she just crosses her arms and huffs. Why does this girl freaking hate me?! Why does life have to be so confusing?! I sigh and the rest of gym everyone was either talking to me or Rebecca, Holly seemed to be the only one not doing anything except read. 'Divergent'? That series ended so disappointingly. But nevertheless wasn't bad at all. Wh does she intrigue me so much?

Soon the bell rang and we were sent off the Lunch, I let the people follow me and I hardly say anything as we walked into the cafeteria where people don't seem to notice imminently. I walk to my normal lunch table, then I realize there is a picture of the old me with the words Rest in Peace, but the only thing is that someone thought it would be funny to draw a mustache along with a um...male genital on my picture. Okay ouch. I growl angrily, I can't believe I almost forgot, Diane Whithers is dead.

I freeze in my steps looking at the picture, tears begin to stream down my face...


HEY GUYS!! I will get the next chapter in as soon as possible, however the next chapter will be in Holly's POV (point of veiw) I do hope you all are enjoying the story so far 😁 Have a beautiful day darlings! 😙